Sequel: Hannah Black History
Status: Chapter one will go up tonight.


Chapter 2: The Quidditch World Cup

JC was snuggled up in bed, with the covers pulled tightly around her; she had only been sleep for three hours. She stayed up all night talking to Hannah about how she couldn’t wait to get to the World Cup. She was in the middle of dreamland when she felt someone shaking her, “JC, wake up.” She opened her eyes to find Mrs. Weasley standing over her with a candle, “Come on dear, breakfast is cooking.”

JC sat up excitedly, “I should have gotten more sleep last night!”

“Do you mind waking the others up, I don’t want to burn the eggs,” Mrs. Weasley asked.

JC yawned, “Sure,” and she reached for her clothes that she laid out last night, “Hannah wake up, let’s get Fred and George up!”

At the mention of George’s name she sat up, “Gosh, morning already?”

JC nodded and they got Hermione and Ginny up. Hannah got dressed and fixed her hair, “Ready to go wake the boys up?”

“Yeah, I call Fred, Hermione, you and Ginny work on getting Harry and Ron up,” JC told them.

The girls shook their heads and left the room. Hannah was used to getting George up, as every morning she changed into her wolf form and jumped onto his bed.

JC crawled up the ladder to the top bunk and sat beside a quietly sleeping Fred.
“Fred, come on get up, its breakfast time,” she said gently shaking his shoulder.

He jumped at the sound of her voice, “JC, damn you scared me.”

“Sorry, come on, it’s time to get up, we don’t want to be late,” she told him while messing his hair up.

Fred shook his head and laughed, “Alright, alright I’m going, now get out so I can dress.” JC jumped down and unclenched Hannah from George and they went downstairs to the kitchen following Hermione and Ginny from Ron’s room.

It was still dark outside when they left with Mr. Weasley guiding them along. It was only ten minutes later and Ron was complaining about his legs hurting.

“Shut up Ron,” Fred hollered.

Ron gave him a dirty look and whispered to Harry who snickered.

Hannah pulled George over to Fred and JC, “What about the plan for Draco, have you got it together yet?”

“Actually once we get the tent and things set up we can go walking around and see if we find them, then something will come to mind, I don’t know yet, but something will.” George told her.

They walked for a while longer and finally they arrived at a hill with a black, torn up boot in the middle of it.

“Well there it is, just in time also,” Mr. Weasley said looking to his watch.

“Arthur! How you doing,” a grey haired man with glasses asked holding his hand out.

Mr. Weasley shook the man’s hand, “Everyone this is Amos Diggory, he works with me at the Ministry.

There was a big thud from behind them, a boy about JC and Hannah’s age with curly brown hair and he was built, built enough for playing keeper on the Huffelpuff house team. Cedric Diggory. Every girl at school fell in love with his good looks, every girl that didn’t have common sense like JC and Hannah. Mr. Weasley gave introductions between them, Fred and George merely spoke and, JC and Hannah rolled their eyes when Cedric looked at them standing between the twins. On the other hand, Hermione and Ginny, were starring him down as if he was a piece of chocolate cake, they were practically drooling over him.

As they walked up the hill Cedric walked beside JC, “So how has your summer been?” he asked.

Fred looked at Cedric talking to JC beside him, he started thinking to himself, “What is he looking at, I know he’s not thinking about hitting on her, she’s not that stupid to fall for your little trick Diggory, she hates you.”

JC stopped in her tracks, “Look, wanna-be pretty boy, I’m not one of them girls that go all googly eyed over you, unlike them I have enough brains to know what you are. Besides you aren’t as cute as you think you are, so if this isn’t getting into your clogged head, I don’t like you, and this year be ready, because your ass is going down in Quidditch.”

Hannah, George and Fred started to laugh as they walked away from Cedric, following JC as she sped up the hill.

Hermione and Ginny stood with their jaws opened, “You just blew off the best looking guy in school.”

“So, there is nothing good about him, actually I think he’s gay.”

Another rage of laughter came from Hannah, Fred and George.

“Alright, kids gather around and grab hold on,” Mr. Weasley told them.

JC took her place between Fred and Hannah, she grabbed on to the boot, it was like last time she used a portkey. As soon as the world came to a halt, Mr. Weasley hollered for them to let go. Harry, Hermione, and Ron were taken back by this, “WHAT!”

JC saw Hannah let go and then Fred so, it was her turn next, she let go waiting to fall onto the ground like last time. She closed her eyes for impact, she felt herself falling, and then the moment came, and she hit something hard, “OUCH, shit.”

