‹ Prequel: Love Makes Blind
Sequel: Love Your Enemy
Status: Finished, read the sequel, pretty please :D

Keep Me Together


It was two months since it had happened, and Elenia was spending her summer vacation doing nothing at all beside hanging with Seth or Harry. Mostly Seth; she was practically living with him even though her parents refused her to move out.

Elenia's relationship with Robbie had changed after he fell off the cliff; now they weren't speaking at all or bickering. Elenia treated him like a stranger, like he wasn't there. She felt like everything was tearing at her. Not having friends, not standing to be at home, her father pressuring her to sue Kenny Newton for what he did and her mother constantly asking her how she felt and if she needed to talk about it. It drove her crazy.

It was only with Seth she felt relaxed and calm. It was only there she could ever consider talking about what had happened - not that she did. And Elenia preferred to stay inside, because every time she went out she would bump into her former friends and she refused and was terrified to go to Forks. She didn't know what she would do if she bumped into Kenny Newton.

"Let's go to the theaters in Port Angeles," Seth suggested for the third day in a row.
Elenia shrugged her head. "Why can't we just watch a movie here?"
He sighed and gave in to her, he didn't want to pressure her. He put on a new film he had bought, it was a scary one and they hadn't even watched it for ten minutes before Elenia was hiding against Seth's shoulder and begged him to turn it off.

He laughed when he did. "You're such a baby, Leni. What do you want to do now, seeing that you refuse to leave the apartment?"
Elenia thought hard about that. She felt saddened as she told him. "Can you tell me about Sofia?"
Seth closed his eyes but didn't say anything.
Elenia knew Seth was engaged to Sofia before she was born but that Sofia had died in a car accident the day Elenia was born. But Seth never spoke of her so Elenia didn't know much.

Elenia brushed her fingers over Seth's cheek as he a pained expression flashed across his face.
"You loved her, right?" she asked him.
Seth nodded. "I loved her very much."
"What was she like?"
A small smile adorned his lips. "I remembered the first time I met her; her beauty knocked my breath out of me. She was the most caring person I'd ever met. And she worked as a nurse at the hospital and everybody loved her there. And she made me appreciate even the most trivial things in life."

"Wasn't she from Spain?" Elenia liked talking about others than herself.
"Yes, I hadn't met her family because we couldn't afford the plane tickets but we had planned to go there that summer," he answered and then he snorted. "But I got to meet her parents at the funeral."

"Can you tell me about the accident?" she asked him softly.
He closed his eyes again and Elenia realized it was because he struggled not to cry. Elenia crawled into his lap and wrapped her arms tightly around him.

"I had just picked her up from work and we was driving back to La Push because we were going to babysit Harry. And then she told me she had some important news. She sounded serious and I turned my head to look at her and saw a sheepish smile on her mouth. I thought she was going to tell me about the promotion she had been talking about. So I was surprised when she told me she was pregnant." he drew in a ragged breath before he went on. "I was so surprised and happy that I leaned over to kiss her. It had been raining a lot lately and the weather had gotten colder, I hadn't notice that the rain had frozen to ice on the already slippery pavement. The car ended up in the other carriageway and crashed into the cliff side."

Seth buried his face in Elenia's hair and Elenia could feel his tears and held him even closer.
"I killed her and I killed our unborn baby," his voice broke.
Elenia lifted his head and stroked it softly. "It's okay Seth," she whispered and kissed away a tear. "You have done so well on your own."
He shook his head. "I haven't been alone," he said and looked into her eyes, "You saved me, Leni. I had nothing to live for until I walked into the hospital room where tour mother lay with you in her arms. When I looked into your beautiful eyes I felt hope again, I knew that as long as you were here I would be okay."

"I feel the same way; as long as you can hold me I'll me okay. You are the only thing keeping me together Seth," Elenia said and let her lips brush over Seth's.
Seth exhaled and pulled her closer before he kissed her again, and as their lips were connected Elenia didn't care about anything else in the whole world.

