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Painted Scenes

June 5th

The Summer, not my most enjoyable season, but then again, I don't really like any of the other seasons either. The weather isn't something I like. I tend to stay away from the outdoors, because at least inside it doesn't rain and the sun can't get me.

I remember one time, it was a few days before my birthday, I can't remember how old I was turning, possibly either six or seven, and my dad told me that I could see my mum for it. I was beyond happy, God knows how long it had been since I had seen her. I remember having to chose only one of my siblings to take with me, I didn't know who to pick. We all wanted to see our mum, so I chose my sister.

She got ill so she couldn't come, I remember. So I took my brother. We were both really excited and we got dressed up. He wore a suit and I wore my dress that I was given a few years before when it was The Queen's Golden Jubilee in 2002 and my school had a celebration party for it. It was a Cinderella blue dress, and I loved it.

We were both ecstatic as our dad drove us there, I remember that he couldn't be there with us, he had to be with the others. But there was a social worker in there with us, she had to supervise the meeting. I thought she was nice, she was really nice to us, but I guess they have to be kid friendly.

I remember we both ran and hugged our mum, we were so happy. And then we had another surprise. Our older sister was there, we hadn't seen her in ages either. It felt like the best day ever, we were seeing both our mum and sister for the first time in ages.

They had brought presents when I didn't need any, being able to see them were presents enough. I can't remember what my mum brought me, but I can dimly remember my sister getting me this doll, I can't remember what brand it was, but I loved it.

We spent the whole day together, and I loved it.

The only thing I remember I didn't like was the going home part. Because I didn't know the next time I would see either one of them. When it was time to say goodbye though, our dad was already there and so were my other sister and brother. They got to see our mum and sister, and hug them.

That memory is one that I cling to, because that was before I was old enough to understand why we couldn't see them often, and why when we did, a social worker had be in the room with us.

It was good being a kid, because I didn't have to know about everything bad that was happening. But at the same time, I kinda wish I was old enough to have known back then, because my sister and brothers would have been older too, and we could have possibly stopped everything that had happened after, because we would have been older and understood more of what was going on.

But in their eyes, we were too young to give any our thoughts on what was happening, even though it was meant to be happening to us.

I think the only reason I remember that memory was because I loved that day, my memory is bad now. I can barely remember what happened a day ago and yet that happened all them years ago.

I guess it was a good thing to hide all the bad things.