She opened her eyes to see Fred lying underneath her looking up into her eyes, she looked around and caught her breath, “Sorry, told you I don’t know how to do that still.”

JC got up and then Fred got up she looked at Hannah who winked, and JC gave her a playful evil look.


Hannah was helped to her feet by George, and once they were standing, the group looked around. They still had some walking to do, but they could already feel the excitement in the air. It was too much for Hannah to take, so she changed forms and began running around the group from person to person. She ran up ahead, then dropped behind, and occasionally would stop to give a long howl. George laughed the whole time, even when she jumped on him, nearly tackling him to the ground in her enthusiasm. JC and Fred walked alongside George, chattering about the upcoming match. The whole group was in high spirits as they made their way to the camping grounds. Cedric told tales of matches he had played in before to Hermione and Ginny, who gushed over every word he said. Harry and Ron debated about the broom types and models that would be used. Even Amos Diggory and Mr. Weasley were having their own debate about the best bet to win.

Once they reached their assigned spot, Harry, Mr. Weasley and Mr. Diggory began the task of setting up the tent by hand since magic wasn’t allowed, because it might make any muggles that happened to venture by suspicious. While the three of them struggled with the tent, Ron, Hermione, JC, and Hannah grouped together.

“This is going to be great!” Ron exclaimed looking around at all the other tents and families. Hermione nodded while observing the brightly colored decorations all around.

“Shouldn’t we be getting things ready for when the tent is done?” Hannah asked.
JC glanced over at Fred and George who were tossing Ginny’s bag back and forth, so she couldn’t get it.

“Maybe we should take those two off Ginny’s hands for a bit.” She said, winking at Hannah.

“Sure, we can go get firewood. Hermione, Ron, you two and Ginny can be in charge of making sure Mr. Weasley doesn’t kill himself with that.” Hannah said nodding toward Mr. Weasley, who was fighting a tent pole while Harry tried desperately to take it from him.

Ron and Hermione hurried off to help Harry, and Hannah called Fred and George over. They decided that JC and Fred should be in charge of finding firewood in the woods behind their tent and Hannah and George were to find stones to circle the fire.

Hannah and George walked off into the woods, both glancing over their shoulders to watch as JC and Fred disappeared in the woods opposite them. Hannah wanted to follow them and see if JC would tell Fred, but she knew that if she decided to tell him, she wouldn’t keep it a secret for long. She held onto George’s hand and tried to control herself. They walked through the woods, chatting about this and that, kissing occasionally, and stopping every now and then to pick up a rock that seemed like it would be sufficient. Once they felt they had wasted enough time, they wandered back toward the camp, emerging from the woods to find Ron and Harry in a heated debate with JC and Fred about the upcoming match. It seemed that Mr. Diggory and Cedric had left to set up their own tent, and Ginny and Hermione looked like they were trying to explain something to Mr. Weasley. Hannah shook her head, laid her rocks down in front of the tent, and arranged them in a circle. George followed suit and then pulled her over to JC and Fred who were still arguing with Ron and Harry.

“Alright children, it’s time to settle down.” Hannah joked, stepping in between the groups.

JC glared at her, “No! They KNOW Ireland will win! They’re just ashamed to admit it!”

George chuckled and elbowed Fred, “Come on now, we all know Ron has a love affair going with Krum. Just drop it; he’ll never admit his lover is going to fail.”

“Viktor I love you…” Fred started singing, winking at JC and Hannah.

Hannah threw a hand to her forehead dramatically and sang, “Viktor I do!”

“When we’re apart my heart beats only for youuuuu!” George, JC, Hannah, and Fred completed, all gathering around Ron.

“Oh piss off!” Ron yelled.

Hannah giggled and went over to help Hermione and Ginny out. Mr. Weasley was listening to Hermione eagerly as she moved her arms in a circle, demonstrating something. As she approached, she realized Hermione was explaining the mechanics of a dental tool her parents used.

“Excuse me Mr. Weasley, but I think we should be starting dinner, don’t you?” She asked.

“I suppose you’re right dear, let’s go.” He said glumly. They spent hours around the fire that night singing, dancing, laughing, and arguing. Everyone was excited about the upcoming match, and for just that night, everything in Hannah’s world was right.


“Alright kids, come on, let’s go and find our seats in time,” Mr. Weasley called out to everyone.

They all gathered, “Alright Ron, time to go and see your lover,” JC called out so everyone could hear her.

“Shut up, you’re just jealous because the Irish don’t have Krum,” he spat at her.

