African Description.

African Description.

A fiery globe of flames peeked its way into the great African sky and danced lazily across the foothills of the Maluti-Drakensberg, creating a spectacle of towering sandy cliffs that turned an array of gold, rose and russet-hued displays in the wake of the dawn.
A thin wisp of smoke danced from the crack in the floor. The desert stretched on for miles, with no hint of life having inhabited the vast area for days. Shadows stretched out along the pale malnourished ground created by thin blades of dehydrated clumps of grass.
The carcass of a hunted bison lay outstretched beside a shriveled cacti plant. Flies crawled and newly hatched maggots squirmed amongst the rotten remains, seeking any flesh left over that they could salvage from the vultures that had stripped the meat and picked the bones clean only yesterday, a clear sign of the desperate struggle for survival in the harsh conditions.
A lone mouse was sent scurrying from beneath a tuft of dead grass as an eagle circled overhead, patiently biding its time until catching movement from the corner of its eye, suddenly swooping without warning while magnificent wings tucked back against its frail body to gain speed and momentum as a pair of deadly talons spring open like the jaws of a shark, waiting to snatch and snuff the life of the prey that was running for its survival.
A herd of twenty or so bison crowded around a deserted water hole, the edges of which told countless tales of many beasts of all sizes travelling this way on their search for paradise. Young and old alike gathered to quench the cruel gut-wrenching thirst that had plagued them for days, sending rippled waves dancing across the water’s surface.
As the sun descended and twilight arrived, the sky darkened, marking the ending of yet another cycle of life in Africa. Magnificent hues of amber, crimson and violet dispelled across the vast sky, illuminating the desert plains and its inhabitants in the glorious shower of dusk. The boundless sky gradually darkened to a rich navy blue, as if a blanket had been drawn across the world. The distant echo of overlapping wild cries broke out into the night air, the world was theirs alone to rule until daybreak.
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I know it's late but, hey, deadlines are created to be broken.
So at long last, here is my piece for the competition.
Enjoy and please don't be too harsh in commenting.