Status: Complete

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"So how come you've come back to the states?" Val asked, looking genuinely interested.

I shot a quick glance at Johnny, seeing him nod slightly to show I could trust these people, before answering. "Well JC and I made a pact when I left that I'd come back and live with him one day. When I called him the other day I had just had the worst 24 hours. It started off with my dad kicking me out of the house for some stupid reason - I'm not actually sure what it even was. You know what Dad's like when he gets angry," I aimed at Johnny who nodded solemnly. My dad had a habit of flying off the handle about the smallest thing. Luckily he was never physically violent. "So I packed a few things and went around to my boyfriend's place. Big mistake. I walked in on him and the slut from my work."

A chorus of, "Oh," "Ouch," and "Damn," came from around the room. Zacky put his arm around my shoulder, slightly hugging me to him. I shyly looked down into my lap, unused to such affection from someone I barely knew. Johnny kept his hand rubbing up and down my shin, making me more at ease.

"Yea. It sucked. So after hitting him a few times and smashing some windows," I grinned evilly to a few chuckles, "I drove around town for a few hours, getting my anger out, then slept in my car since it was too late to bother anyone for a bed. The next morning at work people were asking why I looked so shit. I told them how I'd broken up with Steve because I'd found him on top of Juliet; only to find out they all knew it had been going on for months." I felt another squeeze on my shoulder from Zacky, and surprisingly a hand made its way onto my knee on my other side. I shot a questioning glace at Syn who just shrugged slightly and smirked while I continued my story. "So I quit. It was a shitty job anyway. The only reason I put up with it was for the friends I thought I had there. After I cleared all my things out from my office I headed to my aunt's. She always loved me visiting, so I knew she wouldn't mind me staying a few nights. Thats when I called JC, and now I'm here!" Whew, that was long.

"Aw hun, I'm so sorry you had to deal with all of that." Val stood and came over to give me a hug.

"Thank you. It was hard, but I'm kinda happy it happened. Now I have Johnny-boy back to torment with, and you've all been so kind to me when you hardly know me." I really was surprised these people had been so accepting of me. I wasn't used to making friends so fast.

"If you're Johnny's best friend then you're part of the family. You're stuck with us for life kid." Jimmy pretended to give me a noogie while he pulled me in towards his chest, one of his arms around my neck in a headlock. Damn that boy was tall; I barely came up to his chin!

As I sat back down in my spot next to Zacky the front door opened and a girl walked in. She looked quite similar to Val, but her hair was darker.

"Sorry I'm late," she announced. "Had some problems at work that took a while to sort out." She'd walked through the room and sat down next to me, on Syn's lap. "Hi, I'm Michelle, you must be Sarah," she introduced herself.

The rest of the day went quickly. I got to know Johnny's friends, and really liked them all. They were all a bit crazy, especially Jimmy, but I couldn't imagine them being any other way. Soon it was getting dark and everyone had left. Johnny gave me the grand tour, and I was even more impressed with it. It really was the perfect house.