‹ Prequel: Love Makes Blind
Sequel: Love Your Enemy
Status: Finished, read the sequel, pretty please :D

Keep Me Together


Elenia told Seth everything. He lent her a pair of sweats and a t-shirt before he carried her back to her house to talk to her parents. Elenia tried to refuse; she didn't want to tell her father, he would lose it and probably go rip Kenny Newtons head off.

Seth stared down at the girl he loved so high with sorrow filled eyes and felt such a hate towards the boy that hurt her he was afraid he could kill him. How could anyone want to hurt someone so beautiful. He felt like throwing up.

Elenia didn't manage to tell her parents, the sobs escaping her mouth made her unable to talk at all. Seth had to say the words and he saw as Elia's face crumpled in pain and worry as she held her daughter. Paul's eyes turned black with anger.

"Seth, would you mind coming with me and kill the fucking bastard?" Paul asked Seth, and both Seth and Elia knew he was dead serious.
"No Paul, right now we have to make sure Leni is okay," Elia said and brushed her hand over Elenia's wet hair. "Call Darin, he can get a gynecologist to check Elenia and ask Harry to come look after Robbie."

It was Elia's mother instinct that kicked in. She had to stay strong for her daughter. Elia had problems with understanding how her own mother had managed to stay strong through Elia's rocky childhood.

Paul struggled to get the number right because his hands were shaking. It was still strange for him to feel so angry and murderous and not feel the trembling that would turn him into the wolf that could kill. That was the first night he ever regret not phasing anymore.

Darin and Harry came, and Harry was confused but kissed the top of his cousins head before she left with her parents and Darin. Seth wanted to come with them but Darin said there was nothing he could do in the hospital other than wait and he might as well just stay behind with Harry.

Seth threw up behind a bush after he saw them drive off. Then he started crying in frustration; his nephew had to help him inside. Harry didn't understand Seth's feelings but because he was a shape-shifter as well he knew how Seth felt about Elenia. He also had to stop Seth when he decided to go and kill Kenny Newton.

The doctors couldn't find any DNA evidence, it was only the physical wounds that showed what harp Elenia had been put through. Her uncle gave her prescriptions on some pain killers and antibiotics for her wounds.


Elenia didn't sleep much that night; she was hunted by those horrible pictures and memories every time she closed her eyes. She sat in the living room with her mom and dad and Seth and drank hot cocoa. No one said much. The grown ups just planned what to do next. Paul would contact Kenny's father, Mike Newton, and tell him about the incident and that they would press charges. If Kenny admits, everything will go easily.


Elenia barley managed to hold her eyes open when the sun rose, she ordered Seth to make her a cup of strong coffee even though she disliked the taste of it. Elia and Seth stayed with Elenia while Darin went with Paul to find out where Kenny's parents was, because they were not at home.

The clock had just passed nine when a tired looking Robbie walked down the stairs in his Superman PJ's. He looked from his mothers face creased in worry to where Seth sat with his arms wrapped around Elenia at the couch. Elenia had her eyes clamped shut as Seth brushed calming circles on her arm.

Elia stood up and knelt in front of Robbie and held his face between her hands before he hugged him closely.
"Mama, what's going on?" he asked and furrowed his small eyebrows.
"Someone bad hurt your sister," Elia said and brushed her fingers over his dark hair.
Robbie looked at Elenia like she was an alien. He cared for her, of course, but Robbie had never been hugged by his sister, she was like a stranger to him. "What did he do to you?"

Elenia opened her eyes and looked at the boy she struggled so hard not to love and blinked away her tears.
"Seth, can we go to your place?" She asked and sat up a little bit.
Seth gave Elia a questioning look and she nodded. "Of course."
He helped her up and they left Elia alone to explain what horrible things some humans could do.


Seth offered Elenia some food, but she didn't manage to eat anything.
"What can I do for you, Leni?" He asked her, slightly desperate.
Elenia looked up at him and walked over to the couch in the small living room. "Just hold me."

And that was what he did, he held her, hoping it could reduce her pain. She felt like she didn't have any tears left to cry, but if Seth arms hadn't been wrapped around her she would fall apart all over again. Elenia thought it was a little weird; she should be longing for her boyfriend to hold her and comfort her right now, but she didn't even think of Derek - no one could comfort her better than Seth. He knew her all to well. Seth was in all of Elenia's happy memories from growing up.

She had almost fallen asleep when the phone rang, making Seth rush over to answer before the second ring. He held his hand over the receiver and looked over at Elenia's tired face. "It's Derek, he says it's important, do you want to talk to him?"

Elenia nodded and got up slowly and made her way over to the phone. "Yeah?" She asked almost in a whisper.
"I have to meet you," he said to her in a serious voice.
Elenia sighed and ran her hand through her knotted hair. "I don't feel so well Der."
"It's important, Elenia. Meet me at First Beach in fifteen minutes," he said and hung up on her.

