Status: Complete

Turning A Page


Sadly, all good things have to end. Knowing our actions could go a lot further if we stayed in the bed, Zacky made a quick retreat into the bathroom while I changed back into my clothes from yesterday and ran my fingers through my hair hoping to make it look half way decent.

"I'll see you later," I yelled through to Zacky, not waiting for an answer before heading home. I didn't really want to leave, but staying wasn't that great of an option either. I felt guilty, like I was leading Zacky on. Even though he knew what the deal was with me I still felt like how we were handling this was wrong.

Deep in my thoughts I barely registered the walk home, almost surprised when I found myself at my locked front door. If it hadn't still been locked I probably wouldn't have even noticed I was home, but now that I had noticed I was brought into wondering why I was the first one through it today. Sure, eleven o'clock was still considered early by Avenged standards, but I figured Johnny at least would have been up, waiting for me to come home. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking.

Fishing my brand new key out of my pocket for the first time was deserving of a party in my mind, so that's exactly where I held it. Just a quiet gathering consisting of me, myself and I, but we had some fun throwing streamers and confetti, drinking champagne... Ok, sometimes I might get a little carried away.

Laughing shook me from doing an internal happy dance, earning Johnny an attempted evil glare. "Having fun there psycho?" Can't you just feel the love in his nicknames?

"Well I was, but then you had to be rude and interrupt my celebrating. You're gunna pay for that." My voice stayed low and calm, and I could see Johnny was trying to work out whether I was joking or not. It wasn't often he couldn't figure me out, but this was no time for a pat on the back. That would have to wait until after I formulated my plan of attack on the shirtless man before me.

I followed Johnny into the kitchen, still pondering my options of retribution and not really worrying about anything else. I admit, it wasn't my smartest move, because it meant that I wasn't paying attention when Johnny stopped moving. Walking myself into his back jolted both of us, while also pushing Johnny forward into the door of the fridge he had just opened.

"Ow! Damn Sar, that hurt. Kiss it better?" he turned, still right against me (because my brain really didn't feel like functioning enough to tell me to step back) and motioned to his forehead. Pointing to the exact spot that hurt, his eyes stayed on mine, waiting for my actions.

As much as I didn't want to be nice to him, I couldn't not be nice. Yes, I am fully aware I completely contradict myself, but it happens all the time so I'm used to it. I made sure to roll my eyes at Johnny as I leaned forward and moved up on my toes to kiss said sore area. "Better?"

"That spot is, but it hurts heretoo." I could hear the smirk in his voice without even needing to look at his face as he pointed to his nose. I figured since I was already going to pass it on my way back down I might as well just kiss it too. There's no harm in humouring the poor boy. "And here."

Now I was back at my normal height, glaring at my best friend as he jutted out his bottom lip. Laughter was flashing through his eyes, but very luckily for him he was smart enough to not let a sound escape his throat. For some reason he felt the need to place his hands on my hips, probably just making sure I didn't run away from him before performing my healing duties.

Rolling my eyes again I closed the small distance hesitantly, in the back of my mind recognising that this would be the third time I'd kiss Johnny's lips this week. Ok, so technically this time it was only one lip, but still... Best friends aren't supposed to kiss that much. Even when it is just to placate otherannoying insistent friends.

Johnny's lip stayed in its position, waiting for me to reach it. At least he isn't sneakily trying to make out with me. That would just be way too awkward. My lips closed around his, the moment they made contact an insane idea was running through my already crazy brain - wouldn't it be funny if I bit it?

Yes, biting his sore lip would make him think twice before asking me to kiss anything better in the future. I'm pretty sure that was the only thought flowing through my head, and therefore it was loudly heard and acted upon. As I moved to back away from the kiss I quickly reapplied the pressure with my teeth. Instead of hearing the gasp of shock and pain I expected I heard something much, much worse.

A moan.

From Johnny.

Oh shit!
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Yay for posting at 2:30am? lol