Closing Your Eyes Won't Make Me Disappear

Pass? Fail? What?

"Give it up you three...none of you will ever be a ninja!"
I crossed my arms trying to stay in control at the anger that was building up inside of me.He can't be the one to tell us what we can and can't be!
"What do you mean give up?!Give me a break!Okay so maybe none of us got our hands on one of your stupid bells but why the heck should we quit over that?!"Naruto shouts over at Kakashi angrily.For the first time,I agreed with the idiot.
I glanced at Naruto who was struggling against the ropes where he was tied up.Kakashi explained that Naruto tried to to eat the lunches before time was up.
"Because not one of you has what it takes!"Kakashi states plainly at us causing Sasuke to snap.
He charges at Kakashi angrily and I stiffen slightly.In a quick move,Kakashi tackles Sasuke down and sits on top of him holding one of his hand to his back."What you are is a trio of spoiled brats..."Kakashi says over to us causeing more anger to go through me and I snaped."You cannot say things about anyone of us if you don't know every single detail about us!I can see why my father talked so badly about ninja now!All you care about is which one out of all is the strongest,"I growl glaring back at him and he looks at me with a cold stare.It angered me that he put us against each other just for a stupid bell that will mean nothing for us in the future.
"Are you trying to make fun of shinobi with your behavior?"
I cross my arms tighter and looked away."Well,are you?Did you even stop to wonder for on minute...why you were divided into teams?"Kakashi says and my eyes widen slightly as realization hit me.
"Obviously not.So you missed the entire point of the exercise."
"It had a point?!"Naruto exclaimss cluelessly looking at us for an explanation but I just remained quiet.We had been divided into teams so we'd be put to the test of teamwork.It sounded stupid at first but I get it now.But still...that goes against the Bushido.
"Of course.And that point determines whether or not you would succeed,"Kakashi says over to him."Then what is it?!"he whines impatiently.
"I don't beleive this..."he says looking at us with a disbelieving look and I just rolled my eyes."It's teamwork,"I finally say starting to get annoyed at all this.I didn't have the time to waste my time tlaking about what I could've done.I needed to get stronger now."You wanted us to work together to get the bells,right?"I quesiton looking at Kakashi who nods confirming it."If you knew,then why didn't you do it?!"Sasuke snaps glaring over at me still under Kakashi.I glared back at him again."I didn't know till now,imbecile.And I don't have to tell you anything,you should now by youself,"I snap back at him and he glares even more."Making a play as an indiviual is bad for the team and exposes you combrades to unnessesary danger.You might as well kill's an example.Gina,kill Naruto or Sasuke dies!"Kakashi suddenly shouts puting a kunai to Sasuke's neck."What?!"Naruto exclaims while I just tense up slightly nerved."If he hadn't been in the way,the situation would'nt have happened in the first place,"I say over to him as Kakashi lets go of Sasuke while still looking at me."The day will come when one of you may be taken hostage and you're forced to make such a choice,whether what your beliefs are.When you are on a mission,your lives will always be on the line,"he says as he turns to walk over to the K.I.A rock."Look at the marker...all the names carved in the stone.Heroes of our village.Ninja,"he says looking at it and then back at us."That's it!I just made up my mind!I'm not gonna throw my life away!I want to be like them!A hero!There's where I want my name to go!"Naruto shoughts and I let out a sigh.
"But the ones listed there aren't just any heroes..."Kakashi mutters.
"Really?!What kind?!"Naruto shouts impatiently and exited.I let out a sigh at how dumb he could be."Killed in action.They're dead,"I finally say looking at the ground."It's a memorial,"Kakashi adds confirming what I had said causing Naruto's smile to fade away,"It includes the names of my best friends."
"Listen up.I'm giving you all one last chance.One that will be far more difficult than our last little game with the bells,"Kakashi says turning to look at us.He explains that we could eatbut we couldn't give anything to Naruto or we all failed.Finally,he disapeared.I looked at the food in my hands.
"Hey,this'll be a breeze.I can go without lunch!No problem!"Naruto says grining determingly but his stomache disagreed when it started to growl hugrnily.
I looked down at my food.I wasn't as hugnry thanks to the riceball.I let out a sigh as I take the tray in one hand and put it out for Naruto."Here."
"B-but Kakashi-sensai said-"
"Just eat.I can last longer without food than you,"I say glancing at him as he still looked unsure."But what if-"
"She's right.Your no good if you're just going to be a liability,"Sasuke says glancing at us.
I glanced back at Naruto who grined and noded.I let out a sigh realizing I had to feed him since he was tied up.I grab a piece of fod with the chopsticks and put it infront of Naruto."Here,"I say and he looked slightly embarrassed but hungrily ate it.In a blink of an eye,Kakashi appeared by us which took me by surprise that I stumbled back slightly and droped the tray on the floor."You...!!!!"
I stumbled back and held onto the log to regain my balance before looking back at Kakashi who was now smilng at us.
I looked at Kakashi as he starts to explain about teamwork and thinks.The lecture bored me and soon it was time to go back home."Let's go!"
We all started to walk away from Naruto who was shouting about being a ninja and everything.
"Uh...hey guys?I'm still tied up here!"
I sighed glanceing back.I walked over to him taking a kunai out and sliceing the rops from him causing him to fall down."Thanks Gina!"he says dusting hismelf as he gets up.
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