Status: Working on it! COMMENT WHILE WE WORK!

House Full Of Roses


Sarah Johnson dated Brian Elwin Haner Jr. in high school. They were madly in love, but when Sarah got pregnant with her now 16 year old daughter named Kelsey Lynn Haner Johnson, Brian left her with no money or security. She is forced to live day in and day out with little money; her inheritance is all that is keeping a roof over her head. She meets Brian once again on what seemed like a normal day in the bar that is now her workplace. Will the old flame flare to life, or will it not even spark? Will he accept his daughter into his life? Will she accept him? READ MORE TO FIND OUT

Disclaimer: We do not own Avenged Sevenfold or anything famous that might pop into this story. If we owned Synyster Gates we would do ungodly things to that man. All that we own is their characters, i.e how they talk/act :P

Title Credit: The first line in "Victim" By Avenged Sevenfold.

Warning: There maybe some pretty heated things later on in this story, so read at your own risk!

Thanks! Kelszillagatesa7x13 and SynWithAGrinnn