Status: Finished :)

Three Little Words


I grabbed my phone off the counter and felt this huge smile work over my face, it stretched my cheeks out. I knew tonight would be the night I would utter those words to her, those three words that could change the meaning of our relationship forever. I threw on my jacket and thanked the photographer for being there, but I had to call it a night I just had to tell Isabella how I truly felt. I pulled my jacket tighter on my body as the wind began to pick and tiny little snow flakes began to fall to the ground, melting the minuet the hit the floor. New York was a great place to do to business and model, but was it such a great place to tell your girlfriend of six months that you love her? The more I thought about it on the walk to the motel, the more I figured why not. It was snowing outside and the sun was just about to set, what a more perfect way for those three words to be brought into the relationship. I slowly reached for my phone and dialed her number, the butterflies began to flutter around in my stomach when she answered with a sweet hello.

"Hey baby." I said eagerly into the phone.

"Hey sweetie, where are you?"

"I'm a couple blocks away, come meet me outside. There's something I wanna' tell you." I said, waiting for her to respond. I was basically running to the motel now, I bet she looked beautiful. I bet the way the sun was setting it was hitting her hazel eyes just right, giving them that tint of green. The way the snow would fall into her long wavy brown hair, and her smile. When she smiled her perfect white teeth at me, and when she stuck her tongue out when she was being playful it all drove me to this moment. The way her nose would wrinkle when she laughed that cute adorable laugh, or the way she whispered my name when I was sleeping to wake me up. All of that gave me the courage to tell her at this moment how I truly felt about her and us.

"Baby you there?" She asked, her sweet and soft voice sounded like music to my ears.

"Yeah I'm sorry honey."

"What is it that you can't tell me over the phone?"

"Please Izzy just come outside." I begged, pushing my way past the bundle of people that stood in my way.

"Alright Jay, I'll see you out there. Bye."

I put my phone back in my pocket before I felt the urge to tell her over the phone. Saying goodbye never hurt this much till now, but I knew it would get better cause I was about to see the love of my life, my forever if she would have me. I pushed past more people and earned myself a couple of rude words thrown my way but I didn't care, I just had to see my Isabella, my girl. I never knew that taking Isabella as my girlfriend would mean finding the one girl who would put up with my crazy lifestyle. Never having enough time to settle down or even think about staying in one place for to like. Isabella loved to travel, she wanted to see the whole world before she reached thirty and I would make sure that would happen. I openly joked about how I would give her the world, the way her eyes would light up sent my heart soaring. I knew now it was my mission to make sure Isabella got whatever her heart desired.

"Jay! Oh I'm so glad you could make it on time, look at how the beautiful the sunset is tonight." She said, running over to me when I came into her view. Her slender body collided into mine as we hugged and laughed. I ran my fingers through her hair and inhaled her vanilla scented shampoo, and cherry blossom perfume. I could feel myself slowly entering nirvana when she placed a gentle kiss on my neck. "I missed you so much baby, never leave me alone again." She whispered in my ear.

"I was only gone for a couple hours Izzy." I whispered back to her, holding her even tighter. Now would be the perfect time to tell her.

"Never leave me alone again?" She asked, looking me in the eyes. Her hazel slowly glazed over with tears as her cheeks turned a bright shade of red.

A tear slowly rolled down her face as I caught it with my thumb, I whispered those three words. "I love you."

"What?" She asked, shocked written all over her face.

"I love you Isabella. I'll scream it on the rooftops, I'll announce it to the whole world because baby I mean it with my whole heart." I cupped her cheek with my hand and smiled as she leaned into and placed her hand against mine. I stared into her hazel eyes and smiled even wider when the sun softly shined against her eyes and gave her that green tint. "I love you so much Izzy." I whispered softly.

"I love you too Jay. I'm so deep in love with you Jay."

She placed the softest kiss on my cheek as she hugged me tighter than ever and slowly laced our fingers together. The sun slowly began to go down and soon the street lights came on, and her smile got even bigger. I threw my arm over her shoulder as we slowly began to walk down the street, she was as close as she could get to me. I pecked her forehead as we kept walking further down into the city. A comfortable silence surrounded us as we continued our leisure walk through the city, we were headed nowhere but I had the love of my life in my arms so I really didn't care. "What a perfect way to say our first I love yous." She sighed with love in her voice.

"What a perfect end to a perfect day." I said, smiling down at her. I kissed her soft lips as she kissed me back, our lips lingered on each others as we stared into each others eyes.

"Your so beautiful Isabella, I'm so grateful your mine." I said, placing yet another kiss on her lips.

"Be my forever Jay? Be my dream come true baby."

"I'll be your forever and always Izzy." I kissed her cheek and picked her up in my arms. She giggled loudly as I spun us around and around in circles. Her brown hair flew out from underneath her as she titled her head back and laughed more. Her eyes closed as the widest smile took over her face as I slowly slowed down and held her in my arms and stared down at her. Nothing could ruin this moment, nothing could bring us down. We owe our first I love yous to New York, the perfect city to tell the girl of your dreams you love them.
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What do you think? It's honestly not my best work, but I tried. Hope you like it. Comments?