Status: Complete

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"What are you doing here?" Eve greeted as she pulled me into the house with a hug. I'll take that as a yes for her being home. Leading me into the living room she told me how she'd only just gotten home from having lunch with her sister at some caf that had the best coffee around.

We chatted for quite a while before she realised I'd never answered her initial question. "Oh, so I can't just come see you?" I laughed. "No, I just needed to get out of the house for a while."

"What did Johnny do now? Is he still being a jerk about Zacky?" The concern was touching, really.

Breathing out a bit of a chuckle I shook my head. "Actually, he was really nice with Zacky when we were driving home last night." As I explained all the details of the previous night Jimmy walked in, making himself comfortable next to Eve.

"Aw, isn't he sweet?" Jimmy joked in a scarily good girly voice. "You know how worried he was about how you'd take it? He thought you might not even talk to him again."

I was slightly sceptical at that, "Yes he is sweet. It was almost funny how scared he was really. Did he really think I'd be that shallow? Just because he was a slut doesn't make him any less Stevie to me. I like him the way he is, who wants someone perfect?"

Eve laughed so loudly I almost jumped out of my seat. "Definitely not me!" she finally managed to choke out. "Oh come on," she rolled her eyes as Jimmy tried to defend himself from the 'insult', "You're nowhere near perfect stick-man. But I still love you."

Their cuteness together would besickening if it was any other couple. Luckily for me it was Jimmy and Eve, so my gag reflex didn't have to exercise itself.

"So what's happening with you and Zacky now?" I knew that question would come up eventually. I guess it was easier to talk about it with the crazy twins though. They were impartial judges, I guess. Well, as much as anyone in our group could be.

I shrugged my shoulders towards Eve since Jimmy was off getting drinks for us. "Same as before. You know I like him, but I just... I don't know. I really don't wanna just rush into another relationship, you know."

Eve nodded as Jimmy handed us each a bottle of water, sitting himself down before opening his beer. "You think he could be a rebound?" Even though Jimmy had only heard half of my answer he seemed to have picked up what I was saying.

"Yea, but I don't think so. I'm just so confused, and I feel really bad about the way I'm treating him. And knowing he hasn't had sex since we met is just like whoa."

"No way! You guys haven't fuckedyet? Poor dude." Jimmy was just so full of sympathy for his friend.

"So anyway, back to the whole reason I'm here. I kinda just walked out on Stevie this morning while he was in the bathroom, and I was zoning as I got home. Johnny met me at the door and I followed him into the kitchen. I ended up knocking him into the door of the fridge cos he stopped walking and I didn't." Cue laughter. "Yea, I suck. So he wanted me to kiss his forehead better, then his nose, and then he stuck out his bottom lip too." They were already shaking their heads along with mine, guessing what I was about to tell them. "So I kissed it, no big deal. But then, as I was pulling back I decided to bite it since he crashed my party."

That's when the confusion hit. "What party? You had a party without us?" Eve actually sounded a little bit sad and I had to hold back my laugh.

"If I had of known you'd be upset I would have invited you. It was just a little thing in my head for my first time using my key, no biggie. But yea, Johnny interrupted so told I him there'd be retribution. So yea, I decided to bite his lip, and did." I had to pause, closing my eyes and shaking my head to myself as the events replayed themselves in my head again. "When I did he moaned, like moan moaned."

Jimmy was cracking up at my horrification, slapping his hand against his knee as he struggled to breathe and tried to talk. Eve was a little more reserved, mostly just looking surprised and enquiring.

Once Jimmy had gotten himself under control they were both looking at me, waiting for an explanation. "It freaked me out. I just froze, we both did. We kinda joked about the awkwardness and hugged for a while, but it's still just weird being there with him. I hope you know I blame youfor this," I leaned over to poke Jimmy in the chest.

"Why me?" he tried to look offended. He completely failed.

I looked at him like he was insane, "You only keep making us kiss, duh."
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You can thank Eve and the ppl leaving comments for this being out so quick =]