Status: Complete

Turning A Page


It was still early, only 9:35am, when I walked through the living room. I searched through Johnny's DVD collection, picking out a few good ones, before heading upstairs to the bathroom. After I brushed my teeth to get rid of that nasty morning after beer fuzz, and took a couple of painkillers for the throbbing in my head, I walked through to my room, changing out of last night's clothes and into my pj's. I figured we would spend the day in bed - it was the best place to be comfortable and hang out.

Before I snuck into Johnny's room I made a trip back to the bathroom, grabbing a couple of painkillers and a glass of water for the headache I figured Johnny would have. He hadn't been drinking as much as the rest of us for a start, but I knew after seeing what happened between Zacky and I that the odds of Johnny drinking out his annoyance would have gone sky high.

Slowly opening the door, I saw that Johnny was still asleep. He was in his usual position for when he was sleeping alone - on his stomach, his arms and legs spread out and his head buried under his pillow. Seeing this familiar position brought a smile to my face, remembering the first time I'd seen him in this pose. I made my way over to his bedside table, putting the glass of water and the two pills down, then placing the DVD's next to his TV.

Crawling onto the bed, I rubbed my hand in circles over Johnny's back, knowing this would get him to turn over and give me some room to lie down next to him. My plan worked, and he brought his head out from its hiding place. I slid my body beneath the covers, snuggling into Johnny's waiting arms, feeling the familiar comfort of our favourite sleeping arrangement.

"I'm sorry about last night," I whispered into his ear, not knowing whether he'd hear me or not. His arms tightened around me and he placed a kiss to my forehead, letting me know he had heard me, and that everything was still ok between us.

"You know I could never be mad at you, right?" The words were slightly slurred with sleepiness, but the tone of his voice was sincere.

"Yea, I know. Just like you know I'll always love you, no matter what, right?" This is how we'd always spoken to each other after a fight. Not that we had many fights, and definitely no serious ones, but it was a cute tradition that I loved to keep going.

Johnny's eyes finally cracked open. They were still bloodshot, but managed to shine with love anyway. "Always and forever. You're stuck with me for life, kid."

"That better be a promise JC," I laughed quietly, watching Johnny's face contort with pain. "I brought you a present."

I pointed out the items next to the bed, earning a smile and a mumbled, "Thanks." Johnny took the medication, getting out of bed to go into his bathroom. Once he returned he curled back into his previous position, leaning his forehead against mine, our eyes drifting closed. "I really missed you Sar. You have no idea how much it means to me that you're back here. I don't wanna lose you again." His eyes were open again, looking deeply into my own. There was so much feeling being directed at me, and a small tear made it's way down my cheek before being brushed away by Johnny's rough fingers.

"I don't wanna lose you either JC. I hated not being here with you. I cried myself to sleep for a month when we left. I know I never told you, but I was really depressed a few years ago, after Granma and Grandad died. I was seriously considering suicide, but I knew I couldn't break my promise to you. You're the reason I'm still alive and I love you more than you'll ever know." My head was now buried in Johnny's chest, the tears falling freely as I remembered the dark thoughts I'd had for months. My Granma was probably the only other person I was really close to and her death from lung cancer had hit me hard. The fact that it was only a month after my grandfather had died didn't make it any easier.

Johnny held me as I cried, softly speaking comforting words into my ear as he rubbed my back, while trying to comprehend that he could've easily lost his best friend forever. But he hadn't, and all because of a promise made by kids.