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A Tear In Her Dress, John O'Callaghan.

Her eyes, but his smile.

I crawled into bed and faced the window. I thought about how weird it was today for fans that kept a low profile. I waited till Shane fell asleep to get on the computer. It was finally around one, when he did fall asleep.

I got up and crept downstairs, careful not to wake up Gracie. Felix his cat was running through my legs, I picked him up and walked to the computer. I set Felix in my lap and brought up Google.

Does John O’Callaghan from The Maine have a kid?

Sent. I smirked, his fans never fail do they? Already five yahoo questions. I looked at the replies. It amazed me, how well these fans do research. They already figured out the name and everything. I shook my head and smiled, “Wow.”


I was walking with John and Sophia through the town. We were discussing some plans with her birthday. Sophia was too caught up in, feeding the birds. Sophia hopped and followed the birds, John looked at her, “Sophia! Get back on the sidewalk.”

Sophia looked up and pouted. She climbed back on the sidewalk and tried to coax the birds to come back up. I smiled at him, “Wow, your doing a rather good job.” I looked back at Sophia. Call me crazy but the more I looked at her the more I saw John.

John shrugged, “Hey, I have to do a good job, don’t I?”

I nodded, “Yeah. Its weird though, to see you take on responsibility.” I glanced over at Sophia, “Sophia LynnRose. Get back on the sidewalk.”

Sophia pouted again and came running to us, “Mommy, I want a bird.”

I laughed and shook my head, “Honey, I’m not getting you a bird.”

She stuck out her bottom lip, “But, why? Birdies are so pretty and they can fly.”

John chuckled, “So are butterflies, but you don’t want one.”

Sophia nodded, “Exactly! I want a bird.”

Two elder ladies passed by and stopped to admire Sophia. One of them looked at me, “How old is the dear?” She had a bonnet on her head.

“Four, turning five.”

The other one nodded, “She’s beautiful,” She studied Sophia, “Gots her mother’s eyes, but her fathers smile.”

The one with the bonnet nodded, “Oh but of course. She’s got his hair too, and don’t forget to mention that frame of hers. He’s skinny and small, while the mother is busty and fit. The little girl’s got her fathers figure.”

The one nodded and pulled her friend along, “Oh, yes. Its wonderful to see such young couples still together with they’re young.”

I turned to John and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear, “Well that was awkward.”

John nodded, “Yeah, if they only knew…we aren't together.”


Sophia tugged on my shirt, “Mommy, do I really look like daddy?”

I smiled and brushed her hair out of her face, “Yeah, you look a lot like your dad.”

Sophia smiled brightly, “Yay, I like looking like daddy.” She started skipping and we followed.
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