‹ Prequel: Secrets of Tanya Light
Status: Active... updates every now and then

Secrets of Tanya Light 2


"We're finding help anyway, Jason." Johnathan sighed and looked at me. "Tanya go start your car."
I didn't ask any questions, as I stood up and rushed toward the door.

'Tanya, please don't start the car. I'm dying, I can feel it. It's too late for me...'

I sighed and hurried to my Red Jaguar, like I was suppose to. I could at least try to save him. There's no harm in trying.

*~Jason's P.O.V.~*
I was going to die. No doubt about it. It's part of life. Johnathan was freaking out, for I was his only sane family member. You see, Amy was going nuts. All she ever talked about was control over the gang, threatening every ones lives and such. She also wanted Tanya dead. She hated her. But... Tanya is her brothers soul-mate. Doesn't anyone understand soul-mates anymore?
I was coughing now, my vision being blurred, and was beginning to fade. Then, I jerked my eyes open. No way am I dying in Tanya's room! Hell no! I want to die in those woods!
"Jason." A voice was calling to me. It was a females voice. A voice that wasn't Tanya's. Or Amys. Or any chicks voice, that I knew.

I blinked and saw Johnathan- he was shaking me, and was yelling at me by the looks of it. I couldn't hear him for some reason. I also noticed Tanya beside him, speaking to me, although I couldn't hear her; I knew her words must have been calming. They both looked terrified, and sad.
"Jason. Come back to me." That voice... who did it belong to? I couldn't put a face with the picture.
'How?' I answered the voice, though my mind.
"Let go, Jason. Let go..." The voice replied, softly.
I finally closed my eyes. Instead of seeing darkness, I saw a girl. She had long dark brown hair, and lightly tanned skin. She was sitting beside me, under a tree. I looked around us to find we were in a meadow, with clear blue Sky's and not a cloud in sight.
"Jason." The girl said with a smile. "You've finally come back to me." Then he face fell. "But... you don't seem to remember me..."
I turned my head and looked at her, putting my arms around my soul-mate. "No, May. I remember you."

*~Tanya's P.O.V.~*

He was gone. There were no signs of life...
Johnathan sighed, and put his face in his hands.
"No..." He whispered, to himself.
I couldn't believe this happened...
'Tanya, keep Johnathan in line for me while I'm gone, alright?' I heard Jason's voice in my head.
I smiled as a tear rolled down my cheek. 'I will, Jason...'

*~Johnathan's P.O.V.~*
Oh thank God he answered!
'Jason are you... are you gone?'
There was a pause before Jason replied. 'I'll be reborn Johnathan. I... found May again.'

Of course. How could I forget May? She was Jason's soul-mate. His everything, like Tanya is mine. May got murdered by Amy, and told Jason he should be ashamed he ever fell in love with a human. Jason was devastated and started to follow Amy around like a lost puppy, but he remained physically strong.

'I'm glad. I'll try to find you when you're reborn.'
'No! Johnathan. I... um... I don't want Amy to find me.'
'If you wish brother, I shall miss you.'
'I shall miss you too.'
His words echoed in my head then fell silent. He had been reborn.

*~Amy's P.O.V.~*
I woke up to the smell after rain. I snuggled closer to the man next to me, in bed. I breathed in his scent. The scent I had woken to. "Mm, James."
He moved a bit, as he snaked his arm around my waist, only to pull me closer to him.
"Good morning, Amy." He whispered with a smile.
We had ran off to some hotel to spend some time together, and to forget the rest of the gang. James was my soul-mate, and I love him. I remember when my brother first found his... human... soul-mate. He'd caught her cheating on him one night. Out of anger, he'd killed her. it was an accident of course, but I had witnessed it. Jason asked me for advice, so I told him I would take the blame for killing her, but he'd have to remain loyal to me. Meaning; no secrets, no sneaking out and such. it got very annoying after a while, when he started following me around. Anyway, that was years ago. I felt bad for his soul-mate though, and him. But I care not, however, for Johnathan's soul-mate who ISN'T human. She's drawing him away from me, and away from gang life. If she could just JOIN the gang, that would be great! Johnathan would be happy for I'd stop threatening Tanya. Tanya would be happy for I'd stop threatening her friends and family and no one would be killed! I wouldn't make her kill anyone of course, not that she could. She'd just train the newbies with Johnathan- if he wanted.
"James?" I whispered.
I sighed and looked into his blue eyes. "Do you think I did the right thing?"
"About what?" James asked, softly.
"About... attacking Tanya's friends and family... and- killing her ex-boyfriend?" It was hard for me to choke out, for I already knew the answer. No, it wasn't right. It was a horrible thing to do.
"I... I don't know." I knew he was lying, too. He just didn't want to hurt my feelings. Typical James.
When I didn't say anything he finally went on. "I'm sure Tanya will forgive you. She's the type that would forgive anyone."
I gaped at him, and sat up. He followed my movements. "No! James- I killed her ex! And... she still loved him! I threatened her family! Everyone whose close to her..."
My voice faded and I shook my head. "Who would forgive me after that?"
Tears formed in my eyes and I looked up at the ceiling, hoping they wouldn't fall down my face. But they did, anyway. James embraced me in a hug, then he whispered into my hear, "I would. Because I love you, and I know you. She doesn't. Forget her."
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go, sorry for the late (VERY LATER) update. There's a LOT going on, and just being a freshman in High school- homework piles up :) Sorry, I will try to be better on updates. I even have a speech that's due in two days and I don't even have the PowerPoint done for it. O.o ahh.