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Painted Scenes

January 28

When I was younger, around nine or ten, I wanted more than anything to have a summer birthday. My older brother’s birthday was in June, and we had a pool back then, so he would always have these really fun pool parties or barbeques, and I could never have that. I remember actually telling my mom that I was changing my birthday so that I could have a pool party. I think I settled on the same date, just in June or July instead of January.

As ridiculous as it seems now, some of those feelings towards my winter birthday still remain floating around in the back of my head. Even though we don’t have the pool anymore, I still want my pool party.

Winter in South Carolina isn’t harsh. It never gets that cold (some idiots actually wear their Rainbow flip flops all year round), but it manages to get just cold enough that you need to wear a heavy jacket. Some mornings you can even see your breath, but it rarely snows. In South Carolina, if there’s even the smallest chance of snow, everyone rushes to the grocery store and buys up all the milk and bread they can carry in preparation.

I never really understood why it was milk and bread. If there’s a power outage, wouldn’t the milk just sour?

Winter has always been my least favorite season. Despite my January birthday, I’m a summer girl at heart. I can’t stand the cold and the dreariness of the season, the way the sky’s always a dull shade of gray. I hate how I have to spend forever letting my car defrost and scrapping the ice off my windshield.

Even though winter’s not my favorite time of the year, having a winter birthday isn’t the worst fate. My birthday’s on the twenty-eight, and my best friend happens to have been born on the twenty-ninth, so we always do something together for our birthdays. Because we were born only a few hours apart in the same hospital, we like to joke around that we knew each other back then.

Who knows? Maybe we did.