I'm Sick And In Love With You, Dear.


I peeked over the corner, of the wall.

“I love more than anything,” Chris said, to his girlfriend.

“I love you, too,” Vanessa said, shifting her eyes.

He kissed her, and pulled her into a hug. I bit my lip, and Vanessa looked back at me. She practically stuck her tongue out at me.

I sat back.

If only he knew.

Chris finished saying good-bye to Vanessa, and came to sit, beside me.

“Kennedy, what's wrong?” Chris asked.

“Huh? Oh, nothing,” I said, looking at my hands.

“Oh, please. You're my best friend, I know when something's wrong,” He said, trying to make me look at him.

“I'm your best friend?” I blurted out, before thinking. He looked at me confused.

“What do you mean?” He asked.

“Oh, nothing,” I said. I looked at my watch.

“Hey, Chris, I gotta go. It's getting late,” I said, standing up, and walking to the door. He jumped up, from the couch, and ran over, to me.

He hugged me, from behind. I swallowed.

“Bye, Chris,” I said, slipping out, from under his arms. He just watched me, as I walked out the door.

“Bye, Kennedy,” I heard him say, as I shut the door.

It gets harder every time.

I walked in my apartment, and slipped off my flip-flops.

I called my best friend, Candace. She answered.

“Do you want to do something tomorrow?” I asked.

“Aren't you going to do something, with Chris?” She asked, confused.

“Yeah, probably not. He'll probably be, with his girlfriend,” I said, taking a deep breath. I heard Candace sigh, on the other end.

“Okay, sure. What do you want to do?” She asked.

“Anything,” I replied.

“That doesn't help,” She said.

“Okay, you can just come over here, and we'll decide,” I said.

“Alright. See you then,” She said. And, I hung up.

I fell back on my back, and stared at the ceiling.

She doesn't deserve him.

But, for that matter, neither do I.

My phone started ringing. I groaned, and found the end button.

I don't want to talk, right now.

I got up, and got dressed. Then, decided to look at my phone. I went to “Missed Calls” and the top, of the list read, “Chris.”

I sighed. But, sat my phone back down. Candace wouldn't be here, for a while, so I grabbed my guitar.

“Dear, I wrote you a song, despite the fact that you did me wrong. And, dear...” I heard creaks, so I stopped playing.

I heard another creak. I grabbed the closest thing to me, which happened to be a lamp.

I wasn't going to kill someone, with my guitar. It'd get it all bloody.

I sat the lamp, beside me, on the floor. And, continued playing, I just picked it up, from the chorus.

“You tell me that you love me, then you go, and leave me. Why you do this, to me? Baby, I'm lovesick. I just can't sleep, just can't eat. Can't do much of anything, at all. 'Cause, I'm sick and in love, with you, dear,” I sang, and looked around.

Okay, I did hear a creak. I grabbed my lamp, and stood up.

I pulled it back, like a baseball bat, ready to fling it, at somebody. I stepped up to the door frame, took a deep breath, and turned to the right.

I screamed, and tried to hit somebody, with the lamp. But, they ducked.

“It's just me,” The person said. I put my lamp down.

“Chris? What are you doing, here?” I asked.

“You...you were singing my song,” He said, smiling.

“Yeah. So?” I asked.

“You sounded beautiful. And, you sounded like you really meant what you were singing,” He said. I looked down.

“You did,” He confirmed.

“Who's the guy that I need to knock some sense into?” He asked, jokingly. I rolled my eyes.

“Now, what are you doing here?” I asked.

“You never called me back. And, you always call me back. Are you mad at me, or something?” He asked.

I looked in his eyes, and sighed.

“No, Chris. I'm not mad, at you. I'm mad, at me, but that's another story. Why aren't you with Vanessa?” I asked.

“Oh, she said she had to help take care of her mom, because she's sick,” He replied.

“Oh,” Was all I said.

“So, what are you doing today?” He asked.

“Candace is coming over, later, and we're going to figure out what to do. You can come with us, wherever we go, if you want,” I said.

“Sure,” He replied, smiling.

I smiled back, and went to put my lamp back, in my room.

“I can't believe you were going to hit me, with a lamp, “ I heard Chris mutter. I laughed.

“Well, in my defense, I didn't know it was you. Don't come sneaking, in here,” I said, playfully pushing him.

“It's, technically, not sneaking, when that someone gives another someone a key,” He said, smiling, and waving his key, in the air.

I rolled my eyes, and smiled.

“Oh, you.”