Seth pulled away first and Elenia hid her face in his neck as she blushed and let out a small giggle. Seth smiled and brushed his hand slowly up and down her arm. No one said anything for a long while, both focused on their own thoughts. Elenia felt confused but enjoyed the feeling of the butterflies in her stomach with a smile.

Seth was ecstatic. It had been so natural. When he first had joined the pack he had been a little freaked out over Quil imprinting on Claire, but now he truly understood the meaning of imprinting. The only thing left was telling her...

There was a reason Elenia didn't know about the werewolves. She knew about them in the legends she had been told since she was a child but she only believed them to be that; legends, old fairytale like stories. If Elenia had been told at a younger age about them it would have been natural for her, just as natural as the humans around her. But imagine getting a four year old not to tell all her friends and teachers in kindergarten about the big wolf she uses to play with.

Elenia perked up wit ha smile on her lips. "I know what we are doing tomorrow," she said proudly. "We'll go hiking."
Seth raised his eyebrows at her. "Hiking? Where?"
"In the woods, I found this place a few weeks ago, it's so beautiful and we can bring food and have a picnic."
"Okay," he said to her, but on the inside he was worried for her and didn't like the idea of her wandering alone in the woods.

"I have to go now, I promised mama to eat dinner at home today," Elenia rolled her eyes as if eating at home was weird. "Can't you just come over tomorrow morning and we'll get going."
"Of course, Leni. Do you want me to follow you home?" he asked her.
She shook her head. "No, I'll be okay," Elenia felt hope that she hadn't felt in a long time and she believed the kiss she had shared with Seth was the main cause.

Elenia pecked his lips again before she jumped of the couch and almost danced towards the door. She was outside in seconds and Seth was left slightly dazed. He smiled and shook his head.
"That girl..." he chuckled to himself.


Elenia had already eaten breakfast and was bouncing in excitement as she was waiting for Seth to come. Her mother was smiling that morning, because Elenia was smiling. Elia worried for her daughter constantly after what that boy had done to her.
"Are you feeling well today, Leni?" Elia asked her daughter.
"Yes I am mama, me and Seth is going on a hike," she grinned.
"Great, some fresh air will do you good Princess," her father said and sat down beside her with the kitchen table and started reading the paper.

"Hey, did you guys know that Sofia was pregnant?" Elenia asked.
"What?" Paul folded the paper and looked at his daughter in confusion.
"Sofia, Seth's fiancé, she told him she was pregnant right before the accident. Seth told me yesterday."
Elia wiped away a tear that escaped her eye before Elenia could see it. "No, Seth never told us."
"How strange..." Elenia mumbled.

There was a knock on the front door and Seth let himself in. Elenia's face lit up when she saw him and she waited as he hugged her mother and greeted her father before they walked out hand in hand.

"Robbie isn't at home?" He asked her.
"I don't know, he's probably sleeping over with Daniel," Elenia shrugged. Daniel was their cousin - the same age as Robbie as well.
"You should start caring more for him, Leni," Seth told her.
Elenia ignored him and led him down the road to find the spot where she went into the forest.

Elenia walked easily through the thick wooded forest and high grass. She loved the forest around La Push because it was so dark and mystical; it wouldn't surprise her if some mythical creature jumped in sight from a tree. They were having fun, laughing and shoving each other around. Elenia felt so at ease.

Elenia fell on the wet moss and Seth pulled her up again. She smiled at him before standing up on her tip-toes to press her lips against his lightly. Seth put a hand in her hair to hold her closer. Elenia didn't completely understand why they were kissing; they had always been close. But friends. She had never before seen Seth as someone else ass her friend, almost brother like.

"We should probably continue walking," she said breathlessly and grabbed his hand before heading further into the green forest.
"Why have you been wandering so far into the woods, alone?" Seth wondered.
Elenia shrugged. "Needed to think, to clear my head."
"The forest is dangerous, Leni."
Elenia let out a laugh. "I'm not afraid of the so called bear-wolves."

