Status: Complete

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"I am most definitely excited Stevie boy!" I exclaimed in a high pitch, earning laughs from everyone in the room. "More excited about later though," I mumbled, but not quite low enough to not be heard.

Zacky turned around with fake horror over his features, "I don't remember telling you about my plans for whipped cream and handcuffs."

All I could do was shake my head while I laughed, tears threatening to escape. I could hear Johnny huffing in the background, but chose to ignore his bad attitude. He'd have to get used to seeing me with guys if me living with him was going to go smoothly.

"Come on guys, Scream," Syn broke up the laugh fest, dispersing most of the tension that had risen. As the music flowed I realised how true Johnny's words had been about thenew album sounding different. Scream was followed up by the slower paced Brompton Cocktail, which almost had me in tears. It cut so close to home, bringing up the memories of my grandparents suffering through their cancer battles. Johnny must have known how the song would affect me since he played from right in front of me, a sympathetic look showing he would be hugging me tight if he could. He did exactly that when the song ended, murmuring soft words of comfort as I held him close.

Once we parted and Johnny had his instrument back in place Jimmy was shouting out from behind his kit, "Right, lets cheer this shit up!" The song they launched into was up-tempo and catchy. The verses were relatively simple, but the chorus packed a punch while remaining understated. When the end of the second verse came I was screaming out, "I'm not insane," along with Matt.

At the end of the song they looked up expectantly, and got the cheering and clapping that they were after. I stood up to go and hug each of them as they freed themselves from their instruments. "That was amazing," I exclaimed to each of them in turn. "You guys are definitely my favourite band now! Sorry lostprophets," I joked.

Johnny turned to me with a questioning look of astonishment. "You like lostprophets? No way!"

"Yes way! Start Something is the only album I've ever heard where I've loved every song the first time I heard it. I listened to it constantly for about three weeks before everyone's complaining made me change it," I grinned, happily remembering those times.

"I love them too. I've got a pic you should see later," he spoke somewhat cryptically.

"Come on guys! It's time for the nakedness now you're all hot and sweaty," Eve yelled out from her place under Jimmy's arm. Us girls all returned to out seats as the guys stood around awkwardly, not too sure that they actually wanted to do this.

"Fine, I'll put some music on," Val seemed to be a mind reader. She walked over to the stereo sitting on a shelf to the side of the room, turning it on and pressing play for a CD to start spinning.

As the music started playing Matt was the first to moan, recognising the intro ofThe Ramones 'I Wanna Be Sedated'.

"I think this fits the mood, now start stripping!" Grudgingly they started moving to the beat, putting on their 'sexy' faces. It really was quite funny, and they knew it. By the time the chorus had ended three shirts were flying across the room and the other two were about to join them. Johnny received a playful shove from Jimmy for having the 'unfair advantage' of wearing a wifebeater under his shirt. Shoes were kicked off and out of the way, one flying dangerously close to Michelle's head but being laughed off as an accident.

We were all getting pretty into it as the song ended and changed to 'I Don't Want You' earning some more laughter. Even though Brian had been the most against the idea, he was playing the situation up, rubbing his hands over Matt's chest as Matt was attempting to undo the last of his belts. Jimmy had his belt swinging around his head while his pants hung precariously around his waist, looking certain to drop any moment. Zacky was standing in front of me, wanting me to undo his belt for him, while Johnny was in front of Val getting the same help via audience participation.

Pants started to drop, and luckily for the guys they had all managed to wear boxers today. During our girls night I had been made well aware of the fact that some of them had a habit of going commando.

As the end of the song came nearer the guys began to make faces at each other, silently communicating that as the final note hit they would drop the last item of clothing and bare themselves. Some prepared themselves by taking a few deep breaths but Jimmy's smile was getting bigger and bigger as each note passed. He was definitely not a shy guy.

Collective breaths were held as the moment dawned and boxers were shed. I know I wasn't the only one whose jaw dropped at the sight before me. What can I say, yours would too if you had five of the hottest guys around standing naked only a short distance away, even though it was only for a second. Almost as soon as the material hit the floor it was being hauled back up, except in Jimmy's case of course. His boxers were now firmly in Eve's hands and they were having a mini tug-of-war with them.

"Impressed?" Brian smirked smugly, picking his hobo pants from the floor.

"The jaw drop wasn't obvious enough? Damn McHobopants, you were expecting me to scream 'I WANT YOUR BABIES'?" This had everyone laughing again, and caused Zacky to speak up.

"You know she wants mine, Syn," he winked while Johnny huffed againand turned away from us all to continue getting dressed.