Status: Hey guys, if you read this I'm sorry I haven't updated. I promise not to leave the story for a billion weeks like last time. I've just been busy. I promise to update soon.

Vampires, Werewolves, and True Love... Fairytales Don't Exist... Right?


After unpacking the last of my things, I headed downstairs to make breakfast for me and my

dad. This would be our first meal together in ages! When he was working at the MAYO, he

went to work at 4 A.M. and came home around 10:30 or 11:00 P.M.

This breakfast has to be something amazing, like... Pancakes and sausage and hash

browns and eggs and bacon. Of course we would never eat all of that food, but oh well! I

skipped quietly from the end of the staircase to the kitchen. On the counter top was a note

addressed to me. "Please tell me he just went to the store!" I begged.


Went to work early this morning. I stocked the fridge full of food, make whatever you want.

-Love Dad

My heart sank. On second thought, I'm not really that hungry. I crumpled the note and shoved

it in the already almost full garbage can. I walked to the door, grabbed my bag, my keys, my

phone, and headed out the door.

I opened the door and started to climb into my Hummer. "Need a lift?" Asked a cocky voice

from behind me. I jumped and fell off of the Hummer, and on to my butt. "What. Are you

doing here?" I asked angrily, getting on to my feet and wiping off my butt.

"Just stopping by, I was gonna see if you wanted to go to Seattle with me." He shrugged. I

looked at him weirdly. Why would he randomly decide to invite me to go to Seattle with

him? "Well actually, I'm going with my sister Alice, everyone else in my family was busy so

she's dragging me with her to shop. I kinda figured you might enjoy that sorta thing. I mean,

you are a girl." He clarified.

"Sexist much?" I asked, eyebrow cocked. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but

nothing came out so I spoke first. "Sure. I'll come with you." I sighed. He flashed a smile,

walked toward his Hummer and nodded for me to come along. I rolled my eyes and walked

over. "No. I don't need a lift." I said before he asked. He laughed. He has a cute laugh. You'd

expect a douche like him to have this manly 'I'm all that' laugh, but he doesn't. He laughs like

a giant Teddy-bear.


"Alice! I love that dress! You have to buy it!" I gushed about the adorable dress she had tried

on. It was a silky fabric, black colored with a blue peace sign, a pink heart, and a yellow

smiley face on the bottom left corner of the front of the dress. They looked as if they could

have been spray painted on, but better. It was amazing!

Alice, Emmett and I had been in Seattle for about 3 hours now. Alice and I are like best

friends now. Who would have ever thought that someone supposedly related to Emmett

would be as amazing as Alice?

Alice had gotten about 4 bags of clothes already, and I had gotten 3. All of which she

decided Emmett should carry. And that was fine with me. What I had said to him at the time

was: "I'm a GIRL, Emmett, you wouldn’t want me to break a nail would you?". Playing with

the fact that he was being sexist earlier today.

"We should probably head back." Emmett murmured.

"You just want to put down those bags." I huffed.

"Your point?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. We should probably get back. My dad doesn't even know where I'm at." I gave in.

Alice set the dress down and started toward the door. "Alice wait! You have to get this

dress!" I ordered. She smiled.

"Emmett, will you go pay for that, we'll meet you in the car." Alice smiled sweetly.

"But-" I cut him off almost immediately.

"Your the one that wanted to go home." As I turned and walked away I slightly heard Emmett

mumble something under his breath. Alice laughed.


We pulled into my driveway. I tried to pretend that I was truly surprised that my father wasn't

home yet, but it seems that Alice and Emmett see right through me. "Do you wanna come

over to our house?" Alice asked while we all carried my bags into the house. I bit the inside

of my lip trying to make the decision.

Every other place I moved I had never made friends this quickly, I'm not a loner, but I'm not

exactly a social butterfly. This was a little strange to me, besides, I had heard that The

Cullens weren't very friendly. That is most definitely not my impression of them. "Sure, why

not?" I finally decided.

Why should I push them away? They've been really nice, making me not feel like I usually do

when I first move to a new town. They make me feel like I sort of belong. Besides, its

possible that I'll be able to see that cute doctor again! After all, he is their adoptive father.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not crushing on him or anything, I'm not stupid, I know he's married

with kids. Nothing is going to happen. "Well.. Let's go!" Emmett cheered and started toward

the door.

