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A Tear In Her Dress, John O'Callaghan.

Marry you when?!

I walked into the house with grocery’s and was cursing myself out in my head. I started putting them away and groaned. I leaned against the counter and jumped when Shane starting screaming my name.


“I’m going to fucking kill you, Els.” His eyes were bulging and it was clearly he wasn't kidding.

I took out a knife and put it up to him, “What! What is it, this time!?”

Shane tried to get around the whole knife, but failed. “What the fuck is with you, Elsie? You cheated on me? With John!”

I closed my eyes and reopened them quickly, “Shane, it was an accident. I didn’t want to tell you, well because…I wanted it to be like it never happened. And you’d never trust me again, I’m so sorry!”

Shane balled his fist and hit the wall, “You’re a fucking liar, Elsie. A fucking liar. You said you didn’t like John, and what do you do? You kiss him!”

I screamed in frustration, “I said I’m fucking sorry! I know it doesn’t count, Shane. But the fact that I’m having horrible guilt is killing me, what do you want me to do now!”

Shane started to calm down, he gave me this angry smirk. “IF you don’t have any feelings for John. Marry me.”

I raised an eyebrow and lifted my right hand which held my engagement ring, “HELLO. I’m engaged to you!”

He nodded, “Yes, I know. But Marry me now.”

I shook my head, “Uh, I still have a dream to get a dress and get married properly!”

He crossed his arms, “Fine. Marry me next month. We’ll make arrangements.”

I dropped the knife and stood there shocked. This could go only two ways. One I say yes and marry the man I am now having second doubts with. Or two, say no and get forced to spill that I really do like John.

I looked down, I sighed. “Fine. I’ll marry you next month.”


I walked up to John’s house, feeling like shit. I mean honestly, I was being stupid for letting John kiss me like that. I was so out of it, that I didn’t even realize he opened the door.

“Uh, Els? Are you okay?”

I looked up and shook my head, “N-no. I’m not okay.” I looked up at his beautiful face, “John….Shane found out, and he said..”

He raised an eyebrow, “And he said?”

I knew he was waiting for the worse, “I had to marry him next month or he actually never said or. But, he was scaring me.” I looked down at my feet, I knew that John’s mood was going to change, completely.

“Right, well. I don’t see why this is such a big deal. You were going to marry him anyway.” I opened the door more and let me in. Like I had predicted, his mood was a bit sour.

I looked at Sophia who was currently sitting on John’s couch with Sprinkles in hand. “Hey, Soph. You ready to go?”

Sophia looked up and smiled, “Mommy!” She hopped off the couch and hugged me, “Mommy, I taught Sprinkles to sing Happy Birthday. C’mon Sprinkles. Happy Birthday to you-“ The bird started to whistle the tune, it was pretty rad.

I smiled, “Wow, Soph. That’s really cool. Um, we have to go now.”

Sophia’s face turned upside down, “Awe, really? We were having so much fun.” The look she made at John, really broke my heart.

I looked at John then back at Sophia, “Uh. Sophia, you can come back, later. We just have to go.”

Sophia nodded in defeat. She ran upstairs to get her bird cage and backpack. John nodded, “So, when are you going to tell her?”

“John, I-I don’t want to get married so fast. Hell, I’m not even ready.” I hugged myself. I really wasn't ready to marry Shane. But, what made it worse. Was I would jump for joy if John asked me to marry him right away.

John shrugged, “Well, I cant say anything to make this better.”

I looked at the car, where Shane was waiting patiently. I looked back at John and noticed my attraction to Shane, wasn't even cutting it close to my attraction to John. “Oh, theres a lot of things you could say.” I grabbed Sophia’s backpack and headed out the door.


“Shellie, none of them are perfect. None.” Actually all of them were perfect. But none of them were perfect for Shane’s wedding. All of these were absolutely perfect if me and John were getting married.

Shellie tapped her head in frustration, “Dude. You’ve got to be kidding. There has to be at least ONE that you like.”

I walked through the isle and let my hand glide, I felt beads, satin, fluffy, soft, rough, and then at last smooth. I stopped and looked at it. It was beautiful. It was a strapless trumpet gown with a draped bodice with crystal chandelier beading. I looked at it and day dreamed how perfect it would look next to John in a tux. I sighed this was going to have to do, “Perfect.”

Shellie waltzed over and smiled, “Ohmygod, Elsie fucking Hansen. This is super duper sexy. You guys are gonna have a spanking honeymoon.”

My eyes popped at that, and I looked at Shellie, “Oh shit, I totally forgot about the honeymoon.” I started freaking out, “Shellie! He’s going to try to get me pregnant….i cant deal with that.”

Shellie rolled her eyes, “You’ve done it once, and you can do it again.”

I nodded and gave her a sarcastic face, “Yeah, defiantly. Considering my first child is not a daughter to my fiancée. Then I pop out another one, who later in life gets confused on why his or her sister goes to see a different dad. Perfect!”

Shellie rose an eyebrow, “Well did you expect to have only one kid?”

“Uh yeah! I didn’t even want one in the first place, Shellie.” I groaned and grabbed the dress. I walked over to the little play area where Sophia was. “Come on, Sophia.”

Sophia looked really distant the last couple of days. “Okay.” She followed me over to the cash register. She was really quiet, unless she was with John.

I bent down and looked at Sophia in the eyes, “Soph, what's wrong?”

She shook her head furiously, “Nothing, mommy. Just didn’t think you’d be getting married to Shane so soon. Its making my head a little spinnie.”

I knew she was lying, but I didn’t push her, “Okay, baby. But if something’s bothering you, you gotta tell me.” She nodded her head, “I’m serious, Soph.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Last Chapter is going to be the next one i post.
New comments please<3.

WHO'S IS GONNA BE? Shane? Or John?
I want you to predict for me. Cause you might
get a twist.

OH? And favors in Sequel?
I got an idea for one. But you tell me.