Status: Complete

Turning A Page


"I can't believe we haven't heard from any of the guys today," Johnny stated, somewhat in awe as we headed downstairs. It was late afternoon and we had decided it was time for some food.

"You make it sound like that's a rare thing," I laughed, having no idea how surprised he really was.

"Believe me, it is. Someone is always coming over, or ringing to get me to go to their place. You'll get used to seeing them here when you wake up. It always happens. I sometimes wonder why we bother having separate houses." Johnny was shaking his head slightly as he huffed, while looking through the refrigerator. I'd taken the cupboards to hunt through for anything that looked appetising.

"They must've understood how important today was for us. It's really that bad though?" my forehead crinkled in wonder, turning and taking a step back to look at him in question. I know Johnny doesn't tend to embellish things, but that did sound a bitover the top. The look he gave me, however, told me he was deathly serious.

"It's not a bad thing," he shrugged, "it just gets a bit much sometimes. I love them like brothers, almost as much as I love you." he paused to stride the short distance between us, an adorable grin spread across his features. Johnny crooked his index finger at me, indicating he wanted me to lean towards him. As I complied, leaning around the cupboard door I was holding on to, he began to whisper conspiratorially, "I love you more than anyone, even my mom." I couldn't help letting the biggest smile I think I've ever had show, while blushing furiously. The way his eyes lit up, and searched mine, enjoying the reaction he'd received made me smile even wider as I wrapped my arms tightly around his shoulders. Come on! Who wouldn't love to hear someone say something like that to them? Even though it was only the love of friendship, it still meant a lot.

"I love you more than anyone too JC." I pulled back from our embrace, kissing his cowboy skull tattoo on my way past. I was still fascinated by that thing, even though I had spent the last hour tracing my fingers over it, memorising every outline, every drop of colour it contained. As I came to face Johnny once again, there was a slight redness to his cheeks and a shy, almost nervous look I'd never seen before. Johnny had always been the more outgoing of our pair, never holding back for anything. It was an expression I was drawn to for some unknown reason. Maybe because it reminded me of how he'd made me feel so many times as we were getting ourselves into trouble.

Bringing my thoughts back to the man in front of me I brought my left hand up to ruffle his hair, knowing his hair was one thing he hated being messed up by anyone but me. "You're the best friend I could have ever asked for. I know I'm lucky I have you."

As I said the word 'friend' Johnny's gaze dropped slightly, the happiness in his eyes fading for a split second. I wondered what that was for, but never got the chance to question it as he let me go and grabbed a can of peaches from the shelf closest to him.

"Grab the rice bubbles over there," a finger was thrust in a vague direction behind me as Johnny walked back to the fridge to grab a carton of milk. Opening the last cupboard, the only one I hadn't yet looked in I found the crunchy cereal and returned to the bench where Johnny had placed two bowls. I half filled each bowl, letting Johnny pour the fruit over top once he'd opened the can, then filled both to just below the rim with the milk. I pushed each bowl forward to the other end of the bench top, grabbing us a spoon each out of the drawer beside me. Johnny returned our ingredients to their proper places then joined me on the barstools looking out over the back yard. As we ate in relative silence Johnny stared unseeing out into the distance while I stole glances at him. Something wasn't quite right, but if I asked him about it he'd get quiet and defensive. I knew the best thing for me to do was to wait until he was ready to talk to me about it... even if it took all I had to hold back.