Status: Complete

Turning A Page


As I'm guessing was usual for him, Johnny knocked on his parents door before opening it to let us make our own entrance.

"Mom, Dad, we're here," he called out, not too sure of their location.

Kicking our shoes off to the side of the entrance, a household habit, I couldn't help but smile at how familiar the place looked. Not much had changed over the years, a few new photo's of the family, some of the band, a new mirror hanging above the small table that always held a vase of fresh flowers. I couldn't even count the amount of times Johnny and I had been yelled at for running in the house and almost knocking that exact vase over.

I could hear some noise coming from the kitchen in the back of the house, so I pulled the clueless man I called my best friend along with me, unconsciously linking my fingers with his as our hands stayed together. I was nervous, but that contact with Johnny kept me from shaking and helped me focus on the excitement of seeing the two people I truly thought of as my own family again.

Pausing in front of the half-shut door, I forced myself to take a deep, calming breath, not wanting to give myself away. Johnny let me take my time, looking into my eyes with the same excitement I felt. Kissing me on the cheek and telling me quietly that things would go fine, he pushed the door open and made his entrance, tugging me gently behind him like the nervous new girlfriend I was supposed to be acting like.

Mom was busy preparing food, and Dad was sitting at the table reading a newspaper, both seemingly in their own worlds. Apparently they never heard us approach, so Mom jumped a little when Johnny leaned in to kiss her cheek as a hello.

"Oh, Johnny! You scared me," she laughed, clutching at her chest playfully before slapping at his shoulder. "And who is this lovely young lady?" she questioned as she gestured towards me, her eyes and smile both widening slightly when she saw our still joined hands.

Barking started up at my feet before I could even think of how to explain myself to her, and I looked down to see a recognisable ball of white fluff. The Tibetan spaniel had only been a few years old when I last saw him, but Muffles seemed to remember me anyway.

"Muffles, get down!" Dad called, having noticed the commotion finally. "I'm sorry dear, he usually only does that to family."

Laughing to myself at the situation, I saw Johnny trying to hide his own amusement while I picked the dog up, scratching his belly. "Hey boy, how are ya?" Of course I had to try to hide my accent, which would be a dead giveaway.

"Mom and Dad, this is Sarah," Johnny finally got around to the introduction while I was still busy playing. Muffles was now trying to lick my face, something I absolutely hated. Looking up briefly, being hidden by my hair, I saw brief looks of confusion over our parents faces.

"Sarah? As in our Sarah?" Dad was putting the pieces together.

Putting Muffles back on the ground I let a grin break out over my features. Not even giving him a chance to get a good look at me I wrapped my arms around my second father, hugging him tightly. "I missed you dad."

"We missed you too honey," he said once I finally let him go, kissing me on the forehead as was our tradition.

Mom's hug was just the same; I didn't know what else I could say except that I'd missed them. It seemed like I should say more, but the simplicity felt more like it fit the situation.


"What on earth did you do to your hair?" Dad broke the happy silence that had enveloped our meal.

Looking up from his plate Johnny had an evil smirk as he simply said, "Zacky," before I could swallow my mouthful. It seemed as if that was enough of an explanation though.

"Well, Stevie did take me. Oh yea, I call Zacky Stevie," I interrupted myself when I noticed their confusion at the unfamiliar name. "But I wanted to do it, and he just kinda gave my ideas some direction."

Our reunion was going well. There was no awkwardness; it was like we'd slipped right back to before I ever left. I knew that would end soon though, they'd want to know all about why I'd finally come back. But for now I was happy joking around and enjoying Mom's amazing cooking.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the wait, and the crappiness. This week has been pretty hectic, but i really wanted to get this out. I'd planned to write it on wed, but that never happened.. yay for having no social life and being home on a fri nite?

I need to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to the people that have been commenting on the last few chapters. I know i don't thank you all enough - i truly do appreciate it =D