Status: Complete

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"Jimmy's weird," I confessed in a hushed voice to Johnny on our way home from the restaurant. "It's like he's insane, but not."

"That makes him sound like you," Zacky laughed from the back seat. He was getting a ride with us since he lived so close.

All during dinner Jimmy had been overly entertaining. If I hadn't known he wasn't drunk before we arrived I could've sworn on a bible that he was shitfaced. His actions had earned our group more than a few dirty looks from other diners, but the staff didn't seem to mind too much. Later I learned that this was a frequent occurrence, and a favourite haunt of the band.

I turned around in my seat, facing the man sat right behind me, "I thought you said I wasn't insane though?"

Smirking back at me he let out a small chuckle before nodding his head like I was simple. "Exactly, you're not. But you're pretty damn close sometimes." Lucky for him, he managed to duck out of the way just in time to avoid my hand that was flying at his head. We continued our little play fight, acting like bratty children, until we felt the car pull to a stop and the engine ceased.

Johnny was still sitting there, watching us with amusement while shaking his head slightly at our immaturity. I guess it must have looked pretty funny, two adults hitting each other over the head and arguing over who was the more insane. It was nice to see him smiling while Zacky was around. I have no idea what caused his change in reaction, but I'm happy for whatever it was.

Stealthily undoing my seatbelt I prepared myself for a quick getaway before yanking my captured hand away from the restraints of Zacky's own, while opening my door and almost commando rolling out onto the driveway. What can I say? I like to make an exit!

Both men were stunned by my unexpected disappearance, and took a few seconds for realisation to sink in. I used this chance to my advantage, crawling behind one of the shrubs that lined the fence to the footpath. Staying as still as I could I tried not to make any noise that could give away my hiding place. Johnny had probably figured out what I was doing, since I used to do it to him all the time when we were little, but poor Zacky had no idea what he was in for.

After exiting the vehicle both men stood talking quietly, using various hand movements to express their points. Even though I was hiding I still had a pretty good view of the front yard and street, only a small part of the driveway and road was blocked by foliage. I hate talking myself up, but damn I'm good! Haha. Ok, time for the inner monologue to stop. Zacky was starting to turn back towards the road as Johnny headed in the direction of our front door. They gave each other a wave, before turning completely and going their separate ways.

I waited until Zacky had gone around the corner, past the end of the fence, and listened for the sound of the front door shutting. Once it had I slowly crept out from my position, looking back a few times to make sure Johnny wasn't sneaking up on me. He'd done that to me a few times and it was never fun.

Whatever Johnny had said to Zacky seemed to have gone over well, since Zacky was singing softly to himself as he strolled the short distance home. By the time I got myself out onto the footpath he was half way there, so I shuffled my way silently towards him, slowing as I got closer. I couldn't recognise the song he was singing, but it sounded beautiful coming from him and that earned a brief smile, along with a few inappropriate thoughts.

Not wanting to miss the perfect moment, or have my surprise ruined I made my move quickly. This consisted of me jumping on Zacky's back, wrapping my arms around his neck while my feet locked around his waist and I screamed out a very loud, "Boo!"

I almost thought Zacky was having a heart attack as he shuddered and clutched at his chest, his other hand gripping my own. I could hear doors opening around us, neighbours investigating the ruckus being made in the middle of the night. I could hear Johnny's hearty chuckling between the yells of abuse coming from various directions. I didn't really care though, it wasn't as if anyone knew me, or could recognise me since there were no streetlights on this side of the road and I had my head buried into the back of Zacky's neck. How I love the mysterious ways of darkness.

"Surprise?" I spoke quietly, almost whispering into Zacky's ear once he'd calmed himself down a bit, wondering what his reaction would be.