Closing Your Eyes Won't Make Me Disappear

The Tenth Question

"Now that we've weeded out the worst of the slackers...let's move on to the most important question.Forty-five minutes have passed.The time has come,correct?Get ready for the tenth question!"
My eyes open slowly.A yawn escapes as I saw my vision all blurry.I rubed my eye and glanced around and then back to the front."And before we get to the question itself...I'm adding one more new rule,"he says to them and I frown.Another one?
The door opens and I glance to see a sand ninja there with a procter behind him."Looks like you're just in luck.The time you've spent playing with dolls hasn't been completely wasted.Don't worry about it.Sit down,"Ibiki orders him and he goes back to his seat.I frown as I look back infront.Dolls?
"Let me explain.This must choose..whether to accept or reject this tenth question!"Ibiki says and I frown again.Accept or reject?What is he saying?Who would be dumb enough to not accept it?
"Ch-choose?What happens if someone doens't accept the question?!"a sand ninja girl shouts over to him."If you reject the question and don't even try to answer it.You'll lose all your points immedietly and fail.And both of your teammates will fail right along with you,"he says over to us and I sighed.Then why would they want to reject it?"Say what?!"
"Then why would anyone choose to reject it?!"
"Because..."Ibiki starts as he looks down at the ground and then back at us,"of the other rule."I shake my head puting it in my hands.How many rules are there?!
"If you try to answer the question and you get it wrong-you will never be permitted to apply for the journeyman ninja exams again.Not ever!"he declares to us and my eyes widen immedietly.Is he serious?I couldn't back down but what if I get the question wrong,then I'll never be able to enter in he exams again."Ready?Then let's begin.Those who choose not to accept should raise their hands.Oncetheir number has been confirm,they will leave the room,"he starts snaping me back to them.Silent filled the air and slowly people started to raise their hands and leaving.I watched as they got up and walked out the room.I glanced over at Naruto wondering if he would raise his hand.He wanted to be hokage.And I saw how he talked about it on and on throuhg out these days of being in a team with him.I couldn't let him give up his dream forever.Even my goal can be reached without having to be in these exams.Just like in the Bushido,you don't have to be reconized to be the best,we don't need titles or money to acknoledge who we are.It's our law.I sighed as I start to bring my hand up but before I could even put it fully on the air Naruto's hand shoots up.My eyes widen at the sight.
Then it slamed on the desk as he flew up."Never underestimate me!I don't quit and I won't run!I'll accept your stupid question!Even if I risk ending up a rookie for the rest of my life...I'll still become Lord Hokage,even if I can only make it by pure stubbornness.I don't care!I'm not afraid of you!"Naruto shouts over to Ibiki and I sighed shaking my head but smiled.
"I'll ask you one last time.This is a decision that could affect the rest of your life.Quit now,while you still have the chance,"Ibiki says looking straight at Naruto."I never go back on my word.That' shinobi way!"Naruto shouts back at him determined.
'Eighty-four of them are still entertaining kid.And interesting,he dispelled everyone else's doubts along with his own.More than I expected but...there's no point in draging it out.Thanks to one else will quit'Ibiki thinks looking over at the proctors who nod at him to continue."Good call.So everyone who is still here...You've just passed the first exam!"
My eyes widen as I stumbled slightly back."So...all eighty-four of you who are still've just passed the first exam,"Ibiki repeats looking at us."What do you mean pass?When did that happen?What about the tenth question?!"Sakura asks as confused as the rest of us."There is no tenth question.Beyond the whole accept or reject thing,"Ibiki says now grining at us."Hey!Then why did we have to suffer thorugh the other nine questions?!That was a total waste of our time!"another girl shouts at him."There was no waste.Those questions had a purpose,which they've already served,"Ibiki explains to her as she sits back down though still persistent."Such as?"
"Our goal was to test your spying!"
I knew it.A smirk raises on my lips as I lean back.Sometimes I surprise myself.I glance back at Ibiki,a grin playing on his lips.He seems diffrent now."...Our skills at spying?"
"Remember the rules at the beggining?You pass or faul as part of a three-man cell.With that rule,I pressured you with the dear anything you did wrong..would bring your teammates down with you,"he continues to explain to us."You know,I kinda figures that was it,"Naruto says crossing his hands over his chest and I sighed but smiled.He's so full of it.
