Status: Complete

Turning A Page


My solo party had been going for a few minutes before it was rudely gatecrashed. There was no knocking or anything considerate like that, just barging straight in and lying on the mattress next to me then an arm across my back pulling me into a warm body. I didn't bother to look at whoever was invading my room; no one needed to see my face in the state I was in. The yelling from downstairs had subsided, now there was the low hum of general conversation.

"Is she ok?" was whispered from somewhere near the doorway.

The hand that had been gently brushing over my hair hesitated for a second as my comforter turned to look at the speaker. "I dunno Val, she hasn't said anything yet." That was Zacky's voice, I recognised. Knowing he was the one with me lightened my downcast mood ever so slightly. I lifted my arm that wasn't squashed against Zacky into the air in a vague attempt at a wave, hoping to signify that I wasn't doing too badly. My crying was coming under control now, the initial burst of anger fizzling out to be left with hurt and confusion.

"Johnny's still beating himself up," a second female voice I knew to be Eve announced from beside my head. "He's scared you're gunna hate him now." Yea, now he worries.

"He'd deserve it," came out between the few sobs that were still coming out, barely being heard because my face was still buried in my pillow. I'd have to remember to use the one from the other side of the bed tonight and leave this one somewhere to dry. Lifting my head to the side Zacky wasn't on (he really didn't need to see my horrible red face) I thanked the girls for their concern. "Go downstairs and enjoy yourself. Don't worry about me, I'll be ok soon."

After a small amount of arguing and two hugs they left the room, promising they'd be back up if I wasn't outside in an acceptable amount of time. Zacky however, stayed exactly where he was, pulling me tighter into him if that was possible. He didn't seem to mind that I kept my face shielded from him, content with placing kisses on the top of my head and returning to his former hair-stroking ways. "It'll be ok Princess. I'm sure he didn't mean it the way it sounded."

"Did you hear all of it?" I was pretty sure it had been Zacky who I'd bumped into on the way inside considering he was the only other person I knew who would be turning up.

Zacky sighed, pulling my hair back from my face a bit. "Yea, I think I did. I can't blame you for getting upset with him. The band is a major part of his life so to not tell you about it doesn't make much sense to me. But he had his reasons, and to him they would've made perfect sense." His hand had moved from stroking my hair to the side of my face, gently brushing away the last remnants of moisture. "You mean the world to him, he hardly shut up about you when you decided to come back. He wouldn't willingly hurt you. I know you know that."

The man was perceptive, and had a soft voice that was almost hypnotic. I know he's speaking the truth, but it still hurts to find out the one person I truly trust with my life doesn't have the same trust in me.

"Close your eyes."

"What?" Zacky was understandably confused.

"Just close your eyes ok? For me?" I added on the last part as a bit of a bribe, hoping that it would help him comply with my request faster. "They closed?" I asked a few seconds later, with Zacky responding in the affirmative.

I slowly turned myself over beneath his arm, peeking to make sure his eyes really were closed. After I was satisfied that they were I turned completely, smiling as Zacky's arms tightened around me again and he pulled my head towards his, lips meeting my forehead in a chaste expression of affection.

His eyes remained unseeing as I ran my fingers through his short hair, moving them down over his features as I took them in. There was a peaceful look to accompany his slight smile, lips pursing as I ran a finger along the bottom one. His eyelids were twitching in anticipation of permission to open, but they would have to wait a while longer because I had other plans.

A small smirk and, I'm sure, a twinkle in my eye would have given away my intentions if Zacky had been permitted to look at me. Leaning forward I brought my lips to his, earning a sharp intake of breath from my unsuspecting partner. The shock soon wore off however, and he was kissing back gently, sweetly. There was no rushing, no expectation, just feeling and instinct.

As we pulled apart I let my eyelids flutter open, being met by a dazed pair of green orbs that I'm sure reflected my own.

"You were right," I spoke softly. "That was amazing."