JC rolled her eyes, “Yadda yadda, keep talking Ron.”

After another ten minute walk, they finally reached the Ministers box, were they were invited by Fudge. The first person that everyone saw was Draco Malfoy with his father and mother. He locked eyes with the Weasleys and then Harry, Ron and Hermione. Draco took a few steps towards them, “Can’t believe I’m sharing a box with the likes of you,” he sneered.
Draco’s father, Lucius, a man with long bond, silvery hair, and eyes that were very similar to his son’s stood behind, “Now Draco, play nice,” he said in a cool, dark voice.

In the past Harry and even Ron had history with Lucius Malfoy, an unproven death-eater for Lord Voldemort, he always carried a cane, which held his wand and wore dark and long robes. He hated muggle borns’ like Hermione and half bloods like JC. Draco was a sworn enemy of Harry, Hermione, and Ron, and it has been like that since the first day they met, they even pulled JC and Hannah into the mix, with Fred and George’s practical jokes.

Everyone got settled, the Weasley group on one side of the box and the Malfoy’s on the other side. The Minster of Magic, Cornelius Fudge and Ludo Bagman stood in the middle with a few other important Ministry of Magic employee’s, they knew it was almost time for the match to begin.

Ludo pointed his wand right at his neck and the next time he spoke, he could have been heard from a mile away, “Welcome everyone, to the four hundred and fifty second Quidditch World Cup, the match that everybody will be talking about for the months to come.”

His voice was drowned out by, the fans cheering and screaming.

“Now first up, allow me to introduce the Bulgarian team Mascots,” Ludo hollered.

At the other end of the stadium, there were women, lined up and walking out onto the weird. JC put her hands up to her head, “They have cheerleaders in Quidditch, EW!”
Mr. Weasley stood beside her, “Not cheerleaders, but Veela, they are the most beautiful girls in the world.”

After what Mr. Weasley told her, she stopped listening, she didn’t care about them, even with her father being a muggle, he watched the sports on television and them cheerleaders danced around, strutting their stuff, thinking that they are the best in the planet. Hannah, Ginny, Hermione walked over to where JC was, by the look on their faces, they didn’t like the Veela also, “NEXT,” JC hollered making the girls laugh.

Finally, the music stopped and the Veela stopped dancing and it was time for the Irish mascots to come out and have fun. A rainbow appeared across the field and when it hit the ground tiny balls of light spread over the stadium. The balls of light transformed into gold coins, millions falling from every direction. Everyone was bending down picking up the gold and stuffing it into his or her pockets. In between the coins, there were tiny leprechauns that were crawling everywhere now.

The Bulgarian team raced out onto the field, too fast to even call their names out, the last guy to come out was Viktor Krum. Everyone looked at Ron, who was excitedly jumping up and down on the floor. “OH CALM IT RON,” Mr. Weasley hollered.

Fred and George got the girls attention, “I swear if we weren’t so high up, he’d run out onto the field after him!”

“Up next, the IRISH!”

JC went to the rail beside Fred, she hollered along with him, in support of her team. All over the stadium, there was a mixture of hollers, “Well then be that way,” JC hollered while laughing because she knew no one would hear her.

The referee came out onto the field and two men behind him carried the box that held the bludgers, Quaffle and the Golden Snitch. All fourteen players gathered around, it was almost identical to playing on the school team back at Hogwarts. The ref blew the whistle, and the players shot off. They were switching the Quaffle back and forth so fast; Ludo could only say first names of the players. Only in a matter a minutes Ireland had scored.

An hour into the game, Ireland had pulled ahead by twenty points, but the game was only getting better. Foul after foul was being called and as the game progressed, Bulgaria seemed to lose their touch and the Irish pulled by far ahead. Krum was injured with a broken, bloody nose, but it seemed that it wasn’t bothering him much and he continued playing.

Another hour later, the game was still in progress; JC scanned the field looking for Lynch the Irish seeker.

“LOOK,” Harry hollered.

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed; Lynch was going toward the ground in a hurry with Krum coming up behind him fast, “HE’S SEEN THE SNITCH!”

JC kept her eye on him, she hollered with everyone else, she figured before the game that she was going to lose her voice, and it was possible to happen.

JC took her eyes off the field and in that one second Harry was hollering, “He’s got it!”

She turned and saw Krum holding the snitch in the center of the field. The scoreboard was reading BULGARIA: 160, IRELAND: 170. She screamed, glad that her team had won; she looked at Ron who was getting tortured by Fred and George, “WE TRIED TO TELL YOU!”