Status: Just getting started :DD

Mibbian Roulette

Axel's Gift

"You. Idiot." Fiona started, stopping in her tracks. Her village had just recently been pillaged. Very cliche and very true. "How could you do that??" She sighed. "We'll have to go get it." She looked behind her and saw flames. "Great. Never mind then."

"A Jewel? You found a Jewel?" A voice suddenly entered. The two looked ahead and saw three people, those three were Axel, Ariella, and Sean. It was Axel that talked. He walked ahead and looked at them both would scared eyes, with hints of anger. "Do you know what Jerry would do if he got hold of it? He could finally have all of the Jewels!"

"What are Jewels?" Ariella asked.

"Gems. They amplify your Gift, and with all nine? You could be God." Sean shook her head and closed her blind eyes. "In Jerry's hands, we'd be enslaved and killed in minutes."

"Who is Jerry?" Ariella inquired.

"Let's just say that he isn't someone you ever want to meet." Confused, Ariella opened her mouth to ask another queston. But Sean had walked away and toward the two siblings. Ariella slowly followed her.

"Who are you?!" Fiona asked defensively.

"Someone." Sean replied. She gazed, well not really, more like placed her eyes on the two. They gasp slightly at her every changing eyes. "Yeah. I know. The eyes. Now tell us, where is the village?Where is your house?"

"Why should we tell you?" Klause replied.

In seconds Axel grabbed Klause by the collar of his shirt. "Cause we'll all be dead if Jerry's henchman gets it. And I don't think you and your big sister can get it by your self." Axels eyes bore into Klauses eyes, as if into his soul. He trembled with fury as Klause shivered with fear. He has quite a temper, Ariella thought, and she noted at the back of her mind in case it had some good use in the future.

"It's in the other way. Our house is painted dark blue." Fiona said loudly. "Let him go."

Axel shoved him to the ground and grabbed the girls hands again. "Let's go." Axel whispered.

"But the place is burning." Ariella pointed out. "We won't get there fast enough."

"Mr. Axel over here can make Portals." Sean informed. "I must say his Gift is pretty useful." Axel smiled smugly. He closed his eyes, and a strange wind came over them. Swirling and twirling around them, until they went through the Portal.
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I reallly enjoyed writing this :). I just might write more soon! So this kinda clears things up, because it was a bit confusing. I hope I can write more soon. :)