What I Hate About Me


Dude relax your sister is going to be fine; Carlisle said she should wake up today. Jake said.
I’m ahead of yeah guys. I said.
Jerica! I heard a bunch of shouts.
Gotta go! I said and phased back.
I quickly, vampire style ;), put my clothes on.
“Alright, well. We have to see if you’re safe around humans.” He said.
He called Bella outside.
“Did you need something?” Bella asked, with Edward at her side. No shocker there.
Her scent hit me. It was like a breeze of flowers.
“She smells like a breeze of flowers.” I said.
He nodded his head.
“Um, alright.” I said, “Anything else?”
He shook his head.
“Is it alright if I talk to Sam alone?” I asked.
He nodded his head and they went inside.
“Sam.” I whispered. I knew this was a problem. Vampires weren’t allowed in the reservation.
“I don’t know what to do. I love you so much Jerica.” He said.
“You still love me?” I asked.
“Of course I do. You are my imprint.” He said.
“Sam. Is that all I am?” I asked.
He looked confused.
“Do you love me only because I’m your imprint?” I asked.
“Where is this coming from?” He asked.
“Think about it Sam. Would you have ever loved me if I wasn’t your imprint?” I asked.
“Yes I would. You are perfect Jerica. You make me happy. If the whole world died, but you, I would somehow have that happiness left in me. But if you were the only one to die, I would kill myself. I think about you every day and no matter what you say I know I love you.” He said.
I ran to him and kissed him.
He kissed me back without hesitation. I put my hands in his hair. He put his hands around my waist.
He licked my lower lip, asking for entrance. I opened my mouth and let his tongue come in.
We made out for about 10 minutes and I learned that I didn’t need to breathe as much as a human, but my heart still beat.
I pulled away and took a breath. Sam was breathing hard.
“I love you Sam.” I said.
“I love you Jerica. I’m going to do everything to get you to come back to the reservation.” He said.
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alrightyy thats the end of the maraton for now i will probably post another one to do today's posting.
hopw yeah guys like it!:)