Status: Complete

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"Come on, wake up! I'm bored."

I waved my arm in the air, hoping to hit whoever was whining and shaking the mattress. After a few seconds without impact I gave up, snuggling back into my pillow, until it was snatched out from under my head.

"Go away," I mumbled. The shaking stopped, but I felt movement indicating that my tormentor had lain down next to me. I could feel his breath on my face, meaning he was close. I slowly opened one eye, slightly shocked to find Zacky grinning at me, his face only millimetres from my own.

"Come on sleepyhead, I'm taking you shopping!" He looked so excited, just like a kid on Christmas morning. It was cute and I couldn't help the smile that formed.

"But... bed... so good..." I closed my eyes again, settling into a comfortable position. Johnny really had done a great job picking out this bed for me. It was so cosy, I didn't know if I'd ever want to leave it.

Zacky laughed, reaching out to brush some hair off of my face. "Normally I wouldn't complain about sleeping with you," I re-opened my eyes, raising an eyebrow questionably. He just grinned even wider and kept talking, "but are you seriously trying to tell me I've found a girl that'll turn down shopping?"

"Yep. You really hit the jackpot with me. Johnny actually let you in here with me?" Johnny had always been protective of me. He was worse than my dad when it came to other guys, even with the distance between us.

"He let me in and told me to wait till you got up. All the other guys are at the studio, finishing up the last few bits. I got bored waiting though."

"How come you're not with them?"

"Johnny didn't want to leave you alone on your first day here. Plus I've already finished all my parts," he smiled proudly.

"Good job Stevie." I patted his shoulder.

"You're really going to call me that?" he questioned, amused.

"Well yea, that's the point of giving people nicknames." All of this talking had made me more awake so I pulled myself up to lean against the headboard. "Ok, since I'm awake do you wanna get out so I can change?"

"I'd rather stay and watch," Zacky winked, grinning cheekily. His grin soon disappeared as I shoved him off the bed, towards the door.

"Get out you pervert!" I laughed, pushing him out the door. I quickly changed into some board shorts and a tank top, knowing it would be warm outside. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and make sure I looked halfway decent. I gave my face a quick splash of water, removing the last of my sleepiness, and was satisfied with my appearance.

I walked down the stairs, to find Zacky in the kitchen. After a quick drink of water I was being dragged out of the house, and into Zacky's car. He didn't even give me a chance to grab anything, except my shoes that were near the door.

"Where are we off to Chauffeur?"

"Well, I thought we'd go to the mall and then maybe the beach?"

"Sounds good to me."


After walking around the mall for a few hours, occasionally going into shops, I was starting to get hungry. "Stevie, I need food."

"Sure thing doll. The food court's just around the corner."

We grabbed a burger each and ate, talking quietly. The day had gone well so far. We'd had no problems keeping conversations going, and there had been plenty of flirting on Zacky's part. He had been picking out clothes for me to try on, some I had to put my foot down and say no about. The boy had random taste, but most of it I actually liked.

"Come on, we still gotta go to the music store." Zacky started to drag me off again.

"Can we go after that? I'm sick of shopping. I wanna go to the beach." My feet were getting sore and I really was just sick of shopping.

"Anything you want. I just wanted to get you our albums. You haven't heard us yet, have you?"

The grin that spread over my features would've hurt if I wasn't so excited. "Are you serious? Yay!" I started clapping, and received a few strange looks from passing people. "I can't wait to hear you guys."

We reached the music store and Zacky headed straight to the back, quickly finding their three albums. After looking around for a little while and finding nothing else we wanted we went up to the counter and paid.