What I Hate About Me


Jerica, please tell me you’re alright. Sam said.
I could tell Edward was listening.
My eyes were locked with Xavier.
“You always felt best of all the girls I’ve had fun with.” He said.
I whimpered at the memory of him raping me.
That set Sam off.
He jumped at him. They were fighting now.
Alice and Jasper were holding me back.
Sam flew back and hit a tree.
“I will be back, Jerica. This isn’t the end. You should know how many people are after you.” He said and ran.
Alice and Jasper let me go and I ran to Sam.
Sam. Are you okay? I asked.
Please tell me, the memory was one of their mind tricks. He said.
I looked back to the Cullens, not able to give him the answer he wanted.
I’m sorry, Sam. I said.
I could feel the hurt and sadness from him. I could feel the sympathy.

I had to go back to the Cullen’s house, so Carlisle will bite me when he is ready.
I fell asleep in Edward’s room, because he had a bed.“Do you really think anyone would ever love you?” Vasilii spat.
Your own brother won’t even come to get you and your mother turned on you.

You are an unloved piece of shit

Your mother was better than you ever will be.

You will never be loved.

No matter how much you think someone loves you, you will find out that it was never real.

“Jerica, don’t listen to him. He was lying.” Sam said trying to hug me.
“No! Let go of me! You’re lying, you don’t love me!” I shouted trying to get out of his hold.
“Jerica, don’t listen to him, he was lying! You know I love you with everything in my body.” He said.
“No! It’s all lies!” I yelled covering my ear.

I shot out of bed.