"However...the questions are beyond the level that junior ninja could be expected to handle.So most of you...have reached that same conclusion..had only one wat of retaining your points by chceating.In other words...we set up the test on the assumption you'd cheat and,to ensure there would be suitable targets for you to cheat from,we snuck in a pair of ringers...two journey man who already knew all the answers,"he says over to us looking at two guys who looked up with a smirk."It took me forever to figure out who they were!"a guy says far away."Oh,yeah,me too."
"Yeah!It was obvious!Any idiot could tell!"Naruto shotus laughing slightly nervously and I sighed puting my head on my fist that was leaned against the table."Of course,anyone who cheated in a clumsy or obvious way...failed,"he said as he reached up to his bandana and started to undo it.My eyes widen when he takes it off and his scars are show.I touch my three scars on my cheek and jawline immedietly."Because there may be circumstances where being caught in an act of espionage can cost you more than just your life.You can pay in ways that can be taken form you little by little,time and tiem again,when many lives hang in the balance,"he says and I coudln't take my eyes from his scars.I felt the urge to touch all my scars but the shock and fear had frozen me to place as the memories flooded back.Burn scars...punctures....slashes...he was tortured.
"The information you obtain can't be trusted...if you can't keep your presence secret from the enemy.Learn that and learn it well,"he continues puting the bandana back on his head.I let out the breathe that I was holding and shake my head to shake the feeling away.
"If you bring back intelligence from a suspect source or a compromise're doing your enemies' work for them,putting those you serve in danger.That is why we maneuvered you into using your espionage skills to cheat.It was the quickest way of weeding out the stupdents whose skills aren't yet up to snuff,"he says to us."Okay..but what was the deal with the tenth question?"she asks him still confused about it causing Ibiki to smile."Ah!the tenth question...was the first real test on the exam,"he declares to us and I frown.What did he mean?"Let me explain...the tenth question...was a choice between two options...that were both difficult and dangerous.Those who chose to reject were failed and their friends along with them.Those who chose to accept and couldn't answer the question...lost any chance of ever even trying again.It was a nasty,unfair,no-win set of option.So why did I present them?LEt's suppose you all go on to successfully attain the rank of chunin.You are assigned to steal a vital enemy document...knowing nothing about the skills,deployment,or military preparedness of your foe.You may have to cross a territory that has been heavily minded and set with you accept your mission?Or do you reject it...rather than place your own life-or the lives of your companions-in jeopardy?Could any chunin get away with only taking on the safe jobs?Of course not!No matter how dangerous the risk...there willl be missions that you cannot decline.A ninja must demonstrate valor that inpires those around him...helping all to overcome their fear.This is the ralent that we most value in the commander of a chunin cell!Those who can't gamble with their own fate...who would trade today's certain risk for tomorow's uncertain future...never taking the chance that lies before them are weaklings who make only weak and easy decisions.In my opinion,they don't belong in the ranks of the chunin at all!By choosing to accept you answered the almost-insoluble tenth question correctly.If you keep that spirit,you can probably conquer all of the many doubts and difficulties you'll face.You've passed the first hurdle.Part one of the chunin selection exam is now concluded.I'll pray you fight the good fight!"
"Yeah!!!!You do that!Go pray!"Naruto shouts standing up and I sighed at my teammate.Suddenly I snaped my eyes to the window just as the window crashed open and a figure came flying in.The black poster unfolds from the person and piercing itself to the ceiling and spread open with a figure infront of it."None of you are in any position to celebrate!"
My eyes widen slighly at the woman standing there glaring at us coldly."I am the second chief examination officer...Mitarashi Anko!Time's a-wastin' people,let's go!"she snaps rasiing her hand,"Follow me!"
"Can't you sense the mood in here?"Ibiki mutters looking from behind the poster.I frown looking at the woman.Her aura reminded me of Naruto's in a wierd way."Eighty-four of you are still here?!"she snaps glancing over to us before turning her glare to Ibiki,"Ibiki!You passed twenty-eight teams?!Obviously you went way to easy on them!"
"This year we have applicants of exceptional caliber,"he tells her causing her to scoff looking back at us."Yeah right.I'll cut down the number by half before the next is done,"she says smirking looking at us seeming exitedly.
I frown slightly at her.Someone about her was dark though she seemed to not have nothing evil about her,there was something off on her.It was like a lock or something.It came from her neck."Oh!I get charged up just thinking about it!I'll explain thigns in detail as soonas we move to our next follow me!"