Alice and I followed happily. I hope their family likes me. I hope my dad didn't tell Dr. Cullen

about my past, I can't have my only friends not being allowed to talk to me! We arrived at

their home in like 2 minutes. I thought my home was beautiful, but theirs is... indescribably

beautiful. Not in a 'I'm richer than you so HA!' type of way but... You know?

"Ariel, this is my sister-in-law, Bella Cullen." Alice said introducing me to a beautiful woman

with brunette hair and golden eyes. They all have golden eyes! Bella seemed to be in her

early 20's. "And this is her husband, my brother, Edward." She said motioning to a very

handsome man with curly-ish, brown-blonde hair. "And their daughter Renesmee." She

finished introducing half of the family.

"She is adorable! How old is she?" I asked. She had beautiful brown eyes, long brown curly

hair, just like her mothers, and just-chubby-enough to be cute, pink cheeks.

"I'm 4 years old." Renesmee answered my question. Wow. Bella must've been young when

she had her.

Emmett coughed to get my attention. I looked his way. "This is our mother, Esme." Emmett


"Hello Ariel, its wonderful to meet you!" Esme rushed over and pulled me into a hug. I

smiled. She seemed very nice, gentle, and friendly. I wish I had a mother like that. Hell, i

wish I had a mother at all.

Emmett introduced me to Alice's boyfriend/adoptive brother, Jasper. They are adorable

together! Next came their sister Rosalie and her fiancee. "This is Rosalie, and her fiancee

Vincent." Alice said. "They don't live here with us anymore, they moved out last year, but they

come over occasionally." She informed me. I gave Rosalie a slight smile, but did nothing

more. I got a vibe from her that said 'I'm to good to be in your presence. Back off!'.

Emmett and I walked into the kitchen after about an hour of talking and getting to know each

other. "Don't let Rosalie get to you." He said quietly. I looked at him in slight surprise. So I'm

not the only one who gets that vibe...

"What do you mean?" I asked pretending that I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Just ignore her bitchiness. She's probably pissed that your hanging out with me." He

explained. I raised an eyebrow.

"Why..?" I asked, confused.

"Rose and I used to date... We were even engaged." He sighed. "She and I were really

happy together." He sighed again. I could tell that he really was hurt about her being with

someone else. I personally couldn't tell what someone could see in her, aside from her

stunning beauty.

"What happened?" I asked, hoping i could maybe make him feel better.

"Well, as you may have found out, she isn't the nicest person if she doesn't like you. And she

doesn't really like very many people, so when she was a bitch, we would fight. And let's face

it, she was a bitch pretty much all the time." He began. I nodded. "So eventually we just

couldn't take it anymore. She left to go to Alaska for a few weeks to get away from the drama.

4 weeks later she came back... with Vincent. She told me that we were over, that Vincent

was better for her, that she loved him more. End of story." I was surprised that he wasn't

crying. He really seemed like this hurt him enough to make him cry, but I suppose that he

was just trying to be manly.

'Can you feel this magic in the air, must've been the way you kissed me, fell in love when I

saw you standing there, must've been the way, today was a fairy tale.' Sang Taylor Swift

through my phone. I plucked it out of my pocket, and looked at the Caller ID. Dad.

"Hello? Dad?" I answered.

"Ariel, where are you?" He asked, sounding worried.

"Oh, I'm over at The Cullens! Sorry I came home earlier but you weren't home, so Alice

invited me over." I explained.

"Oh... Well come home right now. I have to tell you something.. The Real reason we moved

to Forks."

"Uh.. Okay. I'll be home in a sec. Bye. Love you." I said, then hung up the phone.

The real reason we moved to Forks? I know why we moved here. I got in a bad crowd, my

dad got an offer from Forks hospital and so on... Right? "Uh, guys I have to go home. My

dads just called and.. yeah." I told everyone.

"Good ridens." Rosalie rolled her eyes.

"Goodbye!" Everyone yelled. I hugged Esme, Alice, Bella, Renesmee, and shook hands with

everyone else except Rosalie and Emmett. Then Emmett and I walked out to his Hummer,

hopped in, and headed to my house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 2!! Thanks for the comment redda! I hope for more comments on this chapter!! Thanks for reading guys! I'll have characters up soon :)