"Oh really?" he asked with a smirk.
"Nope. I would love to meet one," her tone was superior.
Seth laughed and messed her hair with his free hand.
"Don't you think it's beautiful?" she looked around herself.
"It's very beautiful, but not nearly as beautiful as you," he said softly and made her blush.

"We are nearly there," Elenia said; strangely she recognized the trees because the forest was thinning out as they neared an oval shaped clearing in front of a ridge side.
"Look," she said with a smile and motioned at the place with her arm.

Seth was frozen though and pulled Elenia behind himself to shield her for the danger he smelled the scent of. Elenia noticed the smell as well, amazingly.
She grimaced. "What is that smell, it stings my nose," she wined and tried to walk away from Seth but he kept her in place as he looked around and searched the forest.
"Be quiet..." he said lowly to her.

Suddenly the vampire were in front of them, only thirty feet away from them. Elenia's mouth dropped open in surprise. She was taken aback by his handsomeness; his skin was white as a sheet in a sharp contrast to his jet black hair. But his eyes freaked her out. They were wide open with a crazed look in them and deep red.

Elenia started shaking in fear at the same time as Seth. She didn't know what to do, they were helpless. The man that stood in front of them radiated danger.
"Who are you?" Seth asked him in a strong voice that showed no fear; Elenia was surprised.
"I need her blood," the creature said as his eyes focused on Elenia.
"Are you a Cullen?" Seth continued to ask.
"No. I need her blood," the sentence started to creep Elenia out ans she tried to back away but Seth still held her in place.

"Elenia," Seth said without taking his eyes off the vampire, "Take the backpack and don't move," Seth let the backpack he was carrying slide off his shoulders and Elenia caught it before it hit the ground with shaking hands, but her shaking hands couldn't compare to Seth's blurring body - he had to be terrified.

"Seth, NO!" Elenia yelled and tried to grab onto his arm as he flung himself towards the vampire.
She screamed as Seth exploded into gigantic sand colored wolf but her screams of fright was drowned out by Seth's earsplitting howling. The vampire started backing away from Seth before he took of running like a bullet; Seth was right in his heels.

Elenia fell to the ground and didn't bother to stand up - she was clinging to the backpack like it was a teddy bear. It felt like she had been sitting there for hours, but only fifteen minutes passed before she heard Seth's voice.
"Leni, throw the backpack to me," He said, Elenia could not see him but she threw the backpack weakly towards the spot she thought he was standing, she then clamped her eyes shut, scared of seeing the fearsome wolf.

Elenia jumped away in fear when she felt Seth's warm hand on her shoulder.
"Leni, it's okay," Seth said softly.
"Get away from me," She didn't dare to open her eyes. "Please don't touch me."
"Elenia, open your eyes. I'm still me," he lifted her head with a finger under her chin. "I won't hurt you."
"What happened?" her voice broke and she looked up to see him bending over her with a strange look in his eyes; he was on guard.

"I can't explain here, we have to get away from here," Seth looked around; he hadn't killed the vampire, he only chased him far away.
"Seth, tell me whats going on!" Elenia demanded and got up from the ground. She noticed he was only wearing a pair of gray sweats, he must have packed them in the backpack.
"You already know, Leni," he sighed and started walking behind Elenia. "Can I carry you? It's faster."

"No!" She said and turned around to glare at him. "You'll just explode into a- into a- A wolf Seth!" she stabbed her finger against his hard chest before twirling around and walking faster.
"Elenia!" Seth grabbed her arm to stop her.
"You have been lying to me!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. "I hate you!"
"No you don't Leni, you can't hate me," he told her.
"Stop telling me what to do and what to feel!" She tried to run away from him but Seth sabotaged her plan as he lifted her up in his arms. "Put me down!"

"Please don't yell, Leni," Seth said pleadingly and ran easily through the thick bush - but not too fast, he didn't want to freak her out.
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Loong chapter :)
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~ BreeVixen