Status: Slowly working on it. Rewriting it & will post it sometime soon? This or next month. Idk yet.

I Found Myself So Far Down

Meeting the neighbors

I walk home from school, because my parents forgot to pick me up, like they said they will. You see, I just moved here to San Francisco a few weeks, almost a month ago. And they, my parents, have been arguing. I walk down my street and up the stairs to my house and sit outside. I can hear them arguing, but no one else can. I have good hearing, and I can feel it radiating off the house.
I stay out and do my homework out here till I had to put it away, and I set it on the porch. I sigh and look at the moon. “So big and beautiful. I wonder… do you have problems too?” I ask the moon from the spot I was sitting at. I close my eyes and breathe. The calming breath felt like it took me to some other place.
Someplace, where everything will be alright. A place where I don’t have to be afraid. I open my eyes and see a cat out of the corner of my eyes. I sit up and it comes to me. “Hey, lil kitty. Where’s your owner?” I asked the cat. It meows and a woman, about her mid to late twenties comes up from my neighbor’s house. “Hey, you found my cat.” She said and came over to me. “Ya, here ya go.” I say and hand the cat to her.
“Why are you out here?” She asked me. “Uh, my parents were fighting, so I stayed out here. They still aren’t finished. And still haven’t figured out I haven’t been ‘picked up’ from school.” I tell her using air quotes. “How do you know they aren’t finished?” She asked me curiously. “The auras, that’s coming from the house. I can feel the hate they give off. It’s coming through the walls. The frustration, pain, hurt…he is telling her that he wants to give up.” I say and look at her.
“How do you know that?” She asked me again. “Is this twenty questions? You have a strong feeling of panic. Confusion.” I say and she laughs lightly, trying not to be suspicious. “Well, I have to go. If you need anything, you just come on over. My names Phoebe, by the way.” She says smiling. “Thank you, Phoebe.” I say and go inside, finally.
I felt her worry through the door and I go to the kitchen. I get something to eat, go bathe, and get to bed. I stair at the ceiling for a couple of hours till I felt the house calm, telling me they finally fell asleep. I close my eyes and sigh, hastily falling asleep.
Waking up to frustration, and murderous hate, I get up and dressed. Maybe go somewhere new. Well, new to me, anyways. I grab my wallet, phone, and keys, and left the house. I walk and grab the paper, going to read it out here in the sunlight. I open it and look at…it. What the crap kind of place did my parents take me! There is so many bad things in this area of choice.
I fold the paper and put it on the porch and go down to the end of my driveway. I get to the sidewalk and start walking in a direction where I think I can get a bite to eat. I walk past the Halliwells, my neighbors, and I hear a car honk behind me. I jump and spin around to see a green jeep like station wagon…I don’t know. I’m not good with cars. But Phoebe was in the car with a woman with orange colored hair, and a man, about twenty-two, with brown hair and a frown on his face.
“Hey!” Phoebe said waving and then parking the car so she can speak with me. She got out with the other two people and came to me. “Where are you going?” She said and, again, I felt that worry. “To find a bite to eat. You don’t need to be so worried.” I tell her smiling. “Well, I know a great place. I’ll take you; we just had to drop something off to my other sister, Piper, before I went anywhere.” She said and she tried to calm her fear of something away.
“Uh, no thank you. I’ll be fine. I was going to walk around after anyways. I’ve been here almost a month, so I think I could find a place to eat.” I say trying to make her feel better. I felt her try to sort it out and it made her frustrated. But she finally stopped and a strong emotion from someone hit me like bricks, a terrible sadness that, seriously, brought tears to my eyes.
“Are you alright? What’s wrong?” I heard Phoebe ask. “Nothing. I…it’s just. This horrible sadness. I don’t know why, but it hit me like a building.” I say and wipe my eyes. “I’m going to check on Piper, I’ll be back, Chris, stay here with her. Phoebe comes with me.” I hear the pale, orange head woman say and they rush in to check on their sister. “Uh, my names Chris.” He said uncomfortable. “I’m sorry; my name is Celeste. Sorry for making you uncomfortable.” I tell him lightly, but loud enough for him to hear me.
“I’m not uncomfortable.” He says. I laugh at him lightly. “Yes, you are. I can feel it. It’s because you don’t know me. And that I was crying a while ago. Correct?” I ask him and a feeling came from my house. Another person, when I know no one entered. “Uh, yea. I guess. Hey, where are you going?” He asked and followed me to my home. I open the door and my mom comes to me.
“Dear, we need to tell you something. I think it’s about time you knew…who the hell are you? Leave us.” She asks Chris, and I felt evil come off her. “No. He’s staying. Whatever you need to tell me, you can say in front of him.” I tell her, not liking this feeling. “Fine; you’re adopted. Your real father did it to protect you, and then he died. So, your’ Uncles friends are on their way with him to come and get you…” She said and the evil was gone for now.
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I have a few other pages to this story, but then I'll need ideas soon. Enjoy! :D