‹ Prequel: Love Makes Blind
Sequel: Love Your Enemy
Status: Finished, read the sequel, pretty please :D

Keep Me Together


“How do I look?” Elenia asked her parents as she danced down the stairs.
“You look perfect, Leni,” her mother said and took a hold of her hands. “I’m so happy to see you exited for this.”
Elenia rolled her eyes. “We’re just going to see a movie.”
“Why haven’t you told Seth?” Her father asked, he sat next to Robbie on the couch with a PlayStation control in his hands as the two played Mario.

“You know how he gets…” she said and let her eyes fall to the ground but replaced the frown with a smile when the doorbell rang. “Behave,” she said sternly to Paul before she opened the front door.

“Hi,” Austin said with a smile and handed her a bouquet of flowers. “You’re beautiful,” His voice didn’t stutter, he was filled with confidence.
“Thank you,” Elenia smiled, and led him inside the house. She handed the flowers to her mother. “This is my mom, Elia, and my father, Paul.”
“Austin Jayz,” he said and shook hands with them. “I promise to have your daughter home before ten, we’ll drive directly to the cinema in Port Angles, maybe stop at a restaurant on the way home, but not if it gets too late.”

Paul was actually stunned. The boy had just listed everything he had planned to say. “Eh… okay. Maybe we should take the talk?” he asked and eyes the young boy who clearly had fallen for his daughter.
Elenia blushed furiously. “Oh god no, good bye daddy,” she kissed his cheek quickly and hugged her mother before she nearly pushed the laughing Austin out the door.

“I’m sorry,” she said apologetically after they were on their way. “He was only joking.” I hope…
“I know,” he chuckled. “I told you I was good with parents.”
“Yeah, you were right. What move are we seeing?”
“You decide,” he smiled.
Elenia thought about it for awhile. She had no idea what was running now. “Let’s just decided when we get there.”

They talked about the things that crossed their minds, Elenia was surprised how at ease she was with him, and he was so comfortable to be with.
“Why did you family move back?” She asked him.
“My sister was killed and my mother didn’t want to stay there any longer.”
Elenia was taken aback by his forwardness.
Austin chuckled, “Not the best conversation subject, huh?”

“How can you be so laid back about it?” Elenia wondered with sincere curiosity.
“I’ve been in therapy,” He said and shot her a look, just to see how she reacted.
Elenia only nodded. “How did it happen?”
With that he struggled, she could see it. He opened his mouth several times just to close it again.
“She was raped repeatedly before he murdered her.”

Elenia froze and her heart beat faster. Austin parked the car outside the cinema but made no movement to get out of the car. He leaned his head against the headrest with closed eyes.
“I’m freaking you out.”
Elenia shook her head and let her fingers brush over his cheek and wipe away a tear. “I’m okay. Are you?”
Austin straightened up again with a smile, “Of course, come on.”

He took a hold of her hand and they walked hand in hand inside and bought the tickets for the film they decided on. Elenia was too far away in her mind for the movie to hold her attention.

Austin noticed and leaned over to her ear. “Let’s get out of here, the movie suck anyway.”
Elenia smiled and they tried as quietly as possible to get out without disturbing the full set cinema. The air was chilled outside and Elenia pulled her coat tighter around herself, she felt no Christmas spirit, which was strange seeing that she always started to prepare herself for the joyful event months before it was necessary.
“Just wait here and I’ll go get the car,” Austin disappeared around the corner.

“Leni,” She recognized the voice from beside her, and the warm hand that found hers.
“Seth!” She almost hissed, “What are you doing here?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to Port Angles?” he asked and totally ignored her question.
“Because it’s none of your business!”
“Something could happen to you.”
“Seth! For god’s sake, it’s no extreme sport going on a date,” Elenia laughed vaguely and patted his cheek.

Seth placed his hand over hers to keep it on his warm face. “Maybe I just got a little jealous.” He admitted and let his eyes fall to the ground.
Elenia smiled and wrapped her arms around him in a hug, “You are always closest to my heart.”
Seth grinned at that.

Elenia pulled away when she saw Austin’s car stop on the way in front of her.
“I’ll talk to you later, keep your door unlocked.”
“Okay, Leni,” Seth said and kissed her forehead before he walked down the street, he had to walk the whole way out of town so he could phase.