"What did he want?" Seth asked when she had put the phone down.
"He want to meet me at the beach," she answered.
"You don't have to go if you don't feel like it."
She shook her head. "He said it was important. And I guess I have to tell him what his best friend did to me."
"Want me to come with you?"
Elenia shook her head again. "No, just be here when I get back."

She pulled the hood over her head before she exited the house. it was still very early, but being a Saturday she saw many towns people she knew, but none that she greeted. Derek was already there when she got to the beach. He sat on one of the benches that was placed around town and he held something in his lap. He didn't look up at her or kiss her as she sat down next to him, which Elenia thought was really odd.

"Had fun at the party last night?" he asked her lowly.
"No," Elenia said and turned to him. "Why did you just leave me there alone with a bunch of kids I don't know?"
"Matt needed help with some stuff; but that's not the case, Elenia," he said and threw her the items he was holding. It was her black leather bag and jacket. "I found your purse in Kenny's room when I helped him clean up."

Elenia just stared at the things and shivered at the bad memories they gave her; she would have to throw them away.
"Why the hell was your purse in his room?" Derek looked at her for the first time since she got there and he had a look of disgust. "How could you do that to me, Elenia? How could you just throw yourself at my best friend?"
"I- I didn't. He-" Derek cut him off.
"Kenny told me. He wanted me to hear it from him before you could tell me some fucked up lie. I just don't get it, how you can do it with him after you've told me so many times you want to wait," he shook his head.

"No, Derek, that's not what happened. He raped me. Kenny raped me Derek," She grabbed his hand tightly but he shook her off.
"I don't believe you," ha said with a frown. "I can't believe you can sit here and lie to my face. That's just low, Elenia."
"I'm not lying!" She almost screamed at him. "You have to believe me. Look," she unzipped her hood and pulled it down over her arm to show him the bruises.
"You probably got those stumbling against a door or something," he said and looked away.

Elenia felt her tears press again. "No Derek, you have to believe me." her voice was defeated. He would of course take his best friends word over hers.
"It's over Elenia, I can't be with you any more. I just- You disgust me," he rose from the bench and strode away from her.
Elenia got to her feet and rushed after him and grabbed onto his arm. "No Derek, I need you. Please."
"I just came to give you your stuff, now I don't want anything more to do with you. I just want to forget you." He shook her off and she fell onto the sand.

Elenia closed her eyes, she didn't want to see him leave, she wanted to believe it was all a dream. She looked up when someone cleared their throat. It was Miri and Elenia put on a weak smile.
"Hey," she said to her cousin and got up and brushed the sand of her sweatpants.
Miri narrowed her eyes at her. "How could you do that to Derek?
"What? Have you talked to him?" Elenia asked her dumbfounded.
"He called me on the verge of tears. I just can't believe you had sex with Kenny Newton."
"But Miri, I didn't! You have to know! Your father went with me to the hospital, Harry had to look after Robbie!"

"You probably just did that to fabricate evidence. I'm not your friend anymore, and you can't come with us on the camping trip, Derek's brother is driving us."
"What? You're forbidding me to go on the camping trip we have been planning for ages, because you're going with my boyfriend?" Elenia asked in shock.
"You're ex-boyfriend," Miri put on a fake smile, "Sorry, I have to go, Derek is waiting for me."

"Miri! You're my cousin how can you do this?" Elenia yelled after her.
"Sometimes love is thicker than blood."


Elenia ran to the only person she knew would understand her. She banged on the door at Seth's apartment, it was locked.
"Seth!" She called and pounded her fist against the hard wood. She stumbled inside and against his bare chest when he opened the door.
Tears were streaming down her face as she wrapped her arms tightly around his torso.

"Leni, what's wrong?" he asked he softly and kissed her head.
"I hate them. I hate them all," she sobbed. "Please take me away from here. Drive me to the other side of the world."
"Of course," Seth said, he didn't need to ask more questions. "Just let me get dressed."
Seth had been showering and was only wearing a towel.

He led her to the couch and made her sit down while he walked to his dresser and found some clothes, by the time he walked out again Elenia was deep asleep on the couch. He smiled at her lovingly before he lifted her up in his arms carefully and carried her to the bedroom where he tucked her in. He laid down beside her and held her against his chest, not wanting to leave her alone.

The poor thing was exhausted.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the long wait, but I'm writing it in the draft section and it takes me forever to be pleased with it :P
I don't know when I'll get my laptop back but I hope it's soon. Please don't drop me just yet :)

What did you think about the chapter, feel free to tell me!

I'll update if I get ten new comments ^^

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~ BreeVixen