What I Hate About Me


Jared’s POV
No. No! No!
“Sam!” I yelled getting off the computer. I ran outside. I phased in a jumped and howled.
I was breaking things by the time they got here.
What is wrong Jared? What the hell happened that you’re destroying your backyard? Sam asked.
My mom is dating a fucking vampire. I growled.
I remembered the conversation with my twin.
I heard a couple of gasps.
Jared. Do you want to take one of us and go get your sister? You should probably take more than one of us, to take out the leech. Sam said.
I want her out of that house now! I yelled.
Jared, go with Paul and Jacob. Make sure to kill the leech, so he doesn’t go after your mother. Sam said.
Paul and Jacob stepped up and nodded their head at me.
I growled, my mom is a leech now.
More gasps I am going to kill her too, no one hurts my sister. I don’t care who they are. Especially leeches.
I will explain to your father. Sam said.
Sam! Don’t tell him about her getting hurt. Just say she wanted to come here and our mother is fine with it. I said.
He nodded his head. I turned and started running.
Jared. I’m sorry man. Paul said.
I shook my head from the tears and ran faster.
I took us 3 hours to run from Washington to California.
I reached the house and we shifted to our human forms. We didn’t want it finding out it was us. It wouldn’t believe us.
I knocked on the door with Paul and Jacob behind me.
I heard a cry from the house. Paul held me back from breaking down the door.
I tried to keep myself calm. I can’t break this plan.
Jacob, knowing cars, could pick the lock.
“Hello?” I said plainly, as if I didn’t know what was going on.
Through my wolf hearing, I could hear the leech say, “Make one noise and I will dunk you in boiling water.”
I held a growl.
I heard walking and the leech came into view. He scrunched his nose. He smelt wolves.
“Hello. May I help you?” The leech spoke.
“You must be my mom’s new boyfriend. I’m Jared, her son.” I made a perfect fake smile.
“Oh. Hello, I am Vasilii.” He said.
“I was just talking with my sister. She said she was home. I’m just going to go surprise her.” I smirked.
“She actually just left to go out with some friends.” He said smoothly.
“Really? She told me she didn’t have any plans.” I said.
“It was a last minute thing her friend planed.” He said.
“So is it okay if I wait in her room to surprise her when she gets home?” I said.
“Who are the two behind you?” He asked raising an eyebrow.
“These are my best friends, Paul and Jacob. They were close with Jerica and didn’t leave me alone till I said they could come.” I made an annoyed face. Jacob pointed his tongue at me. Paul smirked.
“You may wait in the living room.” He said, “But may I talk to your friend Paul?”
“Ask him.” I said.
He turned to him.
“No thank you, lee-Mr. Vasilii.” He said. I glared at him.
“Were you about to call me a leech?” The bloodsucker said.
“What the hell is a leech?” Paul asked.
He glared at him.
“Cut the crap, you three know I am a vampire.” He said.
“I can smell the werewolf coming off of your little friend.” The bloodsucker said glaring at Paul.
“You might not want to glare at him, he has anger issues. And, we aren’t in a fairy tale. Vampires and werewolves are childish.” I said simply.
Paul was laughing.
“Jared help!” I heard a scream.
My head snapped to where the voice was from. The blood sucker ran out of our sight. I ran. I kicked down ever door.
I found the leech and Jerica. Jerica was on the bed, naked. She had a hand mark across her cheek, cuts all over her body. I started shaking. I phased.
I was growling at him. His eyes widened.
He though Paul was the only werewolf. He had three in his room. I howled.
In a second, Paul and Jacob where behind me. Jacob froze when he saw Jerica.
I didn’t notice anything. I was ready to kill the leech.
He ran to the living room.
Jacob! Get your head in the game. I know she’s hurt, but I smell another vampire. My mother is probably here. I snapped.
Jared. Your father wants you home soon. I heard Sam’s voice.
Not now Sam. I am about to kill that bloodsucker and my mother. I snapped. I ran to the living room.
“What do you mean my son is here?” I heard my mother’s voice, now like ringing bells.
I stepped in the room.
She screeched in fright.
“What is that?!” She yelled.
“Your son.” The bloodsucker hissed.
I growled. I attacked him, ripping his arm off.
Paul helped me while Jacob was cornering my mother.
I killed the bloodsucker with Paul’s help. I turned to my mother.
Stay in wolf form guys. I said and phased back.
“Hello mother.” I spat in disgust.
“Jared?!” She yelled.
“What?!” I yelled.
“What are you?” She asked.
“You forgot you married a Quileuten?” I asked.
“You are one of the sons of the moon?” She asked shocked.
“I expected better from you. I didn’t expect you to become a bloodsucker.” I spat at her in disgust.
“Oh shut up. That was my choice.” She yelled at me.
“And it was my orders, but the Alpha, to kill the leeches that hurt my sister.” I said.
“You’re going to kill your mother?” She said doubtfully.
“You’re not my mother.” I said and phased. I attacked her and ripped her arm.
Finish her please. I said.
They attacked her and I went to my mother’s room. I got some of the leech’s clothes and put them on.
I walked to Jerica’s room.
“Jared!” She cried.
“Ssh.” I said running up to her and hugging her. I untied her and lifter her up.
She cried herself to sleep in my arms.
I laid her down in her bed and went to mother’s room/. I grabbed Jacob and Paul clothes and went to the living room.
I saw them in their wolf forms.
I gave them their clothes as they changed.
“What do we do now?” Paul asked.
“I think we should just take one of their cars and drive back. She’s going to need a car anyway.” I sighed, running my hand through my hair.
“Do we go now, or in the morning?” Jacob asked.
“Now.” I said, “Just in case the leech doesn’t have any friends.”
He nodded his head.
I went upstairs and checked on her. I looked around the house. I found a locked door. I kicked the door down.
I went in and saw a lot of electronics. I found a big safe with the key on top. I rolled my eyes. I grabbed the key and unlocked it.
My eyes widened. I was guessing they hated banks. It was fully of cash. There was an envelope. I opened it to see Jerica. It was her name and a picture of her.
I went to one of the rooms and saw a luggage.
I carried it back and put the money in. I brought more and put all the laptops, game systems and all of that in another one.
I woke her up and told her we we’re going and we were off.
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New story:) Hope you guys like it. I am working only on this one.