‹ Prequel: Love Makes Blind
Sequel: Love Your Enemy
Status: Finished, read the sequel, pretty please :D

Keep Me Together


Elenia was dressed in a pink silk-chiffon dress; a dream of a dress. She stood in front of the full length mirror in her bedroom. She barely recognized herself; with soft curls, perfect makeup and the dress.

Her mother stood behind with a loving smile. “You are beautiful, Leni.”
Elenia smiled weakly at her mother through the mirror just as the doorbell rang.

They walked downstairs but her father had already opened the door. Harry, Miri and Austin stood in the living room; all dressed up. The room fell silent when she entered and all eyes were on her.
“What?” she asked, feeling self conscious.

“You look absolutely amazing, Princess,” Her father said with tears in his eyes as he pulled her into a tight embrace.
“Yeah, you do Leni,” Harry said and hugged her as well.
Elenia shrugged. “Let’s get this over with.”
Austin sighed and sent Harry a knowing look. Harry couldn’t help but smile.

Elenia was silent as they walked till the school and she tried to ignore all the talking done by her cousins and Austin. She really didn’t want to go to prom; she didn’t feel like celebrating.

Hours passed without nothing special happening. Elenia only stood against the far wall, watching all the other students dance and have a blast. Elenia needed the ladies room and turned around just too late to see who entered the room. But the person saw her and smirked before he followed after her.

Elenia did her business before she stepped out in the almost empty hall. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw who leaned against the lockers outside the restroom. Fear pulsed through her veins as she stood face to face with her rapist.

“Hey, Lenny,” he said with a smirk and stepped closer to her.
Elenia was frozen in place; she wanted to scream but didn’t find her voice. It made him smirk wider, seeing the evident fear in her eyes.

He had her pushed up against the wall. “Damn I missed your hot body,” He whispered and trailed his nose up and down her neck. “Have you been thinking off me, Lenny?” he asked and placed his lips over her collarbone.
Elenia didn’t answer; she closed her eyes and hoped someone – anyone – would walk by.

Her silence made him angry. He wanted her to scream his name in joy, he wanted to hear how she’d missed him, how she’d been thinking off her constantly.

“Answer me, damn it!” He yelled at her face and slapped her hard across her cheek.
The slap broke her fear and she screamed at the top of her lungs; a piercing scream.
“Shut up!” Kenny yelled back at her and covered her mouth with his hand.

Just as tear started streaming from her eyes someone ripped Kenny away from her. Elenia fell limply to the floor, the dizziness almost taking her under. But then she heard the most beautiful voice, the voice of something as beautiful as an angel, but dangerous as an wolf.

“You fucking bastard!” Seth hissed at the pale boy and had him pressed up against the wall with Seth’s strong arm pressed over his throat. “How dare you show your face here? How dare you lay a hand on her?”

Miri rushed over till Elenia as Harry and Austin tried to pull the blurring Seth away from the weak human. Seth’s anger made him stronger than both of them; they would have gotten further at pulling a trailer.

Seth’s fist collided with Kenny’s nose and everybody could hear the shattering sound of bones breaking.
“I’ll murder you,” Seth said with a venom filled voice; speaking only the truth.
Kenny’s eyes widened in fear; he could see that the tall, muscular man wasn’t kidding around.

Pictures of horror flashed through Elenia’s head. Pictures of a dead Kenny and a blood covered Seth being towed away by the cops. And even worse were the pictures of him running away again.
“Seth,” She mumbled and got to her feet with the help of Miri.

He hadn’t heard her and pressed harder on Kenny’s throat.
“Seth!” She screamed at him, to get his attention. “Don’t do it; he isn’t worth it.”

Seth stared at her with captivated eyes; her beauty knocking the breath out off him.
“Leni,” he whispered and his tense arms relaxed a tiny bit.
“Don’t do it Seth,” she whispered back to him and reached her arms out but Harry and Austin pulled Seth away from Kenny and out off her reach.

It broke Seth’s trance and he stared around himself; at the crowd of gawking students with terrified eyes as well as Elenia where she stood with her arm stretched towards him.

The shaking in his body came to a startling stop and he turned away. He made his way through the crowd and ran out of the school. Elenia stared after him for a split second before she took off running after him. She looked like a princess on a pink chiffon sky as she disappeared out the doors.
♠ ♠ ♠

Elenia's dress.

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~ BreeVixen