Status: Complete

Turning A Page


Sitting sideways on Zacky's lap while we all sat around talking about random things was quite comfortable. He would rub my back every now and then, or his other hand would play with my fingers that he held. In turn my unoccupied hand was gently resting around his shoulders, occasionally I would raise my hand to run it through his hair, or flick his ear if he was being rude. Zacky being Zacky, his ear was becoming red quite quickly, but he didn't once complain. He would just smirk at me, squeeze my fingers a bit and keep talking.

Johnny's glares were annoying; he was mostly just sitting and watching us, not really talking like he usually would. It was irritating, but I expected it. Zacky paid no attention to the displeasure being sent his way, instead involving himself fully in the conversations going on. I don't know how he didn't feel like a hole was being bored through his head from the intensity being aimed there.

It was obvious that everyone else knew what was going on. I could see them shooting glances between where Zacky and I were seated and Johnny. They were trying not to show that it affected them, but I knew it did. How could it not?

Sick of the avoidance, I sent Zacky a look that hopefully said 'I'll talk to you later' before rising from his lap and plonking myself down on Johnny's knee. Wrapping my arms around his neck I pulled him into a hug, kissing his tattooed neck that I was so fond of. I was glad when his arms reached around me, pulling me closer to him. We sat together like that for a few minutes, ignoring the looks I knew we were getting, just holding each other and being content in our silence.

"You guys can keep talking you know, we haven't gone deaf." Embarrassed laughter and broken talking followed my statement. They had ruined the moment Johnny and I were sharing, but it was ok because I still got to hug him. Johnny gives great hugs - they make you feel like you're the only thing in the world.

Once I was sure everyone had returned his or her attention to the conversation (about whether Coke, Pepsi or lemonade was the best mixer) I pulled back a bit from my comfortable place against Johnny's shoulder. Looking into his eyes I tried to read what he was thinking. There was the usual love and happiness I saw frequently, but it was clouded by anger and something I couldn't quite decipher.

Frowning, I leaned back into him, resting my chin on his shoulder so I could speak quietly into his ear. "You don't need to be jealous, JC."

"Wha... I'm not..." he attempted.

"Then what is it? You've been looking like you wanna kill Zacky and you know you can't do that cos then there would be no band and I'd be all sad cos I just said you guys are my faves." Whew, that took a big breath. "And," I added, before he could try to explain himself, "you'd have to go to jail and you're far too cute for that."

"I'm cute huh?" I could hear the smile in his voice.

"You know you are, boy. Stop avoiding the explanation."

He let out a sigh, which I'm sure attracted some attention back to us, but we were almost whispering since we were so close. "I just... I don't want to kill him, but... It's not just him either, it's any guy. I don't want anyone to hurt you, you know that."

I could tell he wanted to say more, but was holding back for some reason. Maybe it was because our conversation really wasn't so private, or maybe it was something else. Whatever it was, I didn't think I'd find out any time soon, especially since we'd just been yelled at to get our arses upstairs so we could all go out somewhere to eat.

To my surprise, Johnny stood straight up, holding me the bridal way. "Put me down JC," I laughed, knowing he wouldn't carry me for long. He was strong enough to, but he always preferred me on his back, piggyback style.

"Only if I get a..." he tried to think of something worth having. Typical Johnny, he never knew what he wanted and took forever to choose.

"A kiss!" came floating down from the stairs. I'm pretty sure it was Jimmy's voice, and since his head is now poking out from the stairwell I'm pretty sure I was right.

"Hey Jimbob, what's with you wanting us to kiss all the time?"

"I guess I'm just a voyeur," he chuckled.
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Sorry about the wait!!
Thanks for all of the awesome comments =D