“Do you normally hand out hugs to strangers, or is it just because this is a lame excuse of a date?” Austin asked her when she closed the door. He meant it in a joking manner, but she heard a serious undertone.
Elenia laughed. “It was Seth, my best friend.”
“Ah, should I worry?”
“No, of course not. I didn’t know this was a date.”

He was smiling again. “It is, but I think I ruined it when I mentioned my sister.”
“You didn’t, it just hit a sore spot,” Elenia said and looked away from him.
Austin stopped the car outside a restaurant, but neither of them felt like eating.
“How come?” he wondered and turned in his seat so he could see her clearly.
She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. “I lost my sister; she drowned. But it’s over ten years ago. I guess I should stop hurting off it.”

He shook his head and grabbed her hand. “I guess the pain never goes away.”
“And this may, I was-“ She didn’t manage to finish the sentence. “I have never talked to anyone about this, not really.”
He knew what she had tried to say. “I’m surprised you’re not at the crazy house.”
“So am I.”

“Elenia, I really like you,” Austin ran his fingers through her dark hair. “You must think I’m crazy, I’ve barley known you for a day.”
“Sometimes it just says click,” She smiled, but deep down she knew she could never return his feelings.
“I promise that if we ever take things further, it will not be until you’re sure.”
She nodded. “Okay.”

“Do you want to grab something to eat?”
“No, not really,” she smiled apologetically at him. “Can’t you just take me home?”
“Of course.”
Elenia wanted to get home before she broke down in tears, before she let her pain take over.


“See you Monday?” Austin asked outside Elenia’s house.
“Mhm,” She said and pecked his lips. “Good night, Austin Jayz.” She walked inside and closed the door behind her before he could say anything.

“I’m back,” Elenia said as she stopped in the doorway to the living room where her parents sat in the love seat, watching some old romance movie. Elenia loved how much they loved each other, even after all those years.
“Did you have fun?” Elia asked with a smile.
Elenia nodded, “Yeah. But I’m tired.”

“Give me a hug,” Her father said and put his arms out for her. “Good night, princess.”
Elenia had to hold back her tears once more as she buried her face in her father’s neck. “I love you.” She whispered before she hugged her mother. “I love you too, mama.”
“We love you too, Leni,” Elia said and brushed her fingers over her cheek softly. “Good night, bambi.”
Elenia hesitated in the doorway. But she let it go and walked slowly upstairs.

She was halfway out the window when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. She hurried back inside and threw herself at the bed and pulled the covers over her before she asked who it was.
“It’s just me,” Her mother said and stepped inside. She walked over to the bed and sat down on top of the duvet. “Are you sure you feel okay, Leni?”

Elenia bit her lip and shook her head. “Do you still miss her, mama?”
Elia closed her eyes for a second before she lay down beside her daughter and put an arm around her. “I miss her every second of the day.”
“Me too,” Elenia said and let a tear run down her cheek.
“She’ll always stay in your heart.”
“I know. But I wish she still was here.”

“You know you can talk to me about these things. When you feel sad. It helps to talk about it.”
“Yeah, but sometimes it hard to know what to say,” Elenia said silently.
“I know I should probably talk more about her with you.”
“I’m okay,” Elenia said. “I just need to sleep.”

Elia sighed. “I know you were on your way to Seth.”
“No, I’m ready to sleep,” Elenia lied.
“Leni…” Elia stood and pulled the cover away to reveal a fully clothed Elenia. “I know how much you need him, I understand better than anyone. Now go on; I’ll cover for you.”
“Thank you mama,” Elenia kissed her cheek before she found her shoes from under her bed and walked back to the window. “You are the best.”

She ran through the cold weather to the person she knew held her heart. The door was unlocked as she had requested and she locked it behind her after entering the small apartment. All the lights were off but she found the way to the bedroom anyway.

Seth was awake but didn’t say anything as Elenia pulled her jeans and sweater off before climbing into the bed and pressing her cold body against his warm one. Seth wrapped his arms around her and Elenia let her tears fall freely.

Seth held her tightly against his chest until she calmed down and fell asleep. He knew he was everything she needed. But he couldn’t be more than that. She didn’t need him to be her boyfriend, to give her sweet kisses and small gifts.

She needed him to hold her while she cried, to tell her everything would be okay. She needed him to know what she needed without asking.
She needed him to love her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have been writing this all day for my dear readers.
Especially to octoberlover_1014, your comment made me happy :)

I'll update when I have five new comments !

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~ BreeVixen