Status: comments please?

A Tear In Her Dress, John O'Callaghan.

Cheating Is A Crime.

I stood at the park in front of John. He looked at me in confusion, “What's up? You sounded a bit upset on the phone.”

I sighed, “Shane got really mad that we’re spending to much time together.”

John stuck his hands in his jacket, “Does he know that its for Sophia?”

“Yeah, and I told him. If Sophia wanted me with her when she sees you, then I’m going to be there.”

John raised an eyebrow, “Sophia wants you to be there when she’s with me? Why? I’m not a bad guy.”

I half smiled, “I know, I think its because she wants it to feel like a real family.” I bit my lip, “I only know this, because….when she plays with her dolls. She makes the mom and dad us. In her world, we’re married and we love each other. And, if Shane ever finds out…he’ll be pissed.”

John shrugged, “Well, he shouldn’t be. It’s her mom and its her dad and not to mention she’s almost five. She has an imagination, he shouldn’t take what she does seriously.”

I walked forward and sat on the bench, “I know, but lately…things haven’t been the same.”

He sat down and faced me, “When you mean lately, do you mean before I came back or when I came back.”

I didn’t want to meet his eyes, “When you came back. I’ve been doubting this whole relationship with Shane, and don’t get flattered. Its just seeing Sophia so happy, I mean really happy…makes me think……she might not want me to get married to Shane.”

John sighed, “Elsie, Sophia may look a hell of a lot like me. But she’s got your heart, she cant stand to make other people upset and she’s only four. She wont tell you that you shouldn’t marry Shane, despite if I’m her father.”

I nodded, “Maybe. And the worst part is, I still don’t think I’m over you.” I got up and walked over to the swings. I bit my lip and started hitting myself mentally. If I did physically, then I would look like an idiot.

John was on his knees and in front of me, “What did you say?”

I slouched and looked at him, “Your really going to make me say that again?”

He smirked, “Maybe, what was it that you said? Cause it almost sounded like you said you don’t think your over me.”

I nodded, “Ah, but you forgot the beginning, the worst part.”

John kept his smirk, “I know, I wanted to keep that part out.” He was inches away from my face. I mean inches, not how they say inches and really mean normal inches apart. I mean inches as in I could lick his nose.

“John….what am I going to do?” My voice was squeaking, and he knew…that mother fucker knew he was making me nervous.

“Well, theres a couple things you can do. Which one will you choose?” He was testing me.

I looked around then with all my force pressed my lips onto his. It was so forceful that we both fell to the ground. Him on his back and me on his stomach. He was kissing me back, running his hand through my hair. I at that moment was giving myself the worst bitch out in the history of bitch fits.

I pulled away, fast and got up. I pressed my fingers into my head, “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” I could not believe I had just made out with the guy that I had a kid with, okay naturally that wouldn’t sound bad…unless I was engaged to a different guy. Yes, then that sounds bad.

John whistled, “Wow, Els. Didn’t really think you’d go ahead and do it.”

I walked over to him and hit him in the chest, “You fucker. I hate how you manipulate everything. I really hope you get hit by a bus.”

John nodded, “Okay, go on.”

I threw my hands in the air, “UGH! You think your so fucking hot and you take advantage of everything.”

He kept nodding, “And?”

I looked at him and glared, “And I hate how you waltzed back into my life, without any warning. And I hate how this may effect my relationship status! Fuck you!”

John pulled me into and whispered in my ear, “Gladly.” He pressed his lips back onto mine.

“Fuck you,” I mumbled it right before.
♠ ♠ ♠

I better be getting some fucking COMMENTS
now, bitches.

Cause if i dont, i'm deleting this story.
Think i'm playing.