Status: Complete

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"You're lucky I love you, cos that was just creepy."

Johnny nodded his head in agreement, "Yea, it kinda scared me too. Remind me to never do that again."

"Never do that again." I pulled back so he could see me laughing at him. Sometimes it's just better when they do, you know? Maybe it's just me. Johnny just rolled his eyes at me, knowing that was enough to convey his annoyance.

"Why do you always have to be a smartass?" he whined, reminding me of when we were younger. He'd always get huffy and whine if he didn't get his own way. He soon got used to it however, I wasn't really the kind of girl to back down easily.

I put an index finger against my chin and pretended to think about that question for a while. I could tell Johnny was getting bored waiting for me to say something, so I took in a breath but held off a little longer. Yes, I know it's not fair on the poor boy, but I just love to tease him. And really, he makes it far too easy. "Because you love it?"

Rolling his eyes just like I knew he would he shook his head, grabbing onto my waist tightly before standing. Wrapping my legs around him was an instinctive movement as he started walking. He still hadn't said anything, or made any effort to remove me from his front, so I figured I'd just roll with it and see what happened.

Some of the best times you ever encounter happen from moments like this. Moments where you just let go and have complete faith that whoever you're with will take care of you. I'm not saying it's always going to be good though - I can still clearly remember the shocked faces as Johnny took me on a piggyback ride into the men's toilets at a mall one boring summer day. We had to hightail it out of there, security in pursuit. Luckily we were small and quick, while they were considerably slower and fatter, so it didn't take long to lose them in the masses.

Without realising it I must have laughed at the memory, because Johnny was looking down at me with his own amusement. "What?"

I took a moment to lean in and kiss his cheek, for no particular reason. I just felt like doing it. "Just remembering that time at the mall."

That was the only explanation I needed. We weren't very fond of malls, so we avoided them as much as possible. Our parents were also wary about letting us roam around by ourselves in malls so we only really had that one adventure.

Johnny joined in on my laughter as he carefully made his way up the staircase. I still had no idea what he was going to do to me, but at least his cautious movements gave me hope there wouldn't be pain involved.

"I thought you were going to be traumatised forever after that," Johnny finally managed to speak after he controlled his initial outburst.

"So did I! When that guy turned round to see what was going on and almost sprayed us? That was disgusting." Shivers ran over my back as that image became stuck in my mind. It really wasn't a pleasant sight believe me. "I was lucky I got to sleep with you for the next week. I know I would've had nightmares if you weren't there to protect and distract me."

We both laughed again, me hugging Johnny tighter as he walked into the bathroom. He set me down on the counter and I had to reluctantly let go.

"What are we doing?"

"You're going to give me a haircut." He said it simply enough, as if it was an everyday occurrence.

Quirking an eyebrow it took a second for the shock to pass. "I'm what? You really are insane JC. Do you not remember how straight my straight lines actually were?" I seriously lack in scissoring skills.

Johnny actually ignored me as he searched through the drawers and cupboards. It was only when I dropped my feet to the floor and tried to leave that he darted across towards me and put me back in my place firmly. "No escaping missy. It's not going to be hard. All you have to do is shave it."

All I could do was roll my eyes and huff out a few breaths of annoyance. He was keeping a close eye on me now as he finished organising everything. The shaver was plugged in, a stool was placed in front of me and then I had the instrument of doom thrust into my hand and Johnny was sitting, waiting expectantly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Avenged were amazing live.
Vids and pics linkage on my profile =]