Now on Tour!

Darker than Black

The day had gone by smoothly for the newly-formed band. It was a lazy day - a day spent doing absolutely nothing. Everyone was wiped out from the previous week, so it was much needed.

Everlasting was the first one inside after they had pul;led into the driveway of Nightshade's huge house.

"You know, you're so lucky to have such rich parents..." She grimaced, remembering the tiny apartment she had grown up in majo

"Yeah, I guess..." Nightshade replied with a shrug, he was use to it all.

"To change subjects," Primrose interrupted with a light squeal, "I still can't believe that we already have our first album out!"

Hawthorn came up to them, a guitar case slung around his back.

"Rose still excited?" He asked with a grin.

Primrose nodded, "I thought you said you wouldn't call me that anymore? You know it bugs me."

"You still call me Thorn at times..." He pointed out dryly.

"That's different," Primrose pouted, but couldn't contain her smile.

"How so?"

"I dunno..."


Valerian looked over at them from the bus and shook her head, "I'm living with crazies..."

Nightshade had heard her, "We aren't crazy!"

"Sure you're not. Just like we aren't in a band."

"We're in a band? Nightshade cracked a smile.

"I take it back. I'm living with idiots."

"You're mean," Everlasting smirked.

"I know I am," Valerian rolled her eyes and walked over to the rest of her bandmates, carrying her bass in one hand, "now - are we going inside or just gonna stand here enjoying the weather?"

"We're taking our time," Hawthorn laughed, "AND enjoying the weather."

"Glad. Now I AM going inside..." She left them standing there.

"Bitch!" Nightshade called out to her, clearly joking.

"Bastard!" Valerian yelled back at him without even turning around.

"I suppose we should go inside now..." Primrose nibbled gently on her lip as she took a step back towards the front door, before turning completely and entering the house.

"Yeah..." Hawthorn agreed and followed her in.

"Guess it's just me and you now..." Everlasting gave Nightshade a sexy smirk.

"Guess I'm fleeing - I mean going - inside now!" Nightshade ran inside leaving Everlasting outside, feeling rather defeated.

"Dude!" Hawthorn stopped him, "you don't leave a girl standing outside like that..."

"Don't worry about me, I'll just go get the mail..." Everlasting muttered loudly and walked over to the mailbox. She opened it, grabbed the mail, and walked back to the house.

Once there, she handed everything to Nightshade and walked away.

Nightshade shuffled through it, trying to see if there was anything besides bills or fanmail.

One particular envelope stood out. It had Bamboozle Roadshow written across the front of it. That was how Nightshade knew it was something special.

"G-Guys?" He said quietly at first, "GUYS?!"

Almost at once, everyone crowded around him, they could tell when Nightshade meant business and now was certainly one of those times.

"What happened?!" Primrose demanded.

"Who died?!" Everlasting flailed.

Hawthorn stood there; he already knew what is was. He had been watching Nightshade go through the mail.

Valerian was the only one that didn't give a shit either way.

"No one died... but I'm pretty sure we're invited on a tour - a huge one at that," Nightshade responded.

"WHAT TOUR?!" Primrose and Everlasting demanded at once.

"B-Bamboozle Tour..."

"Well? Read it then." Val folded her arms across her chest.

“Darker than Black - you've been chosen to participate in this year's Bamboozle Roadshow, along with several other bands. The roadshow will be held for a month, touring around the United States. We will all meet up in New York and we will start the tour from there."

"Holy fuck..." Everlasting blinked, a stupid grin on her face.

"Mmkay. I'm going upstairs now - to bed. Goodnight," Valerian sighed, and left.

"First tour. This'll be amazing!" Primrose giggled excitedly.

Band ten - Darker than Black - is now going on the Bamboozle Roadshow!
♠ ♠ ♠
Holy fruck - longest chapter EVER! :O
Hehehehe enjoy the randomness that are OCs!~<3
Okay. Comments and reviews - PLEASE! *glomps*