‹ Prequel: Secrets of Tanya Light
Status: Active... updates every now and then

Secrets of Tanya Light 2


*~Johnathans' P.O.V.~*
Why wasn't she waking? Ugh- I'm sounding like a pup.
I carried her out of the woods and opened the door then set her down on her bed; in her room.
Thankfully, her parents were no where in sight. Her father would've shot me with his gun, like no joke.
Should I get help? Who would I go to? What if it's just a wolf thing? Maybe I should get Jason...?
'Dude, you okay?' Jasons thoughts entered my mind.
'Y- Yes... well, I don't know. Could you please come to Tanya's house?' I replied.
'Why?' Jason growled.
'Just do it!' I told him.

Jason came into Tanya's room, shortly after that. "You look worried. What's up?"
"Tanya won't wake. She passed out in the woods..." I replied.
"Eh- she'll wake up eventually." Jason shrugged and walked out of Tanya's room.
I followed him. "Don't you even care?!"
Then we heard coughing, and we (meaning I, Jason didn't even care!) rushed back into Tanya's room.
She had sat up and was leaning against the wall.
"Tanya..." I gaped and sat awkwardly beside her, practically on the edge of the bed; and held her in my arms.
Jason just stood there leaning against the wall with his arms folded; in front of Tanya's bed.
"Tanya, er- you passed out in the forest... uh... do you remember anything?"
She faced me and blinked, then smiled a really small smiled. "You killed me, and I was reborn..."
I smiled back at her and hugged her. "Okay, Jason's going to see what's wrong with you."
"I did not agree to that." Jason said, matter-of-fact like.
I looked at him in shock. "Jason... Please."
"No. I think it was just dehydration or something." Jason replied. "I'm not going to waste my power on HER."
I frowned. "Jason I- You don't waste your power by helping someone!"
"Fine. Just to make sure, I'll check." Jason growled and walked over to the bed. He extended his hand out and grabbed Tanya's wrist, applying a little pressure on the vain.
"What are you-"
"SH!" Jason snapped, at her.
She looked at me and I sighed. "He's reading your vain.... He um- communicates with white blood cells... they um- speak to him."
Tanya tried to hide a laugh but failed.
"Stop making fun of my damn power Tanya!" Jason fumed, pressing harder on her vain.
"Ow! Hey it was Johnathan who said it!"
"Shh!" Jason snapped. "I can hear you talking through your vain!"
"Shit... Tanya try to change into your wolf form." Jason said.
What was going on?... "Jason?"
"I was talking to Tanya. Not you, Johnathan." He growled.
"Why do I need to-?" Tanya began, but Jason interrupted.
"Just do it!" Jason snarled, almost changing into his wolf form out of anger.
Tanya closed her eyes then after a few moments she opened them. "I- I can't!"
I looked, worriedly, at Jason. "What did they tell you?"
They meaning the white blood cells. It was a very weird and rare power... and useful. I'm surprised Jason didn't want to be a doctor.
"They told me there was a brief illness. It lasted for about only a moment. Half of the white blood cells died, and the illness had spread throughout the entire body. But then, it was gone. As quickly as it had come. The white blood cells had increased back to normal count. Normal HUMAN count, not a shared organisms count..."
"No..." I whispered. "No... Jason- please tell me they will repopulate!"
Jason sighed. "It- may take a while."
"How long is a while?" I asked.
"It may be months. Maybe even years, Johnathan." Jason told me.

*~Tanya's P.O.V.~*
Okay, so I'm not a wolf anymore? What's the big deal? I'm still the same person! Just not as cool... "John, it's fine. I'll... just keep trying to change into a wolf until I do."
I saw him do a weak smile. "I know you will, Tanya."
"Ah shit!" Jason gasped, and held onto his side. "Ahh..."
Johnathan stood up. "Jason?"
Jason was holding his side with his right hand; inside his black Volcom jacket. He, then, backed up against the wall and slid down it. He tilted his head back and rested it on the wall.
Jason began to take his jacket off. On his left side of his torso was blood; leaking through his white shirt.

Johnathan ran over to Jason and knelt down by him, with wide eyes. Jason was pale white, and began to cough. "Jason! What happened-?"
"Y- you were right, Johnathan. Those people... who can view us as who we really are... they've found us..." Jason gasped.
I got off my bed and walked over by Johnathan, then knelt down by Jason. "They shot you?"
Jason nodded. "Yeah..."
"Jason! We must get you to a hospital!" Johnathan said, standing up.
"'Can't." Jason breathed, looking tired, with his eye lids half closed.
"What do you mean by 'can't'?" I whispered.
Jason's breath was becoming uneven. "They told me they're trying... but the bullets poisons are too much..."
"You were fine a minute ago..." John said, quietly, and knelt down again, by Jason.
"John, take me to the woods. I'd like to die there." Jason whispered.
Tears flooded my eyes; as well as Johnathan's.
"You're not going to die!" Johnathan growled. "We'll find help-"
"There isn't time Johnathan..." Jason reminded him.
I frowned, and Johnathan sighed; with tears streaming down his face.
♠ ♠ ♠
*~Comment and Enjoy~* :D
Lol my Dog is scared of my guinea pig O.o and he's a golden retriever. There is something wrong with that. haha Julia and I were trying to make them friends. -.- It didn't work; Tucker backed up into a wall when we shoved the guinea pig in his face and said "Look Tucker! She's your friend!!!" haha Oh well :P

Oh no! Not Jason!!!!! Ahhhhh! O.o