Status: Complete

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Relaxing on the couch eating half melted ice cream was my idea of heaven. Seriously, the only other thing that comes close is a hot shower on a cold winters day, but that's only good until you get out and end up frozen again. So the ice cream ultimately wins out on the basis of continued pleasure. Ok, maybe I could add just being with Johnny into that list. When I think about it he really does just make me happy with his presence. Even when he's being annoying he has a way of dragging me into this warmth and calmness that seems to emanate from him.

Johnny and I had been talking about random things since the pizza arrived. We started off with how I liked being back in Huntington, how excited was I to see mom and dad again in a few days, what I thought of the guys and girls... That was when I remembered a very important detail that I was amazed had even slipped my mind.

"So when do I get to see this lostprophets pic JC," I nudged Johnny's knee with my own, almost making him knock over his carton of ice cream.

After putting his carton down on the coffee table he grabbed mine out of my hands, ignoring my protests, hauled me up onto my feet and practically dragged me through the house to his little office. He sat himself down in the leather computer chair, pulling me down onto his lap as he fired up his laptop.

"I wish we had of thought about taking photo's ourselves, but we're idiots so we didn't," was the somewhat cryptic explanation I got when I questioned our current location.

Once the computer was ready he opened up some files and soon there was an image gracing the screen that had me grinning like an idiot. "Sexy!" was my first comment, while I struggled to contain my laughing.

"You know I am!" Johnny joked, kissing my cheek.

"No way! I was talking about Ian, you idiot. Do you have any idea how much I'd kill to be in your position there? He's practically hugging you! Oh my god, do you have silver nail polish on?" That was the final straw. I couldn't keep the laughter in anymore.

Johnny was laughing by now too, so I didn't feel quite so bad. He was poking my sides, knowing that tickling was a futile effort. "No way, I'm not a chick. You know I only rock black nails."

"Sure, sure." His poking was getting annoying, so I started to do it back to him. I had to turn myself around on his lap a little, much to his objection, but I was sitting comfortably and inflicting annoyance in just a few seconds. "Next time you see them you have to take me with you, ok." I didn't really expect to hold him to that, as long as I got to see them live once I could almost guarantee dying happy.

"No worries Starry Night, it's a deal."

I had to shake my head at the old nickname he'd finally brought up. I'd been waiting for it since I arrived, knowing it used to be his favourite. There was a period of about four months when he would only refer to me as Starry Night, refusing to use my real name or even any other nicknames. It got pretty frustrating after the first week and he only stopped when I threatened never speaking to him again.

"You're evil for bringing that up." With that said, I jumped up from my spot on his lap and headed back to finish off my ice cream.


"Do you think he'll like it?" I asked Zacky as we drove out of the parking lot at the hairdressers. I had undergone a pretty significant chop and now had several colours gracing my head.

"What? Oh yea, he should. If he doesn't too bad, cos you look hot as." Zacky had been checking out his own new style in the rear view mirror before speaking. He now had a relatively short crop of dark purple. I wasn't sure if I didn't like it because it looked funny, or because I was just used to his longer black hair.

Smiling back at him as he held my hand in a gesture of support I was grateful I'd asked him to help me out on this. I probably could have called any of the girls and they would have been happy to give me their suggestions, but Zacky had practically told the woman with the scissors what to do and how to do it while he stood and supervised. Ok, maybe that's going a little far, but he did have a lot of say. If I were there by myself I would have ended up saying 'just do whatever you want'.
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Shitty place to stop - i know! But i need sleep, so ur gunna have to wait =p

Just incase you haven't been lucky enough to see the photo i'm talking about i figured i'd put it up here for you to drool over. [If you can't drool over nearly naked Johnny then you must live a very sad existence!!!]

Aaaand if you don't know IAN is the singer who is lucky enough to have Johnny's arm around him... lucky bugger! LOL
