Status: Complete

Turning A Page


Zacky never made a sound as he continued on to his front porch with me still on his back. For some reason, maybe because he was making me nervous, I decided staying quiet myself would probably be the best idea for now. I tried to get a look at his face to gauge how he was reacting, but he kept it down and out of view. He wouldn't let me down off his back either. When I had loosened my legs grip around his waist his hands had been right there to stop my movements. Even while he struggled to remove his keys from his pocket he wouldn't let me go, instead using the wall against my back to keep me in place as his hand searched before coming out triumphant. The struggle continued as he fought to unlock the door and get it open, only letting out a small grunt of frustration before the wood moved as he kicked it slightly.

Once we had made it inside and the door had been kicked shut we moved into the lounge. The lights remained off, only a small glow from the streetlight across the road casting shadows across the walls and illuminating the room enough to safely navigate it.

"So?" I ventured, my voice quiet in the serene environment. Zacky had seized his movements, seemingly contemplating what to do next. Before I knew what was happening my back was hitting the soft material of his couch that had been next to us, Zacky on top of me. His small burst of laughter was as much of a shock as the air being knocked out of my lungs. Gasping and hitting my fists against his chest he slowly moved over somewhat, taking some of the pressure of his weight away.

"Surprise?" he teased, a wink showing in the small amount of light as he turned himself over. Settling himself comfortably on top of me once again I found him staring intently into my eyes, briefly flicking to the left as he brushed a stray lock of hair from my face, then closing gently as his lips met mine. The metal of his lip rings was cold against my flesh at first, almost adding a measure of intensity before they warmed through the friction they were experiencing. Our kiss was over far too soon for my liking, the groan that escaped my throat vocalising my thoughts. Before I could pull him back to me the phone was ringing and he was climbing away to answer it.

I knew it would be Johnny, checking up on me, probably wanting me home so he could lock the door and get some much-needed sleep. My suspicions were confirmed as I heard his name mentioned from the next room. Sitting up a little I curled an arm around my knees, lying my head down softly and following Zacky's movements back towards me from beneath a veil of hair. I didn't bother to pay any attention to what was being said between the men-folk. I could feel the small amount of uneasiness caused by the situation they found themselves in. Instead I let guilty thoughts invade my mind, wondering if I was worth the trouble that seemed to surround me.

My thoughts were broken only when my veil was moved aside, to catch Zacky gazing at me curiously. "Stay tonight?" he asked quietly, the phone held against his leg to prevent eavesdropping. As if he sensed my indecision he spoke further, "I wanna talk to you about something."

"Sure," I shrugged, "Let me talk to him." I figured Johnny would prefer to hear the news from me. After arguing with him that I hadn't been kidnapped, or drugged, our brainwashed he finally gave in and promised to spill every embarrassing detail he knew about me if I wasn't home in time for lunch at midday sharp. For Johnny, that was a very lenient deal, so I took it with pleasure.

He spoke to Zacky again for another minute before silenced enveloped us. I vaguely heard Zacky promise something, but my thoughts were once again pre-occupied. This time however, it was by what he wanted to talk to me about.