Summer at the Lake House

My first kiss

I looked around at everybody's expression and Miranda was confused wondering when this happened, Zack had a smile on his face which i kind of expected and Kristen had a disgusted look on her face. It was a very long awkward silence.

"You would be with her and not me. I am ten times pretty, richer, better and smarter." Wow that made me mad he better stand up for me or we are over even though we just started.

"You may be ten times richer, but Savannah is ten time prettier, better, smarter, and nicer." That's what i was hoping for. So i got by his side and hugged him. We both noticed that Kristen was starring at Miranda and Miranda noticed too.

"Starring is rude." Miranda said crossing her arms and giving her rude look that she gives to almost everyone she hates.

"Sorry it's just that your either fat or pregnant and if you are pregnant than you must be a whore." Miranda started crying and ran back home. She is worse than Lisa which i didn't think it was possible, but i guess it is. Zack gave me a look to go comfort Miranda, so i ran off to Miranda's house. When i got up to her room she was packing her stuff.

"What are you doing?" I asked because she can't let Kristen bring her down. That girl is like the biggest jerk I have ever met.

"Packing i don't like Kristen and she is going to make fun of me for the rest of summer and i can't handle that." She said with tears still coming out of her eyes.

"Who cares what she says and what she thinks." She stopped her packing looked at me with a serious face and said "I care because thats what everyone will say about me and that's the last thing i want." She continued to pack and i didn't know how to stop her or what to do.

"Miranda..." I didn't know what to say, but i saw Brad walking up to Miranda's house so i asked "why is Brad walking this way?"

"My parents want to talk to him and yeah." She said not even looking at me. I looked behind me and saw Brad behind me.

"Hey Savannah and Miranda. I wanted to clear myself up because..." HE tried to say something or explain something, but Miranda cut him off to yell at him. "Because of you i am going to be called a whore everyone is going to hate me and i just don't..." She went on and on trying to make Brad feel bad. Then Brad yelled out "We didn't have sex you the pregnant test must have been wrong okay. We did nothing. Maybe i got you drunk, but i did not get you pregnant i am not stupid."

Miranda shut up looked in her trash can a her pregnancy she took it out and saw the minus sign. She threw back in hugged Brad and couldn't believe it.

"How did you see a plus sign?" I asked because if it said minus than how was it possible it was a plus sign.

"Well i am a little dyslexic." She smiled and then she gave me a confused face.

"Your wondering what Kristen was saying when she called you fat aren't you?" I am wondering that too.

"Yeah she was probably just being mean." Miranda started to unpack everything.

Miranda and I went outside to tell Zack the good news and Brad left. From a distance we saw Zack and Kristen were flirting and i was not liking this. She noticed i was watching them and she got closer to him and Zack kind of scooted away, but she kept getting closer. Jenny came out and noticed that Kristen was with Zack.

"You lost Zack already?" She laughed and started to walk over there to meet the new girl. I really hate that girl. Once Jenny was there Zack got up and started to walk this way. I told Miranda i will be inside and that she can tell Zack not to bother me.

I decided to draw. I wasn't really mad at Zack, but the way they were sitting and laughing and getting along wasn't the greatest thing to see. Tyler scared me because i was starring outside then paying attention to anything else and he snook up behind me.

"Tomorrow i want to learn how to swim." Oh great can't he wait a year or two.

"i know i promised you, but i may not be able to keep that promise." I wish i didn't have to say that. I can't teach him when i am too scared to learn how to swim.

"You have never kept one promise. I hate you." He has never said those words to me and i never wanted him to. This has officially been the worst day ever.

It was night and i was sitting at the end of the doc just sticking me feet in the water which is freezing. This has not been the best day ever and i am feeling so down. Zack sat down next to me.

"So Miranda isn't pregnant." He said trying to start conversation.

"Yeah i guess she is dyslexic and thought the minus was a plus." I said trying not to look at him.

"I know you are mad at me, but nothing went on between us. I mean i have been trying to get with you ever since we first met and you finally call me your boyfriend and you think i would give all that up just to be with some rich spoiled brat?"

"I guess not." I said still kind of in a sad voice thinking about little Tyler.

"Something else is bothering you isn't it?" He said lifting up my head so that our eyes met.

"I promised Tyler to teach him how to swim, but today i told him that i don't think i can kepp that promise and he said he hated me."

"Well then i will teach you how to swim right here and right now." He stood up and but his hand out to help me up. I grabbed it and he helped me up.

"Right now, but its cold and i don't have my bathing suit on." I kind of didn't want to do this, but i felt like i needed to.

"So it will be fine." He jumped into the water and said "Don't worry i won't let anything happen to you. I will be right here if anything happens. Come on it's a beautiful night and perfect time for swimming." So i jumped in and he held on to me.

"I guess this isn't so bad." Even though it was freezing i felt warm with Zack right by my side. Then he began to splash me, so that meant war. I wanted to end this war, so i got out jumped in and made a big splash. Then Zack grabbed me put my hair behind me ear and kissed me. It was like a dream come true and it was perfect. Then he began to splash me again and the war was back on.