‹ Prequel: Love Makes Blind
Sequel: Love Your Enemy
Status: Finished, read the sequel, pretty please :D

Keep Me Together


Weeks passed and Elenia healed from her concussion. She moved in with Seth three weeks after getting out of the hospital. Her parent’s even helped her move. Elenia was surprised when she saw her brother cry when she said good-bye the first night. He told her he would miss their morning bickering.

Elenia was getting dressed in her new bedroom. She and Seth were on their way to a dinner party with Seth’s sister and Elenia’s favorite aunt Leah. Seth stepped out of the bathroom and started button his shirt. Elenia stared at him with dreamy eyes.

“Do we really have to go?” She asked him and ran her hand over his tan chest. “I think I might be ready now.”
Seth groaned and removed her hand. “Don’t taunt me girl, you’re driving me crazy. But yes, we have to go. We are telling them all today.”
“Everybody knows about the engagement,” Elenia said and turned her back to him. “Zip me up.”

“I wasn’t talking about our engagement, Elenia,” he said and pulled the small zipper on her purple strapless dress. “We are leaving in a week.”
Elenia sighed. “I know. I’m scared.”
Seth smiled. “It will be okay.”


The dining room in Darin and Leah’s house were buzzing with laughter and happy chatter. Everybody was there, everybody included; Leah and Darin, Paul and Elia, Harry, Miri and Austin, Daniel, Robbie, Eve and Elenia and Seth.

Seth was holding Elenia’s hand securely in his, and was staring down at her as she was speaking with Miri, Austin and Harry. He leaned closer to her and kissed her cheek.

“Ready?” he whispered for only her to hear.
Elenia froze before she turned to face him. She shook her head with scared eyes.
He brushed his rough fingers over her cheek. “You have no choice,” he said in a low voice.
She sighed before clearing her throat. “Mama, dad,” she said slowly and focused on her parents only.

They looked up at her.
“Seth and I have something to tell you,” she said and the room went silent. Elenia nudged Seth’s side, but he didn’t get the chance to speak.
“You knocked her up!?” Paul hollered and made his chair fall as he stood up.
Seth’s face went white as Elenia’s went red.
“Let them speak, Paul,” Darin said a little sternly.

“Thank you uncle D,” Elenia smiled at him before she stared into her father’s black eyes. “We are leaving for Parghelia.”
It looked like the air went out of Paul and he sat down on his chair again and buried his face in his hands.
“Why?” Elia asked her daughter.
Elenia shrugged. “I haven’t applied to any colleges, and I thought I could use some time off because of everything that have happened the last year.”

“Exactly when did you decide to go?” Darin wondered.
“Two weeks ago,” she answered.
“And how are you planning to support yourself?” Elia asked and took a sip of her glass.
“We are both fluent in Italian, we will get jobs,” Seth said slowly. He couldn’t help but feel smug towards Elia. This was exactly what she’d done.

“Wipe that smile of your face, Seth,” Elia said and narrowed her eyes at him.
Seth threw his head back and laughed loudly. “But I can’t ignore the irony in this,” he said as he gasped for air.
“Shut the hell up, Seth. You are not leaving, Elenia,” Paul said sternly and angry. “Your mother is pregnant. Don’t you want to be around for when the baby comes.”

It made Leah join Seth in on the laughter. “Oh Paul,” she said and smiled at him. “You sound exactly like me twenty years ago. I was one month on the way with Harry when Elia decided to bolt. It in your genes, Elenia, go, have fun and learn what life is.”
Paul glared daggers at his sister in law. “It’s none of your business, Leah.”

Elia sighed and placed her hand over his. “Leah is right Paul, Elenia needs to go. Seth will take care off her.”
Elia stared at her husband with loving eyes. “She will come home when she is ready.”
Elenia walked over to her parents and hugged them both.

“When are you leaving?” Harry asked.
“In a week,” Seth said and looked almost afraid when Paul’s eyes darkened again. “We have already paid for the plane tickets; and Angelo said we could live with him for as long as we needed.”
Elenia was about to answer but Robbie stopped her when he yelled out.

“I hate you!” He screamed and ran out the door. The front door slammed.
Harry rose. “I’ll go talk to him.”
Elenia shook her head. “I’ll go.”

Elenia saw him running down the street, but her legs were longer than his and she easily caught up with him and grabbed his arm.
“Robbie! Stop!” She yelled when he tried to get away from her grip.
“Get away from me!” He screamed and refused to meet her eyes.
“Robbie, please,” Elenia said and felt like crying. She grabbed his shoulders and spun him around.

His eyes were filled with tears, some running down his cheeks.
“Why are you crying, Robster?” She asked him softly and brushed her fingers over his soft cheek.
“I’m not!” He said and swatted her hand away.
Elenia pulled him into her arms and held him tightly. Robbie buried his face in her neck and had his arms around her.

“I don’t want you to leave, Leni,” he almost sobbed when she let go of her. “It feels like I just got you back, and then you move out and now you’re moving to the other side of the world!”
“We’ll meet again; you can come visit, and I’ll be home from time to time. We can talk together on the phone.”

“But that’s not the same, Leni,” he whined and held her hand.
“Robbie, you are a big guy, and I’m so proud of you. You’ll do great without me. And you’ll have to take care of mama; and Oliver when he comes.”
“Why have you already named the baby?” he asked her.
Elenia smiled. “I didn’t; Olivia did.”
Robbie looked at her in disbelief. “You’re a nutcase Elenia.”

She laughed wholeheartedly and hugged him again. “But you love me anyway.”
He smiled. “Yeah I do.”
“Will you be okay if I leave? You are not losing me.”
He nodded and wiped his cheek. “Maybe. Yes, I think so.”


Everybody from the dinner party was out on the porch when Elenia and Robbie walked hand in hand back to the house. Seth stood in front. He was smiling widely. He walked down the steps and pulled Elenia into his arms.

“I was planning to wait, but they forced me,” he whispered against her hair.
She stared up at him in confusion. “What are you talking about Seth?”
Robbie ran up to his parents as Seth stepped away from Elenia.

And got down on one knee. Elenia gasped and covered her mouth with her hands when Seth pulled a black velvet covered box from the pocket on his jacket.

“You own my heart, my mind and my body, you are my life, and my heart will always beat for you, Elenia Valeria Talley. Marry me and I’ll be the happiest man alive.” He asked her with loving eyes and opened the box.

Elenia smiled as he put the ring on her finger. “I knew I’d convince you.”
“Just say yes, Leni!” He laughed and cupped her face.
“Yes, I’ll marry you, stupid!” She pressed her lips against his to the cheers from their family.

“Marry me right now,” Seth said, being dead serious.
“What? I thought you wanted to wait.”
Seth glanced at Paul over his shoulder. “I know your father would calm down a few notches if we were married before I drag you halfway across the globe.”

“Okay,” she smiled. “Tomorrow then.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Click here to see the dress and ring

Click here to go directly to the sequel ;)

I am a little hopeless. I started freaking out because this story is soon finished. Then I got the brilliant idea to make yet another sequel. I already have the preface written... :P I think you'll figure out who's it going to be about pretty fast.

So, just go and comment and subscribe; I'll start posting as soon as the last chapter of this story is posted.

I'll update when I have five new comments :)

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~ BreeVixen