Status: Complete

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I woke up to groaning beside me, which made me groan in response.

Noise really wasn't a good thing at the moment. My head was pounding, and I assumed the person next to me had the same problem.

"Go back to sleep baby," the voice mumbled. That had my eyes wide open, and I was turning over in a split second. I was met by tired green eyes, which were just as shocked as my own. At least I wasn't naked, that would have been a problem.

"Baby?" I questioned Zacky, while silently wondering how I had ended up waking up next to him again.

"Sorry Princess, I wasn't thinking. It just slipped out," he shrugged it off with a lopsided grin that was entirely too cute for words.

"Alright, I'll let it go this once. How did I end up sleeping with you though? Johnny either really trusts you or he's pissed."

"You don't remember?" Zacky almost sounded sad. I couldn't remember much of the night before. I know we'd started out at Johnny's Bar. We'd had a few rounds, some food, and a few games of pool. I had amused everyone with my complete lack of skill. They had been trying to help me out, showing me how to shoot, while Johnny looked jealous every time one of them had their arms around me. I'd have to ask him about that. After Johnny's we headed out to a club so the girls could dance. I remember having one dance with Johnny until Zacky cut in, but that's all. I recounted this to Zacky, who smiled, remembering.

"Yea, the little dude didn't like that so much. He almost hit the roof when I kissed you." His eyes were on mine, searching for a hint of recollection.

"Damn, you finally kiss me and I can't even remember!" I half joked. "I'm guessing, since I'm here and all, that it can't have been too bad."

"Not bad at all. Incredible actually," Zacky smirked cockily while I hid my face in my pillow, blushing.

"I might have to get you to prove that... later," I added as he began to move toward me. "Gotta brush teeth first."

He kept moving towards me, placing a simple kiss on my cheek before stating, "Ok." He wrapped his arm around my waist and we lay there peacefully, almost drifting back to sleep.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, while Zacky looked worried at my outburst. "I promised JC I'd spend today with him. I need to go." I was already making my way out of the bed, looking around for my pants. Quickly putting them on, I looked back at Zacky, who was stil just lying in bed, watching me with amusement. "Stevie," I whined, "I don't know how to get home." Laughter filled the room.

"So stay," Zacky wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"I can't," I shook my head, trying not to chuckle. "JC's gunna be pissed, and he'll probably have a complex that I like you more than him."

"Do you?" was delivered with just a hint of seriousness.

"I like you and everything, but he's my best friend. I've only known you for two days. I've known him pretty much my whole life. So anyway, can you tell me how to get home, or take me, or something?"

"Relax Princess. Johnny will be fine. As soon as he sees you he'll calm down." I shot him a questioning glance, which he ignored. "As for getting home, I can take ya if you want, but it's only five house down on the left."

"Really? That's so cool. So I can just walk then. Sweet. Shit." Yes, my mood changed just like that, probably making Zacky think I was bi-polar or something. I had just realised something else, "Stevie, I don't have a key." I gave him my best pout and puppy dog eyes. "Do you have one I can steal?" I loved his grin - it was so adorable. I almost had to force myself to not smile back at him. "Is that a yes?"

"Anything for you Princess."

"Just out of curiosity, why are you calling me Princess?"

"Because you're my Princess," he laughed. "I don't know really, you just suit it."

I finally managed to get him out of bed, grabbing the key to my house, before I headed home to see what Johnny had in store for me. This could be fun.