‹ Prequel: Secrets of Tanya Light
Status: Active... updates every now and then

Secrets of Tanya Light 2


*~Tanya's P.O.V.~*
After burying Jason in the woods, Johnathan left to tell Amy about Jason's death. I felt bad. That shouldn't have happened. But, I also felt like it was the best thing for Jason. He was in pain, and there was nothing we could do about it. I missed him, though. He seemed like the quiet type... I wish I had gotten to be friends with him.
I sighed and sat on the couch. I couldn't bring myself to go into my room... I just couldn't do it.
"Tanya, are you okay?" I heard Johnathan ask, coming though the front door.
I nodded, and it was hard to find my voice. "I'm fine. Um... why did he want to die? He seemed like he just really wanted to die..."
He sat down next to me, and I glanced at him. He was staring at the floor, and I was beginning to wonder if that was the wrong question to ask. I immediately regretted it. "Well, Jason was just happy that he found May again. She was er- is his soul-mate."

"Are you and I soul-mates?" I asked.
He nodded. "Yes, but if you die, you'll come back. May won't. She's human. She's gone forever."
I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Tanya..." His voice was filled with sadness and I frowned.
"Yeah?" I answered.
"I... I have to leave you... for a couple of weeks. Amy told me to recruit more gang members, since our numbers are so low."
I looked up at him, totally panicked. "Well, wait a sec- your brother just died! So Amy's just going to keep things the way they were? It doesn't... bother her?"
He was silent for a few moments, then finally answered me. "Amy grieves in her own way. She usually keeps her emotions to herself and James. Her soul-mate. But... while I'm gone, I want you to keep this," He handed me a pocket knife, that had a wooden handle. "It's really your only defense now, but your father should have a spare gun somewhere in this house. Bring the knife with you- everywhere. School, work..."
I took the knife and blinked. "I could get expelled from school if I brought this."
He sighed. "Just bring it. No one will know you have it... just don't take it out and show it off to your friends."
He did a smile towards me, then leaned in and kissed me.


It's been five months... He's not back yet. At school- it's been hell. Everyone stares at me. Tucker's like my only friend- at school. Aside from Ally, and James. James randomly became friends with me after Johnathan left. He told me he'd protect me if anything happened. That was like... two months ago though. I've been so lonely, and bored, that I've spilled everything to Tucker. About Jason... Amy... everything. He was getting a bit annoying from the obvious questions he'd ask. Classes were seeming to get longer and longer. I began to get bored with them, and often day-dreamed. I noticed my power was fading only a little. It took a lot out of me when I used it, though. I would pass out, usually. That caused a lot of commotion; especially at school. Randomly passing out- ha, yep- that's me.
I keep wondering if Johnathan left me for good. Like... if you think about it... it makes sense. I have no awesome power that I can actually stand- without passing out- and my wolf form no longer exists... I'm no better than a human.

Tucker and I were walking over to my house after school, when I saw a wolf; running strait toward us. I quickly got out my pocket knife, ready for its attack. I still cannot believe Johnathan left me with a pocket knife. It's SO lame! Even for- Humans.
I flinched when the wolf stopped in front of us and spoke. "Tanya! Please come with me, quickly- and for God's sake, put that knife away before you hurt yourself."
I sighed in relief. "James. What do you need?"
Tucker stepped forward. "Don't tell her what do to!"
James glanced at Tucker and growled, a low growl. "Silence, Human!" He then, looked back at me. "It's Amy. She's threatening to kill herself. Please, come."
I glanced at Tucker and he looked at me. "I'll be back- um... wait at my house."

I ran along side James as fast as I could. James knew about my wolf form... that it no longer existed. I was soon out of breath; only being human. "W-where's Amy?"
"The last I saw her... she was holding a knife in her hand."
I stopped and gaped at him. "Then- why do you need me?! I'm slowing you down!"
He turned and changed into his human form. "The reason I came and got you... I just, can't do this alone. I don't have any friends in this gang. Everyone's too afraid of me. But... not you."

*~Johnathan's P.O.V.~*
I was waiting for a taxi to arrive, at the airport. It had been four or five months since I last saw or talked with Tanya. I missed her. I wanted to hold her in my arms again... but it would be hard. I'd murdered five people in the last two weeks. Two men, two teenage boys, and a woman.
I'd been walking about my business when the two teenagers bumped into me; and wanted to fight. I had backed them into an alleyway and killed them both, with my fangs and claws.
The two men had been drunk coming out of a bar, and had started swearing at me and had tried throwing punches at me. I'd killed them, right then and there, not caring who saw it. I had erased their memories; all who saw it.
Now, the woman... She was beautiful, blond hair... rich blue eyes. We'd met at a party. She was a prostitute. I found out, when she wanted to sleep with me, and in return I'd give her money. Eh, I slept with her, planning to kill her, after wards. And I did. I had stabbed her in the back, not even regretting it. I wasn't going to tell Tanya about any of this.

*~James' P.O.V.~*
We'd been to late to save Amy. She had taken her own life; a knife at heart. She was gone... In a way, I knew this would happen, regardless if I stayed with her or not. I'd gotten Tanya, so I wouldn't have to be alone when she died.
I sat down by a huge oak tree, regretting that I'd left Amy. I'd told her to not do anything, while I went to get something. I felt horrible. I should have stayed...
I heard Tanya sit down next to me.
I sighed. "She's gone."
"It's going to be okay." She soothed. "If she wanted to die this bad, then... there's nothing you or anyone could have done."
I nodded. "Yes but... I don't know why she did it... She seemed sad, some days, but she- usually snapped out of it..."
"I'm sorry." Tanya said, quietly.
"You did nothing worth saying sorry. Thanks for being here, with me, Tanya." I looked at her, accidentally kissing her. Um, yeah, I had some feelings for her... but I don't think this was the time to show it. The weird thing was, she didn't pull away. Neither of us did. I was actually greatly enjoying it.

"What the fuck!" A voice broke the kiss between us.
I looked up to see Johnathan, standing before us looking angry as hell could get- and hurt...
I glanced at Tanya, who looked very confused and betrayed.
Shit... this is all my fault, Goddess!
"John, I swear- I didn't-"
"What the hell! Johnathan shouted, aimlessly, them looked at Tanya. "You... you- kissed him?"
Tanya shook her head. "No-"
I stood up, quickly. "She didn't do anything. I kissed her. I really didn't mean to-"
Johnathan made his hand into a fist and punched me, repeatedly. Gang beating... this is what it felt like.
He knocked the air out of me when he pushed me against the tree. I gasped. That's going to hurt tomorrow... if there IS a tomorrow for me. Johnathan had that look like he was determined to kill. The look he had when he always killed someone...
"John!" Tanya shouted. "God- John, stop it!"
Johnathan looked at her, while I leaned up against the tree for support. "We're done, Tanya."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my... That would really, really suck if you were in that situation. O.o
Hmmm what's gonna happen next?