Status: Hey guys, if you read this I'm sorry I haven't updated. I promise not to leave the story for a billion weeks like last time. I've just been busy. I promise to update soon.

Vampires, Werewolves, and True Love... Fairytales Don't Exist... Right?

Finally He Took His Pants Off

We had finished playing ‘I’ve Never’ in a matter of 10 minutes. I swear that boys done like everything! Way to much to only be 19 years old. So of course, I won! Yay me! “Well that was fun.. Maybe we can play a board game now.” I said enthusiastically, hoping he wouldn’t guess that I was simply trying to get out of playing Truth or dare.

“Or we could play Truth or Dare, like we planned.” Emmett stated. I shrugged, pretending that I didn’t care. Which was the opposite of how I felt. I can’t play Truth or Dare with him now that I know that I.. like him. It’s way to scary!

“I mean I guess if you want to, but I think that game is kinda stupid.” I said.

“No you don’t. Your just chicken. Come on. I’ll go easy on you. Promise.” He smirked.

“I am NOT chicken!” I yelled.

“Prove it.”

“Fine. Lets play. You first.”

“Truth or dare?” he asked maliciously, I could already tell I didn't like where this was going to go.

“Truth.” I stated sheepishly. He rolled his eyes at this.

“Pansy!” he accused, yelling mockingly at me.

“Pansy?! I am SO not a pansy!” I yelled somewhat angrily. “Who uses that word anyway?!” I asked laughing.

“I do.” He stated smugly. “And just so you know, you can only pick truth once. Then you have to pick dare.” He informed me. I opened my mouth to protest, but he cut me off. “Are you a virgin?” He blurted.

“What?!” I asked, my jaw dropped.

“Thats your truth. Answer it.” He smirked. I rolled my eyes. I wondered whether or not I should lie to him. What happened to me just isn’t something you tell people you just met. I sighed. Why start out my new life with lies, right?”

“No. I’m not. But..” I stopped myself, not knowing whether or not to continue. I decided not to.

“But?” Emmett asked. I bit my lip.

“I don’t really know if I wanna talk about it.” I whispered.

“Ari..” He said using my new nickname. “Were you.. Did you lose your virginity.. willingly?” Emmett murmured. I lifted my head and looked at him, tears brimming my eyes. I couldn’t bring myself to speak, so I simply shook my head side to side.

Neither of us spoke. I continued crying, and Emmett hugged me as we sat on the couch for about 15 minutes. “I bet your just dying to know the story, right?” I asked.

“Not if you don’t want to tell it. I won’t pressure you.” He said sincerely. And that’s when I decided that I would tell him. He was being really nice and I think were going to be great friends, so he’ll know eventually. Right?

“It’s not that interesting. Me and my ex and some friend were being idiots and got drunk one night. My ex, Jason, had been pressuring me to have sex with him for months, so anyway.. he raped me. We broke up that night, my friend made me tell my dad, we took him to court, and he got off free.” I explained.

“Wow.” He seemed to be speechless, apparently he’s never been in a situation like this.

“Okay. Enough drama! Let’s play the game! Truth or Dare?” I asked.


“Ugh! I am terrible at dares.” I whined.

“Oh come on it’s easy, you just dare the person to do something extremely embarrassing like run around the neighborhood naked or something. I should not have said that..”

“No you shouldn’t have, but you did, so.. I dare you to strip down to your boxers and roll around in the snow.” I smiled. Emmett began to protest. “Unless you wanna use a chicken?” I asked.

“Oh puh-lease. Whatever I’ll make your dreams come true if I have to.” He said taking his shirt off. I rolled my eyes. If only he knew the truth behind that..

“You better shut up before I make you take your boxers off to!” I warned. He instantly closed his mouth. I smirked. “That’s what I thought.”

We walked out into the cold forest. I shivered. I hadn’t thought to grab a jacket. Oh well. I stared at Emmett waiting for him to do his dare. I lifted an eyebrow as if to say ‘What are you waiting for?’.

“Do I really have to do this?” He asked. I nodded. He sighed and slowly began to take off his pants. I pondered whether or not I should look away, but decided that there would be no fun in this dare if I didn’t get to watch. Finally his pants were off, and he plopped down into the snow and started rolling around. “Whooooooooo!” He yelled.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Your such a dork!” I giggled.

“Are you laughing at me?” He asked, rolling towards me. I bit my lip trying to hold back the laughter and shook my head 'no’. But before I knew it, yet again, my feet were no longer safely on the ground.

Instead they were in the air while my butt and back lay planted in the snow. “You did not just do that.” I said.

“And what if I did?” He mocked.

“I’ll kill you!” I said lunging at him.

We rolled around in the snow, I was on top of him for only seconds, then he rolled and we just kept rolling. Eventually we went down some hill, and as we did I saw a little deer. How cute!

As we reached the bottom, and finally stopped, I was on top of him. Our faces were inches from eachother. I smiled. “Truth or Dare?” He blurted.

“Uh, dare.” I said.

“I dare you to kiss me.” He whispered. I was shocked at what he said. My eyes widened, and I leaned in closer to him. Just as our lips were about to touch, I grabbed a handful of snow and shoved it into his face.

“Chicken!” I yelled getting off of him and running up the hill towards the cabin. Why the hell did I just do that?!
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you guys like it! Thanks so much to Emilse284 for commenting! I hope there are more comments for this chapter though.. :)