Status: Done! One shot.

Sweetest Syn


Rachel slammed her fist against the steering wheel as some idiot cut her off. It was one of those days where nobody seemed to know how to drive. She mumbled curses under her breath and tried to concentrate on not killing everybody on the road. By the grace of God she managed to get home without her road rage getting out of control.

She slammed the door to her car shut and pressed the auto lock button on her key ring. Her neighbor was sitting in a lounge chair in his front yard. He smiled at Rachel and she grimaced back.

“Rough day?” he asked, pulling off his shades. Rachel groaned.

“You have no fucking idea,” she said.

“Come over here and tell Brian all about it.” Brian patted the chair next to him and Rachel sat down.

“I swear everybody driving today got their licenses out of a cracker jack box. I got cut off three times on the drive home from work alone!”

“Let me guess, work sucked too?”

Rachel looked at Brian with an are-you-kidding look. He just smiled. She couldn’t help but smile back, his smile was so contagious. She’d never really been this close to Brian before. Now that she was, she noticed that he had beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

“Yes, but now that I am home, I can finally relax.”

“What’s your idea of relaxing?”

Rachel took a minute to think before answering. “I don’t know. Maybe take a nice long bubble bath. Watch a good movie with a friend.” Brian laughed.

“Okay, well how bout you take that bath then get ready for a party? I have my friends coming over and there will be plenty of alcohol. What better way to relax than with a few beers?” Rachel pretended to think. Brian grinned and pushed her shoulder. Finally she agreed.

“Okay, what time?”

“Well, the guys are coming over in about an hour but the party don’t start until nine.”

Rachel said she would be there, and walked across the two yards to her house that she shared with her two friends. Neither were home to make her day any better; Emily was out of town visiting her parents for her mom’s birthday and Jody had volunteered to be a mentor at some type of summer camp. She went ahead and took her bath, but it didn’t relieve any of her tension. When the water turned cold she got out. She got dressed, put on make up, and realized she had time to spare.

She really didn’t feel like sitting in a big empty house all by herself, so she decided to go over to Brian’s house early. A tall guy that Rachel recognized as one of Brian’s friends answered the door. He picked Rachel up in a hug and spun her around.

“Brian! There’s an adorable midget at your front door!” He yelled while still holding Rachel off the ground.

“I am not a midget!” Rachel squeaked as Brian came into sight.

“Jimmy, put her down.” A pouting Jimmy set Rachel back on her feet and marched off into another room.

“Hey, you’re early.” Brian smiled, making Rachel smile again.

“Yeah, I had nothing better to do,” she said with a shrug.

“Come on,” Brian said and grabbed her hand. “Come meet the rest of the guys.”

Brian pulled Rachel into a living room where four other guys sat. She was introduced to Zacky, Johnny, Matt, and Jimmy. Jimmy waved spastically when he was pointed out. Other than Jimmy, the guys seemed fairly chill in Rachel’s opinion. They all sat back and talked and laughed. Rachel felt very comfortable.

“So, Rach, how was your bath?” Brian asked. Rachel rolled her eyes at the other guys’ snickering.

“It was okay, but it didn’t help relax me any. I’m still tense.”

“Come here,” Brian said and patted his lap. Rachel arched an eyebrow at him. “I promise I don’t bite.” Rachel laughed and sat on his knees.

“What are you planning, Brian?” she asked skeptically.

Brian began to massage her shoulders and Rachel was lost for words. The only things she could say was, ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’. Johnny and Zacky were whooping and whistling. Jimmy just whined about he never got massages. Rachel flipped them off and closed her eyes. Her stress seemed to melt away under Brian’s fingers.

“How do you feel now?” Brian asked sometime later.

“That was nothing short of amazing,” Rachel said and went to get up.

Brian stopped her from moving by wrapping his arms around her waist. She attempted to stand again, but Brian didn’t let go. So she leaned back and relaxed. Brian continued talking to the guys and Rachel just closed her eyes. Brian was comfortable.

Time seemed to fly and soon enough people started to arrive with alcohol. Before Rachel knew it, the guys had scattered and beer pong was being played. Brian stayed by her, and made sure she always had a beer in her hand. She kept accepting the alcohol, even though she knew she was a at her limit. She was feeling good, though, and didn’t want to lose the great buzz the alcohol had created.

“You should play a game of beer pong with me,” Brian said to her. She laughed.

“I’ve never played it before, I’ll suck. Plus, I’m too drunk.”

“That’s good, beginners always get lucky and being drunk helps because you aren’t over thinking your shots.”

Rachel sighed and nodded and Brian told the current players that he called the winning team. She watched the people currently playing, trying to memorize the rules so she wouldn’t break any of them. It took forever yet not long enough for one of the teams to win. She and Brian took their places across the table from the winning team, and Brian handed her a little white ball. Brian let her go first and she stepped up nervously. She mimicked the stance she’d seen most of the guys doing, focused on the cups, tossed the ball and.. Missed.

It continued on like that, her missing and Brian making the only shots. Thankfully the game stayed fairly even so shed didn’t feel bad that she was making Brian lose. The cups were starting to dwindle and she was feeling more and more drunk.

“Rachel, you have to make at least one cup or you have to flash the other team.” Brian told her.

“What?!” she nearly squeaked as he handed her a ping pong ball.

“Just don’t miss.” He grinned and she scoffed.

“Not as easy as it looks,” she muttered.

