Status: Complete

Turning A Page


After I'd calmed down enough to regain my composure, the last traces of moisture were wiped from my face. Johnny had removed his tear soaked shirt, happy to remain bare-chested for the rest of the day. We'd watched the first movie I'd picked out, The Transporter. That movie was one of my favourites, and Johnny had laughed at how much I loved the car chase scenes, but loathed the love story. It was my opinion that good action movies were always ruined by the inclusion of romance. If I'd wanted to see that I would have watched a 'chick flick'. Yet another reason I couldn't be called a typical chick. My second reason for loving this movie was Jason Statham - he was a great actor. It didn't hurt he had a cool British accent, and he wasn't hard on the eyes either.

The second disc to be placed in the player was one that had caught my interest as soon as I'd noticed the wording on the cover. As soon as the menu page started to load onto the screen Johnny groaned. "Do we really have to watch this?"

I looked at him like he was crazy. "Of course!" How could he think I'd not want to watch this? I'd missed so much of his life, and here was my chance to catch up a little on some of the most significant moments. Yes, it was All Excess. Avenged Sevenfold behind the scenes, history and videos.

While we watched the documentary portion the pause button was used frequently. I didn't want to miss a moment while I was laughing, telling Johnny how cute he looked when he was younger, or how awesome his Mohawk was. I still hadn't had a chance to listen to much more of their music, so hearing new songs as backing music made me even more excited.

We were sitting up against the headboard; me leaning into Johnny's side, arms around his waist while his was slung over my shoulders. Out of the corner of my eye I could see his face light up when Avenged opening for Metallica came up, or when something funny was about to happen. He'd tried to cover my eyes when his entry into the band was explained, not wanting me to see the photo of him with blood pouring from his mouth. "They really did beat you up huh? Wait till I get my hands on them," I laughed, both of us knowing my threat was empty. Come on, have you seen the size of those guys?

The live performances were my favourite part. You could really tell how much these guys loved to rock out. Every time Johnny appeared on the screen my eyes were locked onto his movements. His stage presence was undeniable. It was clear that Synyster and Zacky were brilliant guitarists, The Rev was in a class of his own bashing away at his kit, and M Shadows controlled the crowd with his growling vocals. Every time a song I ended I would proclaim how much I loved it, much to Johnny's amusement. After watching each live clip I voiced that Unholy Confessions was possibly my ultimate favourite, but that it really was a tough competition.

"You like them all huh? Just wait until you hear our new stuff. It's a bit different."

"Ooh when do I get to hear it?" I really couldn't wait to hear anything from these guys. They were pretty different from what I usually listened to, but there was just something about the music that was so compelling and catchy. Even the more intricate compositions blended together seamlessly to force a smile upon my lips, and had my head moving in time with the beat.

"I'll talk to the guys. We should give you a performance," he grinned down at me.

"A private performance?" Johnny nodded in confirmation. "I think I could deal with that. But only if it comes with a striptease," I winked, tickling his sides. Johnny's girlish screams hit my ears, proof that he was still ticklish. I only stopped inflicting my torture when Johnny overpowered me, pining my arms above my head while kneeling in front of me. The evil grin on his face showed he was about to exact his revenge. If the past were anything to go by, that would mean my shirt was about to be lifted, and his face would lower to my stomach. Those actions were precisely what happened, followed by Johnny blowing raspberries while I screamed and laughed, batting his head once my arms had come free.

"JC," I whined, finding that breathing was becoming harder to do. Johnny must have noticed because he stopped his actions, his eyes flickering up to lock onto mine. He moved his face up towards mine, a small smirk visible.

"That was fun, wasn't it?" he laughed, planting a kiss on the tip of my nose, before arranging us back into our previous position to continue watching the DVD.