‹ Prequel: Secrets of Tanya Light
Status: Active... updates every now and then

Secrets of Tanya Light 2


*~Tanya's P.O.V.~*
Johnathan walked away without another word. James sighed, and started to limp away. He changed into his wolf form, and ran off.
I was still sitting down. I couldn't believe I just lost Johnathan that quickly.
I was crying, for hours. It began to get dark, and because I didn't act soon enough, and get out of the woods, I was stuck there. It was so cold- like, 9°. I was shivering, and hugged my legs to my chest. I remembered I couldn't change into my wolf form.
I finally stood up. I had to get out of here. Traveling with no sense of direction sucks. I could be traveling deeper into the woods, instead of heading out of it.
I tripped over a root, that was next to a tree. I started cussing like a sailor. "Damn it! Stupid fucking tree!"
I got up and brushed the dirt off me and continued to keep walking.

*~Johnathan's P.O.V.~*
I walked down an alleyway and sighed, swearing out loud. "Shit."
I kicked a trash can over, and ran a hand through my hair. I had just thrown away my soul-mate. I knew she wouldn't openly take me back so soon. What she did wasn't even as bad as what I had done. I'd slept with another girl and had murdered her.

"Hey John!" A female voice sang.
I turned around to find Jessica. She wore a low cut, dark red, dress, that showed some cleavage.
"Jess, What are you doing here?" I asked, backing away from her, as she stepped forward.
"I just want to be with you." She told me, and cornered me against a wall of the alleyway.
She trailed her fingertips down my chest, then lifted up my shirt and ran her fingers up and down my six pack. I almost stopped breathing.
She pressed her lips against mine, but I pulled away. "No, Jess."
Jessica smirked, and did a soft chuckle. "Come on, J," She got close to my face, and brushed my hair back with her hand. "Please?"
I was like under a seducive trance, and sighed.

I grabbed the pocket knife that was in my back pocket, with my freed hand. My other hand was holding onto her waist.
I slowly raised my hand with the pocket knife to her back, while she kissed me. Her tongue slid into my mouth and I moaned; feeling her tongue against my own.
That's when I stabbed the knife into her back. She stopped kissing me, as blood dripped from her mouth. I had plunged the knife into her lungs, directly, and was suffocating her. The blood was filling her two fatal organs.
I took the knife out of her and wiped it on her dress.
"J... John..." She gasped and fell to her knees, coughing. "H-help... m-me!"
I bent down by her and looked her in the eyes. "I told you no the first time."
I stood back up and walked out of the alley. I needed a drink. Some Vodka Martini would do.

*~James' P.O.V.~*
I kept replaying Tanya and I kissing, in my head. It had been a complete accident... and of course, Johnathan had to walk by.
I slipped into the underground house I had made in my human, and wolf, form. it was my leisure home, to just relax. I changed into my gray wolf form and went to my human bed; jumping on it, then laying down. I scanned the room with my eyes. Pictures of Amy and me, together, hung on the natural dirt walls. I frowned and turned my head away from them; staring at another wall which was blank.
I should go apologize to Tanya...
All of the sudden, I heard a muffled voice, and I rushed off my bed. Who's voice was that?

*~Tanya's P.O.V.~*
"This is so stupid!" I mumbled to myself. "I know I'm going the wrong way- but, I'm only human. What makes me think I should turn around? That's not right. I could be going the right way-"
I gasped and turned around. "James!"
I could barely see him. The trees blocked the moons light, so it was really, really, dark.
"What are you doing here, Tanya?" James asked, taking a step forward. "It's almost midnight."
"I- I'm lost. I don't know where I'm going." I admitted.
He frowned. "Johnathan... didn't come back to get you?"
"Oh, no- Johnathan broke up with me..." I reminded him. "Why would he come back for me?"
James sighed. "I don't know. But, you look cold. You should get home."
"I don't know where I'm going." I told him.
He nodded. "I'll walk you back then."

He gave me his jacket, while we walked side by side. We didn't really talk, but I was shivering, even with his jacket on. I noticed he didn't seem to mind the cold. It was probably the fur, of his wolf form.
He put his arm around me and held me close to him, as we walked.
I coughed, then glanced at him. "Sorry."
"It's alright."
I saw red and blue lights shining behind the next few layers of trees. I frowned. "Great, the police."
James sighed. "Your parents must have put a search party out for you."
I chuckled. "They didn't look hard enough."
I began to cough and he stopped. "Want me to carry you? It'll look bad if I'm walking you over to your house."
"Oh- I don't really care." I coughed.
"This'll be faster." He told me and picked me up, bridal style.

When he walked with me, out of the woods, everyone stared. My parents rushed over to him and my father grabbed me from him. I coughed, my throat beginning to hurt.
The paramedics immediately ran over to us, and I couldn't see James anymore. Goddess, this is a mess.
The officers finally left, as the search parties were put to a stop. My parents didn't question me, and that surprised me. I could tell they knew something was wrong.
I went to my room, saying nothing to anyone. I laid on my bed and began to bawl. This was the most stupidest day of my life! Everything was taken from me!
Johnathan... Johnathan didn't even have the story right! James didn't mean to kiss me at all! I believe it was accidental! Why would James kiss me, right after Amys' death? That's just stupid!

All of the sudden I was in an alleyway. I frowned. 'What the heck?' I thought, taking a step forward.
Johnathan came into the alley, cussing. he kicked a trash can over, spilling what it had contained. I flinched and took a step back. "Johnathan?..."
He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. I gasped when Jessica came into the alleyway, wearing a... slutty outfit. She wore a low cut red dress that was sleeveless, except the black sweater thing she had on.
"Hey, John!" She sang.
Johnathan turned around quickly. "Jess? What are you doing here?"
He backed away from her, and I narrowed my eyes as she took a step forward.
"I want to be with you."
I gaped as she cornered him against the wall of the alley. Did that... really just happen? I asked myself, after she finished trailing her fingers up and down his chest.
I gasped when she kissed him, but sighed in relief as Johnathan pulled away. "No, Jess."
She did a soft chuckle and stepped closer to him. She whispered something and brushed his hair back. Whoa, this should stop. Like, right now!
She kissed him again, but I wasn't surprised when Johnathan didn't pull away. It's not like it mattered, anymore. I mean... he left me. He should find someone else. But NOT Jessica.
I heard a gasp and I blinked out of my thoughts to find Johnathan had stabbed her in the back, with a pocket knife. (Well, I guess those things do come in handy...) I also gasped. "Johnathan!"
She fell to the ground. "J- John! H-Help m-me!"
He knelt down in front of her and smirked. "I told you no the first time."

In an instant, I was back home. Laying on my bed. I looked around. Wait a sec...
I... I think I just saw the past. It couldn't be the future... hmm. Oh crap! I forgot to thank James for helping me out of the woods! I should probably do that, before I forget... I wonder what his power is...
'James, thanks for helping me out of the woods.'
His reply came faster than I had expected. 'You're welcome. What are you doing up? It's four in the morning.'
'It... is?' Jeez, maybe it was a dream I had. Not the past.
Definitely a dream, 'Oh, well sorry for waking you up.'
'You didn't wake me up, I couldn't sleep... but it's alright, it's nice to talk to a friend.'
Aw, poor James. 'Alright, um I will talk to you tomorrow then? We could probably hang out or something.'
I coughed, and I groaned. Maybe not...
'Okay, Goodnight- er- Morning.'
'Haha, Morning.'
♠ ♠ ♠
Jessica's outfit::

Well, there you go. :)