Status: Complete

Turning A Page


Ok, so I have to admit that shaving Johnny's head was actually a little bit fun. I took my time, removing a little bit from here, a bit from there, making cool/crazy patterns and doing a lot of laughing. It was only a number three cut, so it wasn't too short to expose my lack of expertise. Johnny didn't mind me having fun with his hair either, he was actually giving me ideas every now and then.

The one regret I had from the whole ordeal was that Johnny wouldn't let me get my camera to capture the amusement. Even my best tantrum routine was pointless, quickly being brushed off and denied. I guess I'd just have to live with the memories that were lucky enough to cement themselves somewhere secure in my brain.

I didn't let him know, but Johnny had actually inspired me to want to do something new with my own hair. The same colour and style had been adorning my head for at least the past three or four years. Steve liked the natural honey brown tones I had, along with the shoulder length cut that had slight layers framing my face. Not long after I met him I'd dyed my hair blonder and had it cut quite short, but he wouldn't stop complaining until it grew out so I'd given up on trying anything else new.

I'd always dreamed about doing something completely crazy, like having pink, blue, green and purple patches, or just cutting it all off. Deciding that now I was starting a new phase in my life it was only fitting to transform my image a little. I knew it was better to get it done as soon as possible before I thought myself out of it.

Since I wanted it to be a surprise for Johnny I knew I couldn't ask him about a good hairdresser, but maybe Zacky would help me out. He had the most impressive hair, after Johnny of course. Trying to hide my excitement over my new decision was hard, but luckily cleaning up all of his lost hair distracted Johnny while I called Zacky with vague details of my plan. Making arrangements to meet up with his regular hairdresser the next day relaxed me a little, as did the ease of conversation. Before Zacky picked up I was a little worried he'd be annoyed by the way I left him, but there was nothing in his tone or demeanour that indicated any hostility.

The rumblings of my stomach quickly reminded me that I hadn't eaten all day. Sometimes that happened, I just didn't feel like eating, or I was too busy to notice I hadn't. It wasn't a big deal to me, but Johnny always worried. He just happened to be walking past my bedroom door as the noise erupted, causing him to retreat a few steps before pausing in my doorway.

"It must be food time. What do you feel like?" As he spoke he was pulling his phone out of his pocket, ready to order whatever we decided on.

"Um, I don't know. What's good around here?"

After listening to him reel off various suggestions I decided on pizza. Knowing Johnny knew what I wanted on mine I left him upstairs, jumping down the staircase like a little kid, then running into the kitchen to search the freezer.

"JC, you are a god!" I screamed up to him once I found what I was hoping to see stashed away. Placing my favourite treat on the counter so it could start melting a little I could hear Johnny's chuckle as he descended the stairs.

He was still laughing as he entered the room to find me jumping and spinning around in a happy, excited, spastic interpretation of my joy. "I'm a god huh?" he questioned, stopping my movements by grabbing onto my hands and holding them still out to our sides so our chests were almost touching.

I found myself being swayed around in a circle as I nodded my confirmation, "Yup. Only the best one ever."

"It was lucky I remembered your fetish then, wasn't it."

Breaking my hands free from his I jumped up to sit on the counter, pulling him in front of me so i could rest my arms on his shoulders. He just happens to be the perfect height. "Very lucky! I haven't had Ben and Jerry's for years! You almost deserve a prize," I joked, "but being a god will have to be enough compensation. You were mean to me today."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait, i've been working on this all week. It really didn't want to cooperate with me GRRR

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