Status: Complete

Turning A Page


Zacky needed to go to the restroom before we left the mall, so I sat on a bench to wait for him. Two young girls sitting next to me gave me an excited look. Wondering what they were up to I looked at them questionably.

"Ok, this is a bit weird, but is that guy Zacky Vengeance from Avenged Sevenfold?" Wow, these guys must be pretty well known.

"Um no, that's my friend Stevie. You think he looks like Zacky? I always thought Zacky was way hotter." Haha I liked being mean sometimes.

As Zacky came back towards me I yelled at him. "Hey Stevie, these girls thought you were Zacky Vengeance!" I gave him a sly wink, to let him know I was having them on. "I told them Zacky was way hotter than you."

"He is pretty hot," one of the girls said.

Before Zacky could pretend to be offended at the compliment I had a quick thought. "Anyway, if you were Zacky we wouldn't have just bought these Avenged albums, you coulda got me them for free."

"The girl has a point," the second girl stated, standing to leave. "It was nice meeting you anyway."


After blasting Sounding The Seventh Trumpet during the short distance to the beach I was already a huge fan. I'd never really been into screamo, but Matt had a great scream on him.

Taking our shoes off, we walked down the beach for a while before choosing a nice quiet spot to sit down next to each other.

"I missed this view. It's so beautiful."

"Yea it is." No, Zacky wasn't doing the cheesy thing and looking at me while he said that. He was staring out at the ocean, mesmerised by the action of the waves crashing against the shore.

"At home we had the sunrise over the ocean and the sunset was over the mountains. It was still awesome, but not as good as here. Johnny and me used to sneak down here all the time to watch the sunset. Freaked our parents out the first few times but once they knew what we were doing they were fine with it, as long as we didn't stay too long," I smiled, remembering so many good times I could place along this stretch of sand.

"You two were really close, weren't you?" Zacky had a slight sadness in his voice. After looking at him for a few seconds, he was still looking out at the waves.

"Yea, we were. We did pretty much everything together. I never really had any other friends. I didn't need them cos I had Johnny right there, every time I needed him. Maybe I missed out, but I don't think so. Anyway, because of him I've got a whole heap of awesome new friends." I playfully pushed his shoulder, receiving an evil smirk in response. Oh no, I knew what that meant look.

We both stood up from the sand at the same time before I started to race down the beach, dodging the people who kept getting in my way. Zacky was close behind me, cackling loudly. We were getting a lot of looks from people who obviously thought we were crazy, but that didn't matter. I needed to get away from Zacky. Unfortunately I was soon stopped in my tracks by a couple with a dog on a leash. As I went to jump the leash the dog decided it wanted to play in the water, and got my foot caught up. At least landing on the sand was soft... until Zacky decided to jump on top of me. Luckily he landed off to the side a bit, so I wasn't completely squashed. He quickly untangled my foot from its saboteur, before pulling me up and throwing me over his shoulder. It was only a few seconds until I felt myself being dropped into the ocean.

"You bastard!" I laughed, hitting Zacky's shoulder repeatedly while he just laughed harder at me. "You are so lucky my top isn't white."

"Damn, that would've made it even better," he winked, grabbing my arms to stop me hitting him and pulling me closer to him. Looking into my eyes, his head was slowly moving in towards mine until there was a loud ringing.