Luckily for her she made the shot, but missed the rest of the game. Brian continued to be the pro. When the other team was down to one cup, Brian sunk the ball right in. The other team missed their redemption shot, and Brian and Rachel won the game. Rachel cheered and hugged Brian.

“That was fun!” she said.

“I know, that’s why I convinced you to play.”

The party didn’t end until around four in the morning. Rachel sat slumped in a chair, nearly falling asleep. Brian walked over and shook her slightly. She sat up straight and smiled at him. Brian smiled back and held out a hand to help her up. She accepted his hand, but fell against him laughing when she was on her feet.

“Rachel, are you going to be ok going home? You can just crash here if you want,” Brian offered.

“No, no,” she denied, “But you may need to help me unlock my door and get me to my room. I can’t stand right.”

Brian helped a giggly and clumsy Rachel across the yard to her house. He took her keys and unlocked her door. She stumbled through and almost fell, but Brian caught her before she made a face plant. Rather than drag her, Brian scooped Rachel up in his arms and carried her down the hallway to her bedroom. Very gently he laid her on her bed. Rachel laughed softly and threw her arms around Brian’s neck, stopping him from moving.

“You’re so pretty, Brian,” she whispered and he chuckled softly.

“I’m pretty? Shouldn’t I be handsome, since I’m a guy?” he asked.

“Yeah, but you’re pretty, for a guy.”

Brian just laughed and Rachel ran her fingers through his silky, black hair. Brian sighed contently and leaned closer to her face, before stopping and looking in her eyes. She smiled her consent and he kissed her. Rachel’s whole body lit on fire just by her lips touching his. He ran his hands up and down her body, making the fire burn hotter.

Brian was feeling the heat, as well. He wanted nothing more than to show Rachel just hot she made him, but he knew she was way more drunk than he was. The way she tugged on his hair and the way her skin felt under his hands was driving him insane, but he had to stop. It took all his strength to pull away from her. Rachel lay beneath him, shirt nearly off and breathing heavily.

“I can’t do this, Rachel,” he said in a ragged whisper.

“Yes, yes you can. I know you’re feeling what I’m feeling. You want it too!” She tried to pull him into another kiss, but he stopped her.

“No, Rachel. I mean, yes, I want you too. You have no idea how much, but..” He stopped, not knowing how to say what he wanted to say. The alcohol was screwing with his brain.

“But what, Brian?”

“I don’t want to take advantage of you. You’re drunk,” he told her.

“So are you. We’re both drunk, so its not taking advantage,” she tried to persuade him. He groaned; the longer he stayed the lower his willpower got.


“Just kiss me, Brian.”

His will to be good broke. He took her lips in a kiss that made her gasp and cling to him. One hand fisted in his hair and the other slid around his back. Brian’s hands trailed all over her body, taking her clothes with them. His clothes weren’t far behind. Her body molded perfectly to his, like it was meant to be with his. Her gasps and moans drove him to another level of pleasure, one he hadn’t felt before.

Rachel cried out as she climaxed, tightening around Brian. Brian cursed and groaned out Rachel’s name as he hit his own climax. The rode out their orgasms in pure bliss. Rachel sighed and curled up against Brian after he pulled out. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead before falling asleep.


Rachel groaned upon waking up. Her head was pounding and the light burned her eyes. She tried to roll over but a pair of arms around her waist prevented that. She gasped and sat up as much as she could. Brian lay next her, both of their clothes on the floor.

“Oh my God, Brian!” she squealed. Brian’s eyes snapped open, but he promptly shut them, cursing the light. “Brian, this is no time to worry about your hangover!”

“I know,” he grumbled and squinted at her, trying to block the sun but look at her at the same time. She had her sheet clutched around her like in a cliché movie scene.

“Do you remember what happened?” she asked quietly.

“Vividly,” he said with a grin from ear to ear. Rachel groaned and fell back on the bed. “What’s wrong?”

“I was hoping you’d say no so that I could fall back asleep until you leave and pretend this was all a dream.”

“Why?” Brian frowned.

“Because guys like you don’t lay awake waiting for girls like me to wake up after a one night stand! Guys like you grab their shit and run for the door, hoping girls like me wake up wondering what the hell happened with who.” Rachel took a deep breath after her rant.

“Guys like me? Am I being generalized or stereotyped?” Brian laughed at how cute Rachel looked when flustered.

Then again, Brian always thought Rachel looked cute. She was cute when she smiled, and when she laughed. She was cute when she was pissed off and had road rage. She was cute when she was drunk, and when she’s just woken up from a rowdy night.

“You’re laughing at me.” Rachel pouted at Brian.

“Only a little.”

Brian stared at Rachel smiling and Rachel stared back still pouting. Finally Rachel cracked and smiled back at him. He smiled even wider and leaned in, placing a sweet kiss on Rachel’s lips.

“Now I definitely know I’m going to wake up and this will be a dream,” she mumbled, eyes still closed. Brian laughed again.

“I am dream worthy, aren’t I?” Brian said, sliding a hand down his bare chest.

Rachel scoffed and smacked him on the arm, making him laugh again. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into him. She relaxed and rested her head against his chest. She tried to fight her tiredness, but the remnants of alcohol made it nearly impossible. Plus, her head was hurting. She tried unsuccessfully not to yawn.

“Go back to sleep, Rachel.” Brian whispered, laying her down and tucking her into himself. “I’ll still be here when you wake up, I promise.”

Rachel fell asleep smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you like it lovely!