Status: accepting authors

Painted Scenes

February 09

Well, there wasn't really anything special about this month.
It was yet another one of those months with nothing significant about it. Very few celebrations, only the both loved, and hated day of love. Then there was the holiday of school-break waiting towards the end, after rows of bitter cold weekdays in which people would trail around their place work, waiting for it all to be over.

The day I was born was about as special as this month; yes there were the good things about it, like the celebration and happiness that came at the end of it, but really you could compare it to many of the births of other people, and it would seem a boring day, with no funny stories that we would laugh at years later, or little details that you would simply refuse to tell me for years and years on end; I was just born, like any other person, with nothing extra to say about.

But then, you can see a happy side, despite the fact that it may not have been an exciting event where my family's car broke down miles from nowhere, as you see on television or in the movies.
While children, teenagers and adults alike were sitting down at the table, making scarce eye-contact, or searching frantically for the uniform they had had washed on the previous weekend, I was there, on that drab gray Monday morning, giving people something to smile about, even behind the rain that was hammering on the earth.


Then my birthdays were ordinary. I would go to school if it were on that day that trail through the day with the smug satisfaction that it was my birthday – just mine.
Like all I said before, there were no extra surprises; everything was planned out. I'd receive my presents in the morning, then go through the rest of the day, then on that day, or a few days later I would attend my own, completely planned birthday party, even though I had always wanted a surprise party. I would tell my little self, 'It would be really scary! They would ignore you all day, then when the time came, you would walk into a dark room, where they'd all jump out like monsters and frighten you!'

And well, it's been like that ever since - nothing extra, nothing new, just an ordinary and simple day, where only those close would care and really matter -

- And that's the way I like it.
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I hope that I've done this alright and